April Scholarship Opportunities
Washington Catholic Guidance Office
April Deadline
Sponsoring Group – Medical Staff of Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center
Purpose: The Bethany Volz Medical Staff Scholarship was created in memory of the late Bethany Volz, the daughter of former Medical Staff member Kim Alan Volz, M.D.
Eligibility: Scholarship will be awarded to two high school seniors in the Memorial Hospital service area who plan to enter a two or four year education program in a health related field.
Selection Criteria: In selecting a scholarship winner the following criteria shall be taken into consideration: scholastic aptitude including grades (maintaining a “B” average), SAT scores, etc., financial need and community involvement.
Amount of Award: Two scholarships of $500 will be awarded written to the college or university of recipients.
Applications must be postmarked by April 1, 2021
Click here for more information and the application
Indiana Sheriffs' Association Scholarship Program
Forty (40) $750 awards Applications due April 1, 2021
Click here for information and application
United Producer, INC 2021 Scholarship Program
United Producers, Inc. is offering up to 10 - $1,000 scholarships to graduating high school students. The purpose of the scholarship program is to help and encourage deserving students to pursue higher education.
Application Can be found online at: www.uproducers.com/scholarship
• Applicants can be a member or a child/ grandchild of a UPI member. Members market at least one head of livestock at UPI per year. Membership will be based on UPI’s 2020 records.
• Applicants can also be nominated by a member if they are not a child/grandchild of a member.
• Applicants must be a 2021 graduating high school senior planning to attend college or technical school.
• Applicants must submit a completed application and personal essay summarizing their college and career goals. Children and grandchildren of full-time UPI employees or the Board of Directors are not eligible.
Due April 1, 2021
Click here for more information
Daviess County Right to Life - 2021 Donna Gentry Memorial Scholarship
Daviess County Right to Life is offering a Scholarship in Honor of Donna Gentry to a Daviess or Pike County High School Senior who presents the best essay to the theme “What is happening to America because of abortion”. Donna Gentry leaves a long list of accomplishments, not only in the Right to Life Movement and the Pregnancy Care Center, but also in other community organizations. Donna Gentry, who was the founder of the Pregnancy Care Center touched many lives and by her many accomplishments in the Pro-Life Movement she will long be remembered. This Scholarship is one way the local Right to Life Organization would like to see her legacy carried on.
Due April 9, 2021
Click here complete rules and application form
2021 Bonnie Evans Memorial Scholarship from the Daviess County Republican Women
It is in the spirit of the memory of Bonnie Evans that the Daviess County Republican Women offer this scholarship. This is a $500.00 scholarship to be awarded to a high school student who is a resident of Daviess County. Applicants must be applying to colleges for attendance this fall. The scholarship monies will be awarded upon student registration and proof of college class schedule.
Award = $500 Due April 12, 2021
Click here for application and details.
Society of Plastics Engineers - Central Indiana Section Joseph B. Williams Memorial Scholarship
See Miss Birchler for more information
Deadline: April 15, 2021
Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary
Deadline is April 15th.
Local Tri Kappa Scholarship
The Washington Beta Zeta chapter of Kappa Kappa Kappa will award two area students with scholarships at their High School Senior Awards Night. The local scholarships are awarded each year to seniors based on academics, leadership and financial need. (The recipients cannot be related to a member of Tri Kappa Sorority.)
The applications may be picked up at the guidance counselor’s offices or printed from our website at www.wccardinals.org. The application deadline is set for April 16, 2021 at noon and should be delivered to the guidance counselor’s office.
Deadline: April 16, 2021
Click here for more information and the application
Delta Kappa Gamma Scholarship
Minimum requirements:
- -Graduating senior girl in Daviess, NE Dubois, and Pike counties are eligible.
- - Applicant must be planning to enroll in a college that will enable her to be actively working towards a career in education.
- - Candidates must be of good character and recommended by their school.
- - Include a letter of recommendation from either a teacher, a principal, or a counselor.
- - Enclose a transcript.
- - Applications must be turned into the Guidance Office by April 19, 2021.
- - Award recipient will receive a check after proof of enrollment and class schedule are provided.
- - You may also mail a hard copy of your application with a postmark date of no later than April 19, 2021 to the following address:
Elizabeth Schaffer
Delta Kappa Gamma Sorority
12692 N 1025 E
Odon, IN 47562
812-444-9958 (text any questions)
Award: $500 scholarship
Washington Rotary Scholarship
The Washington Rotary Club is offering students the opportunity to apply for their annual scholarship. This year the award amount is $2000.00.
Please find attached the application for the Washington Rotary Scholarship. Applications are due no later than April 19th. They can either sent by mail or students may email the application with the required documents attached to msmatt27@hotmail.com.
