The Liverpool Letter
Liverpool Public School - November 2019
Diary Dates
Term 4
- Fun Day - Wednesday 16 October
- Transition to School 2020 - Tuesday 29 October, Tuesday 5 November, Tuesday 12 November, Tuesday 19 November and Tuesday 26 November @ 9:5am
- Stage 3 Camp - Monday 28 October to Wednesday 30 October
- Road Safety in-school event Years K-4 - Thursday 31 October
- Senior's Concert at Liverpool Catholic Club - Wednesday 20 November
- Tiger Tag Gala Day - Wednesday 20 November
SRC Mufti Day - TBA
SRC Disco - Wednesday 27 November
Presentation Day - Tuesday 10 December
Year 6 Students Vs Teachers Dodgeball Tournament - Monday 16 December
Year 6 Farewell - Tuesday 17 December
Have you seen these notes and when are they due?
Principal's Message
What a start to Term 4!
Last Friday was World Teacher Day and I am sure our community agrees with me that we have an outstanding group of professionals at Liverpool Public School. A staff breakfast was held to say a big thank you for the work and dedication of our teachers. I trust my colleagues enjoyed the day!
Each year awards are presented to staff and community members that have made a significant contribution to the achievement of the goals of the department and the promotion of public education in NSW. This year I am pleased to recognise the outstanding achievements of Miss Fatrouni, Ms Vejzovic, Mr Curtis, Mrs Arapa and Ms Prassad. They were all presented with an award by Mr Magriplis the Director Educational Leadership Liverpool Network earlier this week.
Congratulations as well to Mrs Vajdevski on the completion of her NSW Primary Principals Association Principal Credential which has been an 18 month leadership journey. Mrs Vajdevski was presented with her certificate yesterday by the association’s president at a ceremony in Sydney.
Last term I shared with you the news that some of our students qualified to compete at the Regional Athletics Carnival. Our students competed well with one student qualifying to move to the next level. Congratulations to Sovita H (6P) who will now compete at the NSW State Athletics Carnival next week. We all wish her the very best!
Our Kindergarten transition has begun and it was great to see so many new parents and familiar faces at our first session. Transition is an opportunity to learn – for the student, for families, and for the school. As I am reminded by the wonderful Kindergarten team, transition is not just to help children get ready for school but to make sure school is ready to welcome your child. If you or someone you know has not enrolled their child for Kindergarten in 2020, please ask them to visit the school office as soon as possible so that they may join our transition program.
We are also in the process of planning staff arrangements for 2020. To assist our planning, if your family has plans to travel over the summer break or will be moving to a different school, please inform the school office as soon as possible.
The Department of Education updated enrolment policy and procedures for all schools in NSW earlier this year. Liverpool Public School has now reviewed our own procedures. As a school in a high growth area, the revised procedures will have an impact on future enrolments. Further information is available on our website under enrolment or the school’s procedures which can be downloaded here. The department has also produced an information sheet for parents. If you have any questions please contact the school office.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Ian Tapuska
From the classroom - K/1G and Miss Raymundo
K/1G started this term with a BANG. Our theme this term is celebrations. So far we have learnt about the traditions people hold all over the world when celebrating their birthdays and New Year’s Eve. We know our primary colours and made a good luck dragon. In music we have been using drums, bells and clapping sticks to make a fast and slow beat and change the volume. In math we love learning about position, especially when Mr D’Cruz comes in and we use the Blue Bots.
In Kindy we have 75 sight words in our vocabulary that we can read and write. We can stretch out and write words we are learning and don’t yet know to spell. We are trying to write interesting sentences about celebrations all over the world. In math we all know how to count to 30 and some of us can count past 100. We are now learning our friends of 10.
In Year 1 we are learning to write narratives. We are reading lots of books this term to help get our creative juices flowing. We are starting creating stories of our own. We learnt the word Onomatopoeia and can now use Onomatopoeia to make our characters and sentences more interesting. In math we can all use different combinations of coins and notes to buy things in our classroom “shop”. We are now learning about data and bridging to the closest 10.
Kindergarten 2020 Enrolments
We are now taking enrolments for Kindergarten 2020. If you or someone you know have a child who turns 5 before 31 July 2020 they are eligible to start kindergarten in January 2020. Come and see our friendly office staff to complete your enrolment form and to get information about our Kindergarten Transition to School program.
Beginning School Well Program
The Beginning School Well program was held again this year. This is a program implemented to support refugee families with students starting Kindergarten in 2020.
