The Weekly Update #4
December 19, 2024

Message from the Superintendent
Dr. Kevin Myers, Superintendent, Districts 75 and 120
When our community voted to support the building referendum in November, it was a great show of support for what we are trying to achieve for our students at Mundelein High School.
Our work is all directed towards bettering student outcomes and improving facilities is one way to create an excellent educational opportunity for all of our students.
But there are many other factors that go into providing a quality education. And I’m proud to tell you that our teachers, staff and administrators are supporting the efforts of every student at MHS to grow and develop to their full potential.
The value we place on academics continues to make a difference for students. Here are a few examples:
Our graduation rate, which had been somewhere between 89 and 91 percent for years, is now at 94 percent.
During the 2023-24 school year, every one of our 29 varsity athletic teams was named to the IHSA All-Academic team.
The State School Report Card overall index for MHS increased this year by 3.28 points to 84.1.
The MHS Class of 2024 saw 55 percent of its graduates take at least one AP course and exam during high school, 49 percent score 3 or higher on at least one AP exam, and 16 percent complete five or more AP exams. These numbers earned MHS a Silver Distinction on the College Board’s 2024 Advanced Placement Program School Honor Roll.
We’re proud of these achievements and of the people who continue to perform great work to improve student outcomes.
As far as facilities improvements go, we’re already getting started on the work. But it won’t be so obvious to the casual observer at first. At this time, we’re preparing the sites for future work and sending out bids for contracted work.
Our first project will be to upgrade the interior of the MHS Annex at 1500 W. Hawley Street to make room for our Transition Center program, a place where participants aged 18-22 can learn how to live as independent adults. The Transition Center is currently on the north side of the high school building where much of the building’s transformation will eventually take place.
We will keep you up to date with each step of the process on the same website we used to inform you of the referendum in the first place: https://www.d120.org/2024-building-plan/. We’ll also send you messages as we reach milestones along the way.
Facilities Project Update
Voters support MHS referendum - What's next?
On Nov. 5, the Mundelein High School District 120 community supported a $149.5 million referendum to improve MHS facilities.
Key elements of the building improvements are:
- Updating aging infrastructure
- Solving overcrowding issues
- Making health, safety and security improvements
- Upgrading instructional spaces
- Enhancing Career & Technical Education areas
The project is expected to take about three-and-a-half years to complete. Much of the work will be done during the summer when students are not in school. The preliminary stages of work include finalizing plans with the architects and engineers and starting civil and site work.
In December the District will solicit bids for some of the projects ahead. The bids are expected to be approved in the first quarter of 2025 with facilities work to begin in the spring.
The first project will be to upgrade the interior of the MHS Annex at 1500 W. Hawley Street to make room for our Transition Center, a place where participants aged 18-22 can learn how to live as independent adults. The Transition Center is currently on the north side of the high school building where much of the building’s transformation will eventually take place.
Because there is much preliminary work to be done before workers put shovels in the ground, the referendum won’t impact tax bills in 2025.
Stay updated with the improvement projects by following the MHS Building Plan page on our website.
Student News
Internship brings alumni back to MHS
Editor's note: This story was originally published on Nov. 1, a few days before voters passed the building referendum.
Jill Kennicott’s experiences as a student at MHS led her into the field of mechanical engineering. Now, there’s a chance that her internship as a student at Bradley University will bring her right back to her hometown high school.
The 2023 MHS graduate was recently offered an internship at Elara Engineering during the summer of 2025.Because Elara happens to be the company that is working with MHS on its facilities improvement plan, Jill would be working at her old high school this summer if voters support a referendum on Nov. 5.
“That would be amazing,” said the Bradley University sophomore. “The learning curve for the internship would be less because I already know the building itself.”
English students compete to fund charity groups
Seasonal giving and classroom learning blended seamlessly at MHS on Dec. 12 as Honors English 4 students presented a case for giving to the charity of their choice.
The Third Annual Honors English Charitable Outreach Project was more than just an academic lesson in public speaking; the winning presentation received nearly $1,000 toward their charity.
It was a perfect way to end the semester, English teacher Mark Landuyt said.
“Each year the most impactful thing other than the presentation is all the wonderful awareness the charities offer. Most students seek out someone from the organization or someone impacted by the organization. They speak to that pretty directly. It’s very cool to see authentic arguments for real audiences,” he said.
MHS music students achieve state honors
A total of 18 MHS musicians were named to the Illinois Music Education Association District 7 Honors Ensembles in October. These students, representing band, choir, orchestra and jazz band, are considered in the top 5 percent of performers.
These individual honors are the result of students preparing upwards of five musical excerpts that are performed for judges across the state. Achieving a place in district ensembles is an accomplishment on par with an athletic team advancing to state sectionals - making it a rare honor.
The honors were given to the following students:
Band: Matthew Adamczyk, trumpet; Emilio Burgos, E-flat clarinet; Jacob Dubinskiy, trombone; Andy Gallup, tuba; and Paola Vargas, trumpet.
Orchestra: Dylan Buisson, bass trombone; and Mariana Van Eycke, trombone.
Chorus: Alex Benassi, tenor II; Adren Delos Santos, tenor II; Aedan Hogan, bass II; Lia Kagan, soprano II; and Sam Zwiefelhofer, tenor II.
Jazz Combo: Chloe Langford, trombone.
Jazz Band I: Jacob Dubinskiy, trombone; Emily Grandt, drum set; Mason Jerome, guitar; Aidan Ross, alto sax; and Mariana Van Eycke, trombone.
Jazz Band II: Dylan Buisson, bass trombone.
Jazz Band III: Shawn Mastandrea, piano.
Jazz Band IV: Daniel Fishel, bari saxophone.
MHS earns silver recognition in AP Honor Roll
Mundelein High School has been named to the College Board’s 2024 Advanced Placement Program (AP) School Honor Roll, earning a Silver distinction.
The recognition shows improvement at MHS, which earned a Bronze distinction in 2023.
“This award reflects the hard work of our students, the support of their families, and the dedication of our exceptional faculty,” said Stacey Gorman, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning.
Students named state scholars
MHS proudly recognizes 63 of its seniors who have been named Illinois State Scholars for the current academic year.
This prestigious award, granted by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC), identifies graduating high school seniors who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and exceptional potential for success in higher education.
Representing MHS as Illinois State Scholars are the following students:
Isaiah Alaban; Abigail Altergott; Kayla Bard; Alexander Bazan; Eric Beauchamp; Dylan Buisson; Kiersten Campise; Keshav Chandramouli; Sara Choi; Sarah Choi; Carson Cooper; Michael Cory; Daniel Desrosiers; Alberto Diaz; Parker Dumalski; Norah Emso