Check it out!
Scotia Public Library
Adventure Begins At Your Library
Summer Library Program begins June 3rd and runs through July 13th. Come claim a brag tag necklace and add pony beads each time you visit! Each week there will be an activity to do in the library during our open hours. A take-home bag with a craft or activity will be available for the first twelve families that come in each week.
Week 1: Camping
Week 2: Nature Adventures
Week 3: Adventures in the Air
Week 4: Maps
Week 5: Adventures on the Water
Week 6: Road Trip!
Adult Reading Challenge
Read at least one book this summer and enter a drawing for a gift certificate to the Tattered Book Used Bookstore in Grand Island.
Stamps Galore
We've added a whole LOT of stamps, stamp pads, and card stock to our crafting area!
Fun Outside the Library
There is chalk, bubble juice, and some other surprises available for play outside the library all summer.
Mon.-Sat. 9:30-11:30 AM, Tues. 6:30-8:30 PM
Scotia Public Library
Email: scotialibrary@nctc.net
Website: http://libraries.ne.gov/scotia/
Location: 110 South Main Street, Scotia, NE, USA
Phone: 308-245-3191
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scotialibrary/?ref=bookmarks
Scotia Library
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