There was six sessions held at school in Term 3 and into the start of Term 4. We had 13 families attend the sessions. The students were able to develop friendships with other students and teachers. The parents built relationships with each other, our Ethnic Aides, classroom teachers and the school as a whole.
Each week the students participated in intentional play activities whilst the parents participated in information sessions. We discussed topics such as school uniforms, school times, how to prepare their child for starting Kindergarten, healthy food options and the Transition to School program in Term 4.
Below are some photos of the Beginning School Well initiative.
From the Deputy Principals - Mrs Alfaro and Mrs Vajdevski
Dear Parents and Carers,
Term 4 is well underway! There have already been lots of wonderful experiences for our students at Liverpool PS.
Road Safety
Some students in Kindergarten to Year 4 were extremely lucky to learn about road safety as a pedestrian and passenger through our road safety in-school event organised by Miss Chao. The students had lots of fun during the hands-on experience.
School experiences
Many grades have excursions and in-school events coming up. These are important experiences that support student learning. It is an expectation that all students attend so as they can further their learning back in the classroom through class discussion. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's planned excursion please see their class teacher.
Just a reminder that an SMS will be sent to your mobile phone daily if your child is absent from school. Please reply to this SMS or provide a note explaining your child's absence on the first day they return to school.
Stage 3 Camp
Our Stage 3 students had a wonderful time at camp this year where they have experienced some wonderful activities with their friends. Many students challenged themselves on many of the obstacles. Thank you to Mr D'Cruz and Miss Fatrouni for accompanying the students on this three day event!
School Enrolments for 2020
The end of 2019 is fast approaching and we have now begun planning for 2020. Please inform the school as soon as possible in writing if your child is not returning to Liverpool Public School in 2020, or if your child is starting kindergarten 2020, and you have not yet informed the office.
Thank you
Mrs Alfaro (K-2) and Mrs Vajdevski (3-6)
From the classroom - 2N and Miss Nguyen
In 2N we have been learning many literary, mathematical, science and musical concepts through hands on activities. In English students have been looking at the structure of imaginative texts using quality picture books and deduced that all authors compose their stories differently. In maths they manipulated with playdoh to make circles and bars which helps them to understand fractions and conducted science experiments to learn about The Living Things. We were also fortunate enough to have Jane from The Song Room teach students some musical instruments and explore their musical capabilities.
Stage 3 Camp at Morisset
On Monday 28 October, Stage 3 students attended camp at Morisset. From the moment they arrived the fun began; students were provided with a big lunch (burgers) and debrief about the camp expectations and the fun activities they were going to have a go at doing. On day 1 students went canoeing on a lake and went on the dual flying fox. When they returned, students ate a big dinner where they were able to choose from chicken (halal), beef and vegetarian sausages, mash potato, gravy and macaroni and cheese. The fun didn’t stop there with a surprise visit from Miss Drown and Miss Suryaprakash who dropped in and joined stage 3 and Miss Fatrouni and Mr D’cruz for the night activity, where students played a range of active and engaging games.
Day 2 was a big day with a total of 5 fun filled active activities. Students were challenged with a rock-climbing. Lots of students took the challenge to reach the top of the level 3, however, only one was able to do it and it was Filip in 5/6K. The other activities students participated in was orienteering, mud world obstacle course and the high ropes. At night after dinner, students held their very own county fair, where they were in charge of a stall each which included: sweet shop (donuts and fairy bread), the salon (hair colouring, face painting, nail polish), surf rider and the challenger. Students had to earn tokens and could spend what their earned on the other activities.
On the last day students took a ride on the giant swing and had a go at archery. Students had an amazing time where they developed their ability to work as a team, communicate with each other and push themselves to their limit.
Active Kids in Term 4
Active Kids has commenced this week at Liverpool Public School. It has been an extremely successful start seeing so many students involved in physical activity. We have had so many providers join us including martial arts, basketball, dance, soccer, cricket and dance.
Any questions please speak to Mrs Evangelista and Miss Chao.
In School Event - Road Safety
From the classroom - EALD Stage 2 and Mrs McMullen
In Term 3 some of the Stage 2 groups were reading in pairs, to find information about animals. Then they shared the facts with the group.
We learned about animals in Term 3. We wrote information and had fun with feathers.
Some of the students have been practising reading and writing new words and then writing them in sentences.
This term we are learning about imaginative texts. Some of the students practise reading quietly to themselves using a whisper phone while Mrs McMullen is helping another student.
