October newsletter
Dearing Eagle Parent Newsletter 2024-2025 Issued: October
Notes from the Principal
Dear Eagle Families,
As we settle into the heart of the fall season, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your continued support and dedication to our school community. October is an exciting month filled with learning, events, and opportunities for growth.
Our annual Parent-Teacher Conferences are being scheduled this month. This is an excellent opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teacher, discuss their progress, and set goals for the rest of the school year. We encourage all families to attend and engage in this vital dialogue.
October also brings some fun and engaging activities! Our Fall Festival will be held on Friday October 25th, offering games, food, and activities for the whole family. It’s always a highlight of the season, and we hope to see you there. Please keep an eye out for more details in the coming weeks.
Our Painless Fundraiser was a big success once again! Our total as of today is $5,381. Shout out to the parents, grandparents, family, and friends for donating money to support our students. We truly appreciate the generosity surrounding our community. Students will be able to wear costumes to school on Thursday, October 31st.
As we move through the school year, I want to remind everyone of the importance of regular attendance. Students who attend school consistently perform better academically and socially. Let’s work together to ensure our students are present and ready to learn each day.
Thank you for being an integral part of our school community. Your involvement makes a significant difference in your child’s education. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Shawn Joseph
Fitness Friday with the Fellas! Friday October 4th
Join us on Friday October 4, 2024 at 7:05am-7:30am
Keeping our kids laughing, moving and learning together!!
Coach Malo
Blue Shirt Day Monday October 7th
Blue Shirt Day is an annual event that takes place on the first Monday of October to raise awareness about bullying prevention.
The goal of Blue Shirt Day is to raise awareness for National Bullying Prevention Awareness Monty and to end bullying, cyberbullying, digital abuse, hatred, racism, and homophobia.
We create a graphic to help you share the knowledge of Blue Shirt Day as we collectively work towards putting an end to bullying .
Student Holiday! No School Friday October 11th & Monday October 14th
Be on the lookout for information from your child's teacher. Parent/Teacher conferences will be held through October 20th. It is our goal to meet with EVERY parent! We want to share good news with you about your child. This is an important part of the process of education; our partnership!
Please plan to attend.
Unity Day Wednesday October 16th
October 16th wear ORANGE to celebrate Unity Day
What is Unity Day? An event created by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center, to come together in one giant ORANGE message of hope and support. WEAR AND SHARE ORANGE to color our nation, and even the world, to visibly show that our society believes no child should ever experience bullying.
Pink Out Day Friday October 18th
GT Referral Window is October 1st-31st
Students may be referred for the gifted and talented program at any time during the referral window by teachers, administrators, counselors, parents, or other interested persons (EHBB - Local).
GT Referral Form (online form now available)
- Submit completed forms online by October 31
Access forms for each elementary campus online
(If paper form used, it is due to counselor by Oct. 31)
What happens after a student is referred for GT screening?
- Parent/Guardian completes permission to screen
- Screening (qualitative and quantitative measures)
- Determination through committee
- Letter sent to parent/guardian with committee’s determination
October 21st- 23rd
CogAT screener for all 2nd grade students
3rd Grade Abilities screening will be given Nov/Dec
- Pflugerville Independent School District will screen currently identified GT third graders with the Cognitive Ability test – CogAT. This testing provides us with additional data to determine placement needs for future GT program services.
Guidance Lesson
The lesson for October will focus on building healthy relationships and anti-bullying across all grade levels.
Red Ribbon Week October 21st- 25th
Students are invited to participate in a week of dress up days to celebrate our choice to be drug free!
From the Nurse
Happy Fall, Eagles!
With Fall comes the beginning of state mandated health screenings. Each year, Texas requires that we perform certain health screenings throughout the school year.
Vision and hearing screenings on all PK, K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and those new to PfISD
Acanthosis Nigricans on 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th
Scoliosis on 5th grade girls and 7th boys (notification will go home prior to this screening)
These screenings are not diagnostic and only determine that your child requires further evaluation by a medical professional. If your child does not pass a screening, then a referral letter will be sent home to notify you of the results. Once your child has been seen, please return the referral form with the noted plan of care. ***If your student is uninsured and needs a vision exam, please contact me and we can arrange to request a voucher which covers an exam and a pair of glasses.***
Also, this is another reminder that it is against PfISD policy for students to carry medication (including cough drops) at school. Whenever possible, medication should be given at home instead of school, however, if your child needs medication during the school day, it must be kept and administered in the clinic. Please contact me for the appropriate form(s). All medication must be in the original container and prescription medications must have the prescription label dated within the last year, a doctor's signature is also required to have any medications in the clinic.
If your child is injured and has activity restrictions, we must have a note from the doctor stating what the restrictions are and for how long. We want to ensure that we are allowing our Eagles to heal while also meeting their physical activity requirements.
Lastly, please remember that students are required to stay home if they have a fever (100°+), vomiting or diarrhea within the previous 24 hours. They must be free of symptoms without the use of symptom reducing medication before they return to school. Some rashes and other conditions may also require that your student remain at home.
If you have any concerns about your child’s health or care at school, please contact me at 512-594-4535 or samantha.vano@pfisd.net.
Stay healthy and safe, Eagles!
Nurse Sam
We will begin our Friday Enrichment schoolwide deployment on October 18th and go until December 13th. The enrichment time will place an emphasis on pursuing student interests and goals and to further develop their talents through challenging and exciting activities.
Enrichment will take place from 7:45am-8:15am.
REMINDER: Students who come in tardy (after 7:35am) on Fridays will not be able to participate in that Friday's enrichment time. Please make sure your students are getting to school on time.
Fall Festival Friday, October 25th from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm.
About Us
Email: DRES@pfisd.net
Website: https://www.pfisd.net/Page/4479
Location: 4301 Gattis School Road Round Rock, TX 78660
Phone: (512) 594-4500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DearingES
Twitter: @DearingES_PfISD