Queen of Apostles School
Term 4 Week 6 - Thursday 16 November, 2023

Term 3 Week 9 - Thursday 12th September 2024
Lord Jesus Christ,
Bless the children coming forward to receive Holy Communion for the first time.
May this day be the step toward a life-long love of the Eucharist.
Give them a hunger for this sacred food so that they turn to you for comfort, guidance, and wisdom as they grow into full discipleship.
Thank you for their innocence and goodness.
May their hands, extended in anticipation of your body and blood, inspire all of us to cherish this sacred Sacrament.
Dates to Remember
Open Night
It was great to welcome our families to school and the classrooms last night. There was a real buzz in the air with many excited children taking their family members on a journey around the school. Each of the classrooms really looked fantastic and it was great to see the wonderful work the students have been doing. The Book Fair was very popular again and so were each of our specialist teacher rooms. I would like to thank the hard working and dedicated staff for the hours of work to get ready for Open Night. It is very much appreciated! I would also like to thank our Year 6 parents for feeding our community. Well done to all!
Pre-Primary Assembly
I am really looking forward to watching our Pre-Primary class perform their assembly item in the hall tomorrow. Please remember we start our assembly items at 8.50am. I know there will be lot of family members there to support out Pre-Primaries. It promises to be lots of fun!
P&F Meeting
The next P&F meeting will held tomorrow afternoon at 1.45pm in the staffroom. All parents are welcome to attend.
First Eucharist
On Sunday September 15, we will come together, to support our Year 4 students as they receive Holy Communion for the very first time, becoming one with Christ and deepening their relationship with the Lord through this Sacrament. A big thank you to Ms Lesque for all her work in preparing the children to receive this Sacrament. I ask that you pray for our First Holy Communicants over the coming week.
Athletics Carnival
On Monday we will hold the Year 1 to 6 Athletics Carnival here at school. Mr Bridgeman has spent many hours preparing for this carnival, and I thank him for his time and effort to ensure the students have a great day. There will be a coffee van on site from 9.00am and the weather is looking fantastic. Let’s hope it stays that way. We look forward to seeing our community come and support the students and factions on Monday.
Principal’s Conference
I will be attending the Primary Principal’s Conference next week. The school will be in the very capable hands of Mrs Anderson during my absence.
Market Day
The kids for kids Market Day will be held next Thursday. Each class is contributing to the Market Day and there will be some fun activities for our students to take part in. Some the activities include Face Painting, Quoits, Popstick Game and the Lucky Number Bottle Stall. Most items and activities will be priced between 50 cents and $5.
Children from PP to Year 2 are invited to visit the hall and play games and make purchases at recess. Students in Years 3 to 6 can join the fun at lunch time, after the second bell.
kids for kids is all about empowering students, showing them that individually and collectively they can make a difference to the world. All of the money we raise will be sent to our friends at the Flame of Love Orphanage in the Congo.
I thank Ms Maloney and the Social Justice Committee for their work in preparing for this very special fundraising effort.
Pupil Free Day
Please make sure you have in your diary that Friday 20th September is a pupil free day. Please be aware that there will be no staff at work this day.
Best Wishes
Mark Ryan
Dates for 2024
Year 4’s are holding a pre-loved toys stall. So, we are asking for donations for our stall.
If you can help us help others by donating, please send to the office or drop outside the Year 4 classroom.
Much appreciated in advance as this will help families in the Congo.
Kindy 2026 - Places Filling Fast
The Kindy 2026 class is filling fast so we remind families to submit applications as soon as possible for children born between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2022.
We conduct our interviews 2 years in advance and have already held interviews this year for families who had lodged applications earlier.
The class is almost full.
If we don't have your application, we don't know you require a position in the class, so please don't wait till it's too late. All enrolment information is on our website or you can call in to the office to pick up an application form.
Inter-school Athletics Carnival
Inter-school Athletics Carnival - Date Change:
Hi Year 3-6 families, the inter-school athletics carnival, originally planned for Friday 18th October (Term 4 Week 2) has had to be postponed due to works at the venue.
The inter-school athletics carnival will now take place at Langford Oval on Thursday 21st November (Term 4, Week 7).
Of course, participants in this event won't be known until after the completion of our own faction athletics events later this term. More info regarding these is coming soon.
Thank you.
Mr B
Welcome to our latest P&F Update
P&F Meeting
Everyone is invited along to our P&F Meeting in the staff room on Friday 13th September at 1.45pm. We will be discussing upcoming events for Term 4.
Sports Carnival – Icy Poles
The P&F are selling icy poles for the students at the sports carnival on Monday 16th September. All you have to do, is give $1 to your teacher on Monday morning. Icy poles will be handed out at the conclusion of the sports carnival.
P&F Disco – Purchase Your Tickets:
Get ready for an unforgettable night of fun at the Queenies P&F Disco! Students, mark your calendars for Friday, 11 October 2024, and join your friends on the dance floor for an incredible evening of music, laughter, and dancing. DJ Bop Till You Drop will be spinning your favourite tracks. Don't miss out on the excitement! Book your tickets today through Try Booking. Check out the poster for more details.
Disco Volunteers Needed:
Calling all volunteers! We're seeking approximately 15 to 20 people for each session of the Queenies School Disco. Duties include sign-in/out of children, supervising kids in the hall, serving cordial and water, assisting with pizza pickup and serving, and clean-up. We also need a First Aid trained person for emergencies. If you're available, please go to SignUp https://signup.com/go/LfcKXMe and select the task you would like to do.
If you have any questions, please email Tracy at QueeniesPnF@gmail.com
Australian Girls Choir
A workshop assessment for the Australian girls choir will be held at school on Friday 11th October at 10am.
Please note only girls registered prior will be able to participate on the day.
Register online at : https://ausgirlschoir.com.au/schoolworkshop/
Willetton Basketball Stadium
School Holiday Camps
First Week
Tuesday 24th – Friday 27th September 2024
9 years and under [ eg minimum 6 yrs ]
[ 9.00am – 3.30pm daily ]
Second Week
Monday 30th Sept – Friday 4th October 2024
9 years and over
[ 9.00am – 3.30pm daily ]
Please visit www.willettonbasketball.com.au
via the ‘’ Program ‘’ page where you will find Holiday Camps