Omar in 3K wanted to write an imaginative text about a hungry scooter. He has a good imagination. Omar, Eelan, Ali and Danial from Year 3 and Mrs McMullen
wrote this story together.
The Hungry Scooter
The hungry scooter raced to the park to have his dinner. A boy with a blue shirt was swinging on the swing. A girl started to slide down the slide. Sponge Bob went on the slide after the girl. Two boys were playing soccer on the grass. There was a wooden picnic table under the trees. The hungry scooter said “Yum, yum, yum. I am going to eat my dinner.”
He ate the wooden table. He ate the slide. He ate Sponge Bob. He ate a swing. The swing chain was made of metal. “Owwww! My tooth hurts!” The hungry scooter broke his tooth.
The hungry scooter raced to the dentist. The dentist checked the hungry scooter’s teeth. He found metal in the hungry scooter’s mouth. He found wood in his mouth and he found sponge in his mouth. The dentist said, “You ate too many unhealthy foods and you have a broken tooth”. The hungry scooter said, “What!!!” There was a little bit of the tooth left. The dentist fixed the hungry scooter’s tooth with super glue.
The hungry scooter felt happy. He decided to go to the city and eat dessert.
From the classroom - 4/5G and Miss Gonzales
4/5G students have been working in collaborative groups to enhance their learning experiences. They have worked in groups to create models of 3D objects and identify the different features of these objects. 4/5G have also teamed up with 4M and 4W to peer review the texts they have written throughout Term 3 and have given each other constructive feedback. The students have been learning about mindfulness and meditation and have made their very own sensory bottles to use as a calm down tool. 4/5G have had a fantastic year so far and we are excited to continue to work hard in Term 4!
Stage 3 Social Media Safety
Stage 3 attended an information session focusing on social media safety on the 24th October. Senior Constable Rachel Kennedy, a Police Youth Liaison Officer, shared important information with the students regarding specific websites and social media platforms regularly accessed by the students on their computers, play stations and mobile phones. Students participated in discussions about how to enjoy the experiences this technology has to offer in a manner in which they will be safe and their personal information will remain secure. Students shared personal experiences, responded to different scenarios and asked questions about specific sites in which they use.
At the end of the session, students were able to identify strategies and behaviours that will keep them safe when using online websites and media platforms and where they can seek support if needed.
There is an upcoming cyber-safety event for parents and carers on Friday the 15 November in the school hall. ThinkUKnow Australia is a cyber-safety education program that educates parents, carers and teachers on how people are using technology, the challenges they may face online, and how to help them overcome these in a safe and ethical way. This program will be presented by a local law enforcement member and will be extremely valuable in supporting your child when they are accessing online games and social media platforms. I hope to see you there.
Diana Kirkness
Stage 3 Assistant Principal
Liverpool Arts and Film Festival (LAaFF) 2019
On 10 September over 50 of our students from Kindergarten to Year 6 performed at the Liverpool Arts and Film Festival. The event was held at the Liverpool Catholic Club in front of hundreds of audience members. The groups included were:
- Junior Dance
- Junior Choir
- Senior Dance
- Loud and Proud Drummers
- Liverpool Lightning skippers
The students performed in a showcase among 5 other schools within the area. They were taken by their supervising teachers:
- Miss Maharaj
- Ms Nguyen
- Mrs Williams
- Mrs Arapa
- Miss Gonzales
- Mrs Sood
- Mrs Goodbun
- Miss Chao
- Mrs Moore
- Miss AlSalti
All students put on a fantastic show, demonstrating their commitment and hard work they put into regular rehearsals. The students received positive feedback on their outstanding performances and their professional behaviour.
We would like to thank all the families who purchased tickets to watch the show, and all the staff who assisted on the night.
We would also like to thank Mrs Katrina, Mrs Maria and Tianah and Serenity Jones’ family for volunteering their time to help us with hair and make-up.
Liverpool Central
Tell Them From Me Survey
Thank you to the parents and carers who completed the Tell Them From Me Survey.
We had so many parents and carers who completed the survey and as 'Thank you' from us we had some lucky prizes to give away ... 3 fruit hampers!
Congratulations to our winners!
Community Language - Arabic and Hindi
Welcome back to Term 4!
Community Language students in Stage 3 are going to participate in cultural cooking experience term. Students as well as teachers are very excited for our cooking experience!
Stage 2 and stage 3 community language students are going to host our weekly assembly on Fridays this term. (Hindi Assembly in week 4 and Arabic Assembly in week 6) Please come and join us to encourage our children. Children take pride in their culture and are looking forward to showcase what they have learnt this year.
