What's Happening??!!
~ Hawley Elementary School Newsletter: August 28, 2022 ~
From the Desk of Mr. Moretti.....
Dear Hawley Parents/Guardians, Teachers, and Staff,
I have to begin by saying how amazed I am at the Hawley Staff. We packed up an entire elementary school and have set up classrooms in two separate buildings. The rooms look amazing and welcoming, and are ready to receive students tomorrow. No matter where we are, we will be providing students the best instruction and support.
The Kindergarten Bus Run and Walkthroughs were so uplifting. I so enjoyed seeing students and parents joining us to help create the excitement of a new school year. Everyone was smiling and so happy.
I know there are still questions and anxieties. Everything will work out as it always does. We have worked very hard to put systems in place for the running of 2 Hawley Schools ;0) Here is some information (most of it repeated) to help you as we start the new year.
Buckle up, stay seated, and keep your hands and feet in the car at all times, as you read on to find out What's Happening at Hawley .....
~ Kindergarten Bus Run ~
~ Walkthrough ~
~ Arrival / Drop Off ~
A Visual of Procedures
Sandy Hook
- Buses line up in front of the building. Students exit buses and are directed into the building. Staff are in hallways directing students to rooms.
- Parents dropping off line up parallel to buses. There are 3 cross walks. We will use the 1st & 3rd (NOT the middle). Students exit the car and head to the nearest crosswalk. Staff gather students and cross them to the building. Staff are in hallways directing students to rooms.
- Buses line up in the back of the building. Students exit buses and are directed into the building. They go up a flight of stairs to the Hawley Hallway. Staff are in hallways directing students to rooms.
- Parents dropping off line up in the front loop. Students exit the car and enter either the cafeteria or main entrance. Staff are in the lobby and hallways directing students to rooms.
~Dismissal / Pick-Up ~
A Visual of Procedures
Sandy Hook
- All Hawley buses will line up at Sandy Hook. All Hawley grade 2-6 students are already on these buses (NO Transfers). Those with SH siblings that are being picked up, will exit the bus, enter the main entrance, and join siblings in the library. EdAdvance students will exit the bus, enter the main entrance, and go to the cafeteria. K-1 students then load buses.
- Parents park in the lot and cross the 1st crosswalk and line up at the outside door by the large, blue aquarium-looking structure. Staff is there to check ID and will call for students who will exit the building.
- All Hawley buses will line up in the back of the building. Students will all go to a bus room or pick-up room. Staff will them escort them either to their bus or the gym for pick-up.
- Parents park in the front parking lot and cross the loop and line up at the outside gym door, to the right of the main entrance. Staff is there to check ID and will call for students who will exit the building.
- Reed 5th & 6th grade students will join Hawley 2-4 siblings in the gym.
~ News from the Counselor ~
~ Student Absences ~
- If your student is going to be absent, we are NO LONGER asking you to call an attendance line. EMAIL Absences to hawattendance@newtown.k12.ct.us.
- Notes and calls can still be sent in for going home changes. Do NOT email teachers, contact the main office at 203.426.7666.
- With the end of day being very chaotic with many students in different places that they are unfamiliar with, we are asking that there be NO pick-ups between 3:00-3:30 PM but either before 3:00 or during pick-up time which is 3:37.
~ Hawley PTA ~
Ready to GO!
Our new Presidents, Jessica Briante and Jennifer Levy, have been working so hard in making sure the PTA is still a major presence in both schools. We will be working collaboratively to make sure the Hawley Culture remains intact and we remain connected as a school.
I thank them for all their help with the K Bus Run and Walkthroughs. Spirit Wear has already generated a Buzz with new offerings. Thank You also for the wonderful Back to Work Staff Lunch.
Please join the PTA, get involved, and raise your hand to help with events.
Important Reminders / General Info
- Click HERE for Supply Lists
- Click HERE for this week's lunch menu. Moving forward they will be available on the school website.
- Our PTA has prepared Hawley Blue Folders containing a tremendous amount of Back to School Hawley & PTA information. Be on the look for it going home tomorrow.
- REMEMBER: At the start of a typical year, the first few weeks are slow as unexpected details emerge and get ironed out. Buses will be delayed the first few days as routes are learned, please stay at stops a bit longer. Lines are longer. Things are forgotten. THIS year, your understanding and patience is even more appreciated.
- If you are wondering..... ASK!
Dates to Remember
- Mon, 8/29: 1st Day of School!
- Mon-Wed, 8/29-8/31: 3-Hr Early Release Days (12:37 PM)
- Mon, 9/5: NO School, Labor Day
- Tues, 9/13: HAW K-1 Open House (Sandy Hook), 6:00-7:00
- Wed, 9/14: HAW Grades 2-4 Open House (Reed), 6:30-7:30
- Thurs, 9/22: Tentative Ice Cream Social
- Fri, 9/23: 3-Hr Early Release Days (12:37 PM), Professional Development
- Mon, 9/26: NO School, Rosh Hashanah
Follow Us On Twitter
*For us to use your child's likeness, we need your permission. Permission must be granted annually via the ParentPortal.
Twitter: @hawley_school
The Hawley School Website
Christopher Moretti
Email: morettic@newtown.k12.ct.us
Website: http://newtown.hawley.schooldesk.net/
Location: 29 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT, United States
Phone: (203) 426-7666
Twitter: @cmoretti66