Materials for a complete application include:
- Three academic reference letters (this may be a teacher, school counselor, or coop class teacher)
- a copy of high school transcripts
- a resume of academic and service opportunities which highlights organizations and volunteer experiences with a description of the work that was been done
- A 1500 word essay. The essay should address the following:
The theme of Rotary International - Rotary Opens Opportunities. Rotary Club’s motto is: Service Above Self. We are guided by the Four-Way Test - Is it the Truth? Is it Fair to all concerned? Will it build Goodwill and Better friendships? Will it be Beneficial to all concerned? Tell us about something that has happened in your life that you have served in your community or how you hope your studies will assist you in doing something of greater service.
Applications must be postmarked by April 12th and received by April 19th .
Click here for more information and the application form
Ken Nunn Law Office Scholarship
Education is an important tool that challenges students to become exceptional residents of our community. Additionally, it equips them with the skills and knowledge to create a brighter and stronger future.
However, in many cases, students contemplate whether or not they will be able to attend college or return to college due to financial reasons. That’s why our firm created the Ken Nunn scholarship. We hope that by offering this scholarship opportunity, it will alleviate some of the financial burdens countless students encounter when deciding to embark on their journey towards higher education.
The scholarship will grant one student a $1,000 scholarship to be applied towards their tuition or other education-related expenses.
Students who have been accepted or currently attend a 2 or 4-year college or university in Indiana.
GPA of at least 3.0.
Employees of the Ken Nunn Law Office and their relatives are not eligible to participate.
Applicants must submit their application and essay via this form.
As a poor kid from Jeffersonville, IN, Attorney Ken Nunn overcame countless adversities to build the Ken Nunn Law Office and a career dedicated to serving the people of Indiana.
He knows that life isn’t about the challenges you face; it’s about how you rise above them.
In a 500-750 word essay, tell us about a challenge you faced, how you overcame that challenge, and what you learned from it.
October 23rd, 2020 – We will begin accepting applications for the Ken Nunn Scholarship.
April 30th, 2021 – Application deadline. Submissions after this date will not be accepted.
May 17th-21st, 2021 – The chosen winner will be notified via email.
May 24th – June 11th, 2021 – The check will be distributed directly to the winner. We will coordinate a time with you to pick up your award!
**The winning applicant will be announced on The Ken Nunn Law Office’s social media. By submitting an application, you agree to allow us to use your submission for marketing purposes.
Deadline: April 30, 2021
Click here for more information
20th Century Chevy Inc 2021 Automotive Scholarship
Applications must be received or postmarked by April 30, 2021.
Click here for more information and downloadable application
The Indiana Engineering Scholarship
Applications are due on or before May 1, 2021.
Click here for more information and an application
Summer Immersion Opportunities
Summer Seminary Immersion Program
Program runs June 26 - July 10
Click here for more information and registration
School-Specific Scholarships and Aid
Ivy Tech Community College - Merit Scholarship
The Ivy Tech Community College Merit Based Scholarship is based on a GPA of 2.5-4.0, and only has a few requirements of the student.
Student Must:
-Have a FAFSA on file
-Must be a Core 40 or Academic Honors Student
-Provide their Fall Semester Senior Year Transcript
GPA Range Award
2.5-2.75 $500
2.76-3.0 $1,500
3.01-3.25 $2,500
3.26-4.0 $3,000
The inquiry form for this scholarship must be completed and turned in to show interest. After the form has been received, the student will receive additional instructions. The form can be found at www.ivytech.edu/evscholarships and is titled “Attention All High School Students”.
The amount they are awarded will be split, and half will be given for the Fall semester, and the other half will be given for the Spring semester.
Purdue University - FarmHouse Fraternity Achievement Scholarship
The scholarship will be awarded on the basis of : 1. Scholastic Ability 2. Leadership Qualities 3. Community Activities Amount of Scholarship - $1,000.00 The scholarship will be awarded upon successful completion of one semester at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana.
Click here for the application and more information
University of Evansville - Aces Opportunity Grant
With the Aces Opportunity Grant, freshmen entering in the Fall of 2021 who meet the following criteria will not pay any tuition out of pocket. No special application is needed to be awarded the Aces Opportunity Grant. It will automatically be offered to qualified Indiana students who:
- Have a household adjusted gross income of $50,000 or less
- Have a high school GPA of 3.25 or higher
- Are eligible for Indiana state grant funding
- File the FAFSA by April 15, 2021
- Live on campus
How It Will Work
UE will first combine the student’s UE Scholarships, Indiana State Grant Funding, and Federal Grant Funding. Any remaining gap between this combined amount and full-time tuition and full-time fees will be covered through an Aces Opportunity Grant. In this way, UE ensures the student will have no out of pocket tuition costs.
What to do:
- Apply online to UE
- Receive official notification of admission
- Apply for financial aid by filing your FAFSA by April 15, 2021
Renewability Requirements
- Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
- Annually submit the FAFSA by April 15
- Meet credit hour requirements for on-time state award
- Continue to meet adjusted gross income criteria threshold reported on the FAFSA
UE will renew the Aces Opportunity Grant up to four years for students meeting these requirements.
Click here for more information and to apply