Mrs Sood & Mrs Elias
Song Room - Deadly Arts Program
During Term 4 we will be running a program called the Deadly Arts Program. The Song Room bring in an Indigenous artist to work with our Indigenous families and students to create a piece of art. We will be constructing a mural down near the Kindergarten Classrooms and it starts Friday 1 November 2019. The Indigenous students will be participating in some of the lessons that will take place Friday mornings from 9am.
NAIDOC Day Colouring Competition Winners
During Term 3 Liverpool Public School celebrated NAIDOC Day with a performer, Mr Scott, who played Didgeridoo and had a talk about culture to all of our students. The lessons were very engaging and entertaining for all students from Kindergarten. to Year 6.
As part of the celebrations we also had a colouring competition and the winners are listed below.
- Elina 6P
- Makayla 5R
- Anhar 4M
- Milav 3R
- Pradanya 2C
- Emma 1A
- Aadhya KT
- Salwa KJ
Congratulations to everyone who participated.
From the classroom - 6T and Miss Surya
6T students have been developing their understanding of how the world is filled with Mathematical concepts and have investigated how Mathematics helps us understand more about the world. Students have been exploring the importance of ‘Angles.’ They began by identifying different types of angles and explored how to measure them. Students then investigated how angles have been used in the classroom and in the playground.
They continued to discuss how and why angles have played an important part in creating an enjoyable playground. Students continued this exploration and discussion inside the classroom too and enjoyed challenging their peers to student-led competitions.
Students in 6T have also been enjoying the robotics activities offered in the library. They have especially enjoyed experimenting with Ozobots which are small robots that move according to the pathway, or line, that they are travelling on. Students can draw their own pathways for the robots to move on and can use different patterns to control its movement.
Sport News
Colour Fun Run
On Wednesday 18 September Liverpool Public School hosted a School Colour Fun Run. We held the event to raise money for sport equipment at our school. Anyone who raised $10 or more will be receiving a prize which they chose when they handed their money into the office or donated online through the School Fun Run app.
On the day, all classes were placed into their year groups where they were able to play Dodgeball, participate in the obstacle course and free sport play as well as the best part, the Colour Fun Run.
When the run started, music was being played while all the children, who brought their note in, ran across the track. While students were running, teachers were throwing as much coloured powder on any student they could find. During the run, parents and carers were able to watch the mayhem that unfolded. We know that all students we talked to had a great time on the day and we hope it happens again soon.
Prapti Shinde and Kawthar Karimi 4W
Active Kids
Active Kids has now begun with some great turnouts for all sports. The sports include Cricket, Martial Arts, Soccer, Basketball and Dance. All students are having a great time and the coaches have mentioned how well students are participating. With the high number of students, we will look to continue this for a term next year.
Regional Athletics
The Regional Athletics Carnival was held at the end of Term 3 with 4 competitors competing from Liverpool PS. The students were Mohamad Shajahan who placed 5th in the Senior High Jump, Andrej Mernik and Rachel-Rose Boakyewaah who both placed 4th in the 8 year old 100m and Sovita Hagedorn who placed 4th in the Senior Shot Put and 3rd in the Senior Discus. Sovita will now be competing at the State Athletics Carnival for Discus. Good luck Sovita.
Tiger Tag Gala Day
In Term 4 there will be an Oztag Gala Day on the 20 November. The gala day is opened to all students in years 3, 4, 5, and 6. We will be looking for any students who will be interested in competing. No experience in OzTag is needed so anyone can play. There will be both boys and girls teams in each age group. Please remember to bring your notes in as soon as possible so you don’t miss out as places are limited. Both boys teams are already full however there are still places left in the girls teams.
Term 4 Calendar
The Leader in Me
Our students are now learning about Habit 2- Begin With the End in Mind.
Through exploring Habit 2 students learn about the importance of planning ahead and setting goals. They create and live by their personal mission statement and they also explore ways they can contribute to their classes and whole school’s mission and vision.
Our school is organising an information session about The Leader In Me framework at Liverpool Central community room. The session runs from 9:30am to 10:30am. We hope to see you all there.
Friends of Liverpool
We look forward to seeing you all next week!
SRC Report
Stay tuned for more information of the Upcoming Events for Term 4
* SRC Mufti Day – To be confirmed
* SRC Disco - Wednesday 27 November
* Year 6 Students Vs Teachers Dodgeball Tournament – Monday 16 December
Thank You
Term 4 Overviews
Fun Day is coming...
