June 2023
Rosemont Elementary School
Email: keely_r_cooke@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/rosemontes/
Location: 16400 Alden Avenue, Gaithersburg, MD, USA
Phone: (301) 840-7123
Twitter: @RosemontES
The Principal's Page
As you plan summer activities, it is critically important for all of our students to maintain the growth they have made in reading and math this year. The only way to do that is to READ, READ, READ AND PRACTICE MATH SKILLS throughout the summer!
Your child’s life can be enriched through reading and journal writing. Please make sure that your child’s day includes time that is set aside for independent reading. Reading is a “sport” with a 12-month season, so please ensure that your child makes it to “practice” every day.
I would like to thank you for supporting your children with reading this year, and thank you in advance for continuing during the summer. Your efforts are greatly appreciated! See you in August!
June is LGBTQIA Pride Month
Pride Month is an annual celebration of the many contributions made by the LGBTQ+ community to history, society and cultures worldwide. In most places, Pride is celebrated throughout the month of June each year in commemoration of its roots in the Stonewall Riots of June 1969.
RES Mission Statement
At Rosemont, our mission is to --
· foster positive EQUITABLE RELATIONSHIPS with students, staff, and the community,
· deliver CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE RIGOROUS instruction, and
· achieve RESULTS for ALL students.
PTA Meeting - Thursday, June 1 at 7:00 p.m.
The PTA is a vital part of our school community. Please consider joining to support our staff, students, and families.
- President - Ms. Yvette Andrade - andradedc5@gmail.com
- Treasurer - Ms. Lakita Jessie - ashante36@live.com
- Secretary - Ms. Ayanna Upsher - ayanna.upsher@gmail.com
The PTA will be meeting the first Thursday of every month via Google Meet.
Field Day - Friday, June 2 & Monday, June 5
Mark your calendars! Rosemont ES Field Day is on Friday, June 2 & Monday, June 5
These days will be filled with great outdoor fun, sun and sportsmanship.
Grades 3-5 will have Field Day on Friday, June 2
Grades Kindergarten, first, nad second grades will have Field Day on Monday, June 5.
Spring Concert - Tuesday, June 6
Tuesday, June 6 is our spring concert. Please come out and support our chorus and instrumental music program. The concert will take place in the gymnasium at 7:00 p.m. Our students would LOVE to see you there!
There will also be an in-school concert for students that morning at 9:15 a.m. - Please make sure your chorus and instrumental music are prepared that day to perform at school as well!
Grade 5 families: Please join us as we celebrate the promotion of our grade 5 students as they transition to middle school on Friday, June 9, at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium at Gaithersburg HS. Reception to follow!
Full-Day PreK Next School Year
Research shows that a high-quality full-day PreK experience leads to school readiness. As a result, the AM/PM PreK session at Rosemont will be converted to a full-day session for the 2023 – 2024 school year.
Lockdown is an emergency alert and response to imminent danger in the school or on campus. Students, staff, and visitors report to the nearest securable location under adult supervision. An administrator ensures that 911 is called to request immediate assistance. Students, staff, and visitors remain secured until police have controlled the situation.
Shelter is an emergency alert and response called by an administrator when it is too dangerous to leave the school. There are three types of shelter alerts:
- Public Safety Shelter is used if there are public safety actions occurring in the community near the school. Exterior doors are secured, and classroom instruction continues. Public safety officials will notify the school when the situation is under control.
- Severe Weather Shelter is used when a high wind warning has been issued for the community near the school. All students, staff, and visitors—including those located in relocatable classrooms—are brought into the school’s main building. Everyone in the building reports to the designated weather-safe areas. Staff monitors the weather reports.
- Outside Hazardous Materials Release requires students, staff, and visitors to be brought into the main building; however, relocatable classrooms are evacuated to the main building only if safe to do so and in consultation with public safety officials. Exterior doors and windows are secured. Ventilation systems are shut down. Public safety officials will notify the school when the situation is under control
The safety of our students is a top priority and we appreciate your cooperation! Please be reminded of our safety procedures.
- Please do NOT attempt to drop off students on neighboring streets from across, behind, or next to the school as it is dangerous.
- Please utilize the car loop lane when dropping off students by pulling up all the way to the end of the car loop lane.
- Please stay in your vehicle until your child is escorted to your vehicle for pick up
- Please be reminded to pick-up and drop off students during arrival and dismissal times in the car rider loop only.The bus loop should only be used for students getting dropped off by bus.
Student Chromebooks for Home Use
As a reminder MCPS has a process for students obtaining a Chromebook for students to use at home. Linked below are resources regarding a student Chromebook if you do not have a device at home to use:
Clothes Bin
Clothes Bin’s school recycling program helps raise money for Rosemont with a textile recycling bin. With contactless textile recycling bins, we can inspire change in our community while we educate students about the environment and the importance of recycling.
Clothes Bin provides for the collection, management and distribution of unwanted shoes, clothing, and other textiles. We have a textile recycling bin at Rosemont, in the parking lot where the car rider loop is. Rosemont receives money for every pound recycled in the bin.
Bathroom Reminders & Expectations
A clean and safe environment for our students is top priority at Rosemont. Please remind your child of appropriate bathroom behavior.
- Paper towels should be put in the trashcan not the toilet
- Flush the toilet after each use
- Wash your hands after using the restroom
- Throw toilet paper in the toilet not on the floor
- Respect the privacy of others
Cell Phones and Mobile Devices
All cell phones and mobile devices should be turned off and:
- Placed in the main office upon arrival or
- Kept in student's backpack during the school day
Calls, text messages, and recordings are not allowed in the classroom, during recess/lunch or in the restroom. In addition, the school is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged devices while on school property. Thank you for your support regarding this matter.
Connect with Teachers
For the safety and security of our students and staff, the following procedures have been established for all parent/teacher meetings:
If you need to communicate with your child’s teacher, you may email the teacher, schedule an appointment for a phone conference or a virtual meeting. All staff emails can be found here: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/rosemontes/aboutus/directory/
Forget Something? Delivering Items to Students
When it is necessary to deliver books, lunches, chromebooks, or other items to students, please bring them to the office. The students will get the item quickly without interrupting instruction.
RES Student Change in Dismissal Form
For the safety of ALL students at Rosemont Elementary School, use the attached "RES Student Change in Dismissal" form when your child’s after school dismissal plans change. Please complete the form and send it to school in your child’s backpack for his/her teacher. All dismissal changes must be in writing, signed by the parent or legal guardian, and received by 2:00 p.m. Phone calls are discouraged to change dismissal plans.
Rosemont ES Spirit Wear
Show your Rosemont spirit and get a head start on your holiday shopping by purchasing new Rosemont Rocket gear!
Order online now at https://www.rosemontspiritwear.com/.
*Free shipping for orders over $50!
Montgomery County Public Schools requires school volunteers and partnership agencies to complete certain compliance measures in order to volunteer within our school district.
- Online Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect Training via their myMCPS Classroom/ Canvas account
- COVID-19 Vaccination Attestation
- Gradesheet will show 83.3% for successful completion)
- Fingerprinting/Background check (only if the volunteer is working alone with students without supervision of an MCPS staff member or other type of volunteer service, per the Volunteers Regulation and FAQ)
If you need the forms translated, please access this link:
Important Dates:
- June 1: PTA Meeting
- June 2: Field Day (Grades 3 - 5)
- June 5: Field Day (Grades K - 2)
- June 6: Spring Concert
- June 9: 5th Grade Promotion
- June 16: Last Day of School (Early Release)