Blue Devil Bulletin
Principal's Newsletter 1/27/25
Marietta Middle School Mission and Vision
MMS Mission:
Engage- Discover- Excel
MMS Vision:
Our vision is to prepare all students for success in high school and beyond by fostering a caring, globally minded culture that embraces diversity, emphasizes academic rigor, and ignites a passion for learning.
Follow Us on Social Media
MMS Instagram: @marietta_ms
MMS on Facebook: https://facebook.com/MariettaMiddleSchool
MMS on Twitter: @MariettaMiddleS
Follow Principal Brown on Instagram @bluedevilprincipal
Follow Principal Brown on Twitter: @Diona_Brown
Stay up to date on events at MMS. Click on the graphic(s) to access the electronic school calendar.
MMS Assessment Calendar
Please click the link below to view the calendar for assessments at MMS. This calendar helps parents to keep track of upcoming tests/quizzes for their child.
We want to inform you that students at our school will soon participate in the Georgia School Climate Survey. This survey helps us better understand students' overall well-being, including areas such as school climate and safety, allowing us to enhance the support we provide.
Participation in the survey is voluntary, and students' responses are anonymous. If you prefer your child not to participate, you may opt out by completing the form linked and attached below.
Thank you for your support in helping us to create a positive and healthy school environment.
Georgia Student Health Survey Participation Notice
Cellphone Discussion for Rising 9th Grade Parents
Please read below if you are the parent of a rising 9th grader.
As I trust you are aware, this school year, we limited student access to cellphones and smartwatches at MSGA and MMS. Last month, I presented a mid-year update to our Marietta City Schools Board of Education regarding our success at MSGA and MMS and my interest in considering similar cellphone and smartwatch limitations at MHS for next year (click here to view the MSGA/MMS presentation; click here for the MHS presentation).
In the coming months, we have committed to engaging with students, staff, and families about this potential plan at MHS for next school year.
You are invited to join me for a meeting specifically for parents of rising 9th graders on Monday, February 3, at the Marietta Performing Arts Center (MPAC) at Marietta High School from 6:00-8:30 p.m.
This meeting will include a review of the tentative plan for next year, as well as opportunities to hear from experts regarding school safety and student well-being. Also, MHS staff will join to offer their perspective. Families will also be given the opportunity to engage in small-group sessions to share potential concerns and opportunities for improvement. The evening will conclude with responses to questions generated in the small groups.
If you are unable to attend the meeting on February 3 and would like to engage further, you are welcome to reach out to me directly.
Grant Rivera, Ed.D.
Marietta City Schools
250 Howard Street NE
Marietta, GA 30060
Cellphone Chat with the Superintendent for Rising 9th Grade Students
Attention rising 9th graders: Don’t miss our important meeting about next year’s cellphone and smartwatch policy at the high school. It’s happening on February 4th at 2:45 p.m. in the Media Center, just for you. Come learn and share your thoughts.
Parents, we need your help! The Georgia School Climate Survey is now open, and your participation is vital in helping us create the best possible environment for our students. Your feedback directly contributes to our school’s overall score and provides valuable insights into areas where we can grow and improve.
The survey is quick, easy, and completely confidential. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts and help us make our school even better!
Thank you for your support in helping us create a positive and thriving school community!
Academic Enrichment Days
Rising 7th Grade Night
Rising 8th Grade Night
ACT/ SAT Self-Prep Modules for 8th Grade Students
Transportation Changes
Please send any same day transportation changes for your child to mmstransportation@marietta-city.org.
Dress Code Reminders
Thank you for your assistance with our dress code. Many more students come to school each day in dress code. As a reminder...
- Jeans, pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, and leggings must be navy, grey, black, white, khaki/tan, or black.
- Shorts, skorts, and skirts must come to the student's midthigh.
- Students are not allowed to have jeans, shorts, skirts, skorts, pants, or leggings with rips, holes, or fringes.
- Jeans, pants, leggings, shorts, skirts, and skorts must be appropriate and not contain mesh or see-through sections that expose the skin.
- Shirts of any color must feature the Marietta logo or related Marietta team wording.
- Students may wear plain black/grey/navy/white visible t-shirts.
If students do not comply with our dress code, they will be asked to go to the Blue Devil Express and change their clothing or call a parent to bring them different clothing.
Walker Passes
Friendship Formal
Study Abroad Opportunities
Scoliosis Screening
Scoliosis screening is coming up at MMS. Please view the attached letters and information for more details.
MMS Hoodies for Sale
IB MYP Social Media
Clubs and Sports
FCA meets at 6:50am in the 400 gym
Order Flag Football swag here! Dress code approved!
Platinum Level Sponsors
- Stonebridge Church- supports academic initiatives, teacher appreciation, and school beautification
Gold Level Sponsors
- Zaxby's- donates money towards school supplies, student events, lunch on the green, student t-shirts, and teacher appreciation
- Credit Union of Georgia- supports student sponsored events and student t-shirts
- The Marietta Schools Foundation- supports our school with financial contributions and sponsoring student t-shirts
Silver Level Sponsors
- AquaRama- sponsors student gift baskets for positive behavior
- The Persons Firm- sponsors student agendas and supports our school with financial contributions
- Parallel- sponsors student agendas and supports our school with financial contributions
- Poole's Pharmacy- sponsors student agendas and supports our school with financial contributions
- WhiteHawk Construction- sponsors student agendas and supports our school with financial contributions
- Barnes Law Group- sponsors student agendas and supports our school with financial contributions
- Ansley Atlanta via Johnny Sinclair - sponsors student agendas and supports our school with financial contributions
- Summit Heating and Air- sponsors student agendas and supports our school with financial contributions
Bronze Level Sponsors
- Marietta Power and Water- supports STEM and garden projects, and teacher appreciation
- Depew Orthodontics- donated gift cards for teachers
Business Partners
- Marietta Community Schools- sponsors the Blue Devil Express and donates uniforms and snacks
- The Veterinary Clinic- sponsoring in-house field trips and internships for our students
- Nothing Bundt Cakes-Kennesaw-donated bundt cakes for staff.
- Roswell Street Baptist Church-provides food for staff, mentoring opportunities
- Kennrod-Nonprofit that provides field trip experiences and mentoring for students