Argyle ISD School Board Briefs

Dear Argyle ISD Staff & Community,
Last night, Argyle ISD held its monthly regular board meeting. The AISD School Board met at 5:00 p.m. for an executive session prior to the open meeting. We are providing you with School Board Briefs and hope this valuable information on agenda and action items helps you to be a well-informed Argyle ISD community member.
Our Board of Trustees conducted the open portion of the regularly scheduled monthly board meeting at 6:00 p.m. President Sam Slaton established a quorum, and our Board of Trustees led us in our Pledges to the Flags and Opening Prayer.
During the Consent portion of the Board Agenda, the Board unanimously approved a series of items related to different departmental areas. A full list of consent items can be viewed in the released agenda.
During the Reports portion of the Board Agenda, the Board received several updates, including:
Construction Report, including an update on Jane Ruestmann Elementary and newly installed Adaptive Swings at the other elementary campuses
Superintendent Report, including updates from summer happenings, back-to-school information, and community engagement
During the Information portion of the Board Agenda, the Board was presented with a series of items to discuss and consider. No action was taken on these agenda items.
Information regarding a Voter Approved Tax Rate Election (VATRE)
Budget Amendment
Please see the cover sheets and presentations in the released agenda for more detailed information.
Finally, during the Discussion and Action portion of the Board Agenda, the Board approved the following:
Consider approval of student nutrition meal prices for 2024-2025
Discuss and consider approval of AISD Board Operating Procedures
Consider the Adoption of Resolution of the Argyle Independent School District Board of Trustees Regarding Title IX
Consider and Approve TASB Update 123 and Other Localized Policy Changes
Discuss and consider the adoption of an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Establishing Sale Parameters, Authorizing the Execution of a Bond Purchase Agreement, Approving an Official Statement, and Enacting Other Provisions Relating to the Subject.
With the adoption of the School Board Resolution Regarding Title IX, Argyle ISD will submit the resolution, video recording of the meeting and a copy of the board meeting agenda to Texas Education Agency Commissioner Morath, the Texas State Board of Education and all relevant stakeholders, and state legislators representing Argyle ISD. Additionally, Board Policy FA (LOCAL) was adopted covering Parent Rights and Responsibilities defining district policy for Parental Authority over Student Rights as they relate to safeguards, facilities, and pronouns. This policy enacts the current district practice that has been in effect since the start of the 2022-2023 school year.
As you may recall, Argyle ISD began a series of board budget workshops in February to address a $4.6M budget shortfall. Through a series of financial strategy exercises over the past several months, Argyle ISD has made significant progress in eliminating a large portion of the budget deficit. Chief Financial Officer, Liz Stewart, provided an update to the Board of Trustees regarding the 2024-2025 budget which will be presented for discussion and action at the August 19, 2024 regular board meeting.
If you did not join us online or in person, you are encouraged to view a recording of the board meeting here for full context, comments, and conversations.
Our next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 19, 2024. The public portion of all regular board meetings begins at 6:00 p.m. All regular board meetings and special board meetings with action items are live-streamed, recorded and available on-demand. Special meetings with no action and board workshops are also recorded. Should you have any questions regarding any portion of the board meeting, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Argyle ISD Regular School Board Meeting - July 15, 2024
Argyle Independent School District
Argyle ISD is a fast-growth public school district in the Dallas-Fort Worth area with 5,500+ students and nearly 700 employees. The District includes six campuses. Argyle ISD is a 13-time UIL Lone Star Cup Champion.
Website: argyleisd.com
Location: 6701 Canyon Falls Dr., Flower Mound, Texas 76226
Phone: (940) 464-7241
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArgyleISD/
Twitter: @argyleisd
Instagram: @argyleisd
Flickr Photos: Argyle Eagles