Team Leader Awards
Library News
Library Stocktake
Due to the Library stocktake students will NOT be able to borrow books from the school Library as of Friday 15 November (Week 5). Stocktake will start on Monday 25 November (Week 7). There's a lot of work involved with returning and shelving books before we can actually stocktake. We are hoping to resolve ALL long-term overdue books by the end of this year, ready for a fresh start in 2020.
Sunrise Reading Finishes for 2019
Sunrise Reading will finish on the Friday 15 November (Week 5). As we know the more you practise something the better you get. Students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 been reading picture books, camera words and phonemes with students in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. This allowed all students involved to practise their reading and listening skills. The readers improved their fluency and the Sunrise Reading Leader enhanced their leadership skills.
We would like to acknowledge all the parents who have brought their children early to school so that they can attend Sunrise Reading. Thank You for your continued support as we look forward to continuing this reading program in 2020.
Library Parent Helper
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful parents who have volunteered their time in the library to help cover books for this year.
Book Club
Thank You for supporting Book Club this year, we have just completed the final edition for 2019. Children will receive their books over the coming weeks. The rewards we have gained has allowed us to purchase quality books for the library.
Library Borrowing Timetable - until week 5
Students are encouraged to use a Liverpool Public School library bag to borrow books from our school library. The library bag helps protect our library books when the books are not at school.
Liverpool City Library - Homework Help
Liverpool City Library has a Homework Centre were students can visit with their parents to get help.
The centre is open every Wednesdays from 4pm to 6pm. For more information visit the link below,
Gardening News
We have been delighted by the sight of several sunflowers this season...and saved their seeds, so we can once again grow more and make everyone smile as they enter the garden!
We squeezed the last of the tomaotes that survived Winter into pots...and all of them grew into seedlings! Look out for some on sale by the students on Monday afternoons. We planted a few of the seedlings and are waiting for them to produce fruit, so we can add them to lettuce and other greens and make salads once again.
We had a day of planting food scraps, including avocado seeds...and after regular watering and some patience, have just seen our first seed sprout! We are hoping to grow things regularly and raise funds to help students in need.
The children found many fresh foods to eat in the garden, including: celery, carrots, strawberries and mulberries. The mulberry tree just popped up and is a favourite with everyone. Many of the potatoes died off and we have been digging up their tubers as though they were little treasures! There was a day of preparing and cooking them - they tasted great roasted, with a little oil and salt!
The next best thing the children love to do, besides eat fresh food, is to plant things and they have been successfully potting mint, even teaching the teachers how to do it. They are making up some 'how-to' sheets for classes now.
Our new apple tree, after being lovingly planted, has blossomed! We look forward to it cross-pollinating the pink-lady apple...and finally getting some fruit to eat! We will have to net them safely (with taught, white mesh) to protect wildlife...and the fruit.
Our young raspberry plant has been thriving, taking over one entire garden bed, which means we will be getting more berries when the time comes for it to fruit!
We planted a new midgen berry shrub in the Aboriginal garden and tested a new native plant walk around the school.
The students have started to make movies about their gardening adventures. Look out in future, for movies on 'how to plant a cutting' and 'why bees are important in the garden'. Once ready, we will upload them onto the school website for your viewing.
Enjoy the rest of Spring!
Term 4 Assembly
Our assembly times for Kindergarten to Year 2 are on Friday afternoon 1:45pm-2:30pm (odd weeks) and Year 3 to Year 6 on Friday mornings 8:55am-9:30am (even weeks).
Parents and carers are welcome to attend. Below is our Term 4 assembly timetable.
Liverpool Public School has an official Facebook page which is for the school to inform parents and carers of events going on each and everyday, as well as to positively promote the school within the community. You can locate us at:
'Like' us on Facebook by clicking on the like button.
The Skoolbag App is one way we communicate to parents and carers. If you don't have it you are missing out.
Please download the app to ensure you are getting every communication we send out. The type of information we send out is wide and varied.
Five minutes now will save you a lot of time during the term and keep you up to date. The instructions can be found here:
School Uniform
At Liverpool Public School students are expected to wear full school uniform to develop a sense of belonging. This includes black school shoes and a school hat. If students are not wearing full school uniform they will not be able to participate in school activities, including excursions.
It is important that all pieces of school uniform are labelled with your child's name so that they can be returned if lost. When labelling items please make sure that names are written inside the item.
See below for our full school uniform.
Liverpool Public School
Location: 12 Railway Street, Liverpool NSW, Australia
Phone: 02 9602 7882