EC Hubs Family Newsletter
Spring 2023
Check in with Cherek: Ready, Set....Transition to Kindergarten!
Happy Spring!
Spring is the time of transition where we see changes outside, right before our eyes! It is the same with young children...we have seen them growing and changing right before our eyes this year and it's almost time to send them off to Kindergarten! We hope this has been a great year for you and your child/ren as you prepare for the next steps in their education!
This quarter, we share resources to help you make a plan for how to support your child as they prepare to enter a new school and/or grade level. Big transitions like this are a process, not always a single event. We hope you'll read on to learn about various resources and opportunities where you can ask questions and get more information about next steps as you move towards the 23-24 school year.
Please also watch your child's Thursday folder this week for some great resources from the SPPS' Office of Early Learning about preparing for transitioning to Kindergarten!
We are so pleased you've chosen St. Paul Public Schools and entrusted the EC Hubs programming for your young learners! We hope the connections you've made this year with SPPS will prepare you and your child for the rest of their educational career!
As always, don't hesitate to call/text/email for anything you might need!
Elizabeth Cherek, Principal EC Hubs East & West
NEW & REPEAT: Transition to Kindergarten!
I've received the acceptance letter for Kindergarten! What do I do next?!
Last time, we mentioned some ideas for how to begin preparing your child for the upcoming transition. We hope you've been thinking about things like:
- the amount of time your child needs when faced with a transition.
- sharing your stories about your experience in Kindergarten/early school experience
- reading stories/books about for going to Kindergarten
- what other self-care skill and safety things do I need to work on with my child? (ex. wash hands, use the bathroom, dress, zip up a jacket).
But now, you have the letter in your hands and Kindergarten is just a little more real! You know where they will be going to school, but you might not know what it will actually be like?! You may or may not be connected to your child's new school. Whether this is your first child going to Kindergarten or your last child that will join their siblings at school, we want to help you get connected to your child's new school!
Since we are a birth to Pre-K only building, we can't take you down the hall to Kindergarten. But, we CAN help you get connected to your new school and to other district resources so that you and your child will feel more prepared for the big day in September!
Here are a few upcoming opportunities and resources we'd like to offer to help you connect with your new school! Keep reading to find out more!
EC Hubs Kindergarten Transition Events & Resources:
1. Online Event on April 25th & 27th: EC Hub East & West Transition to Kindergarten Q & ASee below for the invite to RSVP. This event is ONLINE, not in person.
Please also check your child's Thursday folder/backpack this week for information about transitioning to Kindergarten!
2. Spring Open Houses and Kindergarten Events:
Make sure you reach out to your NEW school to find out when their Kindergarten welcome event takes place! There are many ways this happens at schools across the district. From Open House to Playdates...connect with your school! If you need assistance, please let us know! We're here to help!
NOTE: We are working to gather as many Kindergarten Open House/transition events around the district to share with you. Please check our webpage for info...coming soon!
3. And...if you still haven't applied for Kindergarten yet, it's not too late! Visit the SPPS Student Placement Center's enrollment site (, and hit the red “Apply Now” button on the left.
ONLINE EVENT: EC Hub WEST (25th) & EAST (27th) Transition to Kindergarten Q & A
Join us ONLINE to get your question answered about Kindergarten in SPPS!
Want to be sure to get your questions answered?
Submit your questions here before April 25th
EC Hub West: Tuesday, April 25th, 5:30-6:15pm
EC Hub East: Thursday, April 27th, 5:30-6:15pm
****both sessions will be recorded and posted on the EC Hubs Webpage if you can't attend****
Join EC Hubs staff, SPPS Kindergarten teachers and principals (from many of the schools your children will be attending next year) and family connection workers Zach Pierson and Ms. Lelandra Ross as we share a little bit about Kindergarten in SPPS. There will be time for questions!
Some topics to be discussed may include:
- Kindergarten daily schedule & specialist classes
- Navigating the cafeteria and playground,
- Other Hot Topics about Kindergarten!
Tuesday, Apr 25, 2023, 05:30 PM
Google Meet (see links)
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
NEW: EC Hub West Family Library is now OPEN!
