Dolphin Dispatch
Beginning of Year News 2022-23
Graebner Elementary School
Location: 41875 Saal Road, Sterling Heights, MI, USA
Phone: 586-797-5000
Hello Graebner Families,
We are looking forward to next week and seeing all of our Graebner Dolphins back in school for another school year of learning, friends and fun!
There have been changes in the building as all classrooms now have lockable doors! All classrooms were equipped with additional locking devices in case of an emergency as well. We are welcoming several new staff members to our building and so glad to have them!
I am including the arrival and dismissal maps and directions below. Please open and view since there are some changes. There is construction on Saal Road in front of the building. If the workers are still there next week, please allow additional time and patience. For dismissal, all students will come out the front of the building with the bus students coming out first and the walkers/parent pickups behind the bussers. Please see attachment for which front door your student (s) will come out of at the end of the day.
All grade level supply lists are on our website and the link is provided below.
If students are buying breakfast, they may enter Door 2 beginning at 8:20. We will offer breakfast for those students buying breakfast on the first day.
We are looking forward to a great school year, and we are excited to see you soon!
Warm regards,
Mrs. Wood
Times and Dates
School start times are the same this year: EARLY school
Virtual Academy start and end times changed: LATE school
First Day of School and important upcoming dates:
August 24: Bus Routes will be available to parents on the website starting on 8/24
August 25 Student classroom placement delivered by email after 3pm
August 30 is the students' first day back and it is a half day of school. All students will be dismissed at 11:44am
August 31 is first FULL day of school
September 2-5 Labor Day break
September 14 No school for students and Professional Development day for teachers
September 15 GPTO Ice Cream Social 6-7:30pm
GPTO Quick look at upcoming events and dates:
Chalk the Walk: Monday, August 29 from 3:30-5pm in the front area of Graebner. Draw pictures, and write words of encouragement for the children and staff to see on their first day of school
Graebner Spiritwear: Starting now through Sunday September 18 online at Delivered in time for Fun Run.
Graebner PTO Ice Cream Social: Thursday September 15 from 6-7:30pm on West Playground behind Graebner
Graebner Roller Skating Party: Friday September 16 from 5-7pm at The New Rink. Supporting the Graebner PTO Playground Committee.
Jet's Pizza Restaurant Night: Tuesday, September 20, 2-8pm. Supporting the Graebner PTO Playground Committee.
Graebner 6th Grade Parent Meeting: Tuesday, September 20, 5pm in Graebner Media Center. Welcome to all Graebner 6th Grade Families.
Graebner PTO Member Meeting: Tuesday, September 20, 6pm in Graebner Media Center. Welcome to all Graebner families.
Grade Level School Supply Lists
Pandemic-related free meal program comes to an end!
The USDA sponsored pandemic-related free school meal program has ended. During the 2022-2023 school year all families will be responsible for the full price of school meals unless they have applied and been approved for free or reduced priced meals. To apply for these accommodations, visit Please note that last year’s application will expire on October 13, 2022. Additionally, families may deposit funds on their student’s lunch accounts at the same website.