Early Childhood Hub West has a new space for families to grow together! Brought to you by ECFE, The Family Library is open to all SPPS Early Childhood families! Caregivers and their little ones can come to cuddle up, read books, and be in community with other Early Childhood families.
Hours & Check In Procedure:
Please check in the main office of Early Childhood Hub West (1317 Charles Ave, St Paul, MN 55104), Monday-Friday from 10am-4pm for a visitor badge.
Space Expectations:
- All children must be supervised by a parent or caregiver at all times.
- We have quiet voices and calm bodies.
- We take care of the space and the materials.
- We clean up after ourselves.
Ms. Felicia and Elizabeth Hoodecheck (Parent Educator) will be available to connect with families using the space to offer conversation, support, home visiting etc.
NEW: Safety Drills at the EC Hubs--Severe Weather Drill
This year, (and every year), students and staff practice safety drills in school. We practice so we all know what to do in case there is an emergency at school. In SPPS, all schools are required to do Fire, Severe Weather, Lockout, and Lockdown drills.
So far this year, we have practiced fire drills, lockout, and lock down drills at both EC Hub buildings. Safety is a TOP priority in SPPS and at the EC Hubs. We will also practice a few more fire drills this spring. We take keeping your children safe very seriously and if you have questions or concerns, please reach out!
April 17-21 is Minnesota Severe Weather Awareness Week and staff & students in the EC Hubs East & West will practice a severe weather (tornado) drill this week. This drill will be held statewide on Thursday, April 20th at 1:45pm. Children will learn where to go in the building and how to get into the "Tuck & Fold" position, in the event there is a major weather event. Ask your child about what they know about severe weather! Teachers will be discussing what to do in case of a severe weather emergency this week!
For your information: Throughout the rest of the spring, we will have two more fire drills and one more lockOUT drill. (See below for the information about the difference between lockOUT and lockDOWN).
Please read below to learn about the difference between a lockOUT and a lockDOWN, as defined by SPPS:
Lockout: There is something (potentially) unsafe happening outside of the school building. Some examples of when we call a lock out might be police activity in the neighborhood or a wild animal on the school grounds. In a lock out, no one goes in/goes out of the school. Activities inside the school carry on as usual.
Lockdown: There is something unsafe happening inside of the school building. An example of this might be an unauthorized person is in the building or a fight has broken out. All students and staff move to safe spaces within the building.
NOTE: If/when a lockDOWN occurs, you will receive a letter from the school. That may or may not happen with a lockOUT (depending on the situation). As always, please contact us with questions.
REMINDER: Volunteering at EC Hubs!
We would LOVE to have you help at school and visit the classroom to see all of the awesome things your kids do at school!
SPPS policy requires that all adults that would like to volunteer at the EC Hubs (or any SPPS school) complete a background check. This must be completed so that you can be in the classroom, go on a field trip, etc…
Please scan this QR code (below) or click this link to sign up to volunteer.
Once you've given us some basic information on the form above, you will receive an email with a link to fill out the background check. After we hear back from SPPS Human Resources, we will contact you to come in for a short volunteering orientation before you begin working in the classroom.
REMINDER: Food & Celebrations at School
One more reminder that St Paul Public Schools (SPPS) schools are sweets-free schools to promote student health and wellness. SPPS serves whole-grain and healthy proteins for breakfast and lunch each day. We serve water and milk at school for children at meals. At EC Hubs East & West, we follow the SPPS policies and encourage families to support our sweets-free school!
We encourage families to send healthy foods and a labeled water bottle to school with children each day. If you do send food to school with your child, please send heathy & individual sized food/snacks (not large bags). If you need a water bottle, please talk with your child’s teacher and one will be provided.
Please do not send the following high-sugar/salt food items to school with your child: cookies, candy, chips, juice boxes pouches, soda/Gatorade/Powerade, or baby bottles, etc…, or any nuts/nut butters.
SPPS serves all students & families with rich & diverse beliefs/backgrounds. Therefore, SPPS schools do not celebrate holidays at school. As a school, we will have some fun celebrations that are not holiday-related. Please click here for some fun ways to rethink celebrations!
+++ Please do not send holiday treats/bags/cards to school with your children. Students cannot pass or receive treats for holidays +++
If you have questions, please contact Ms. Cherek, call/text 651-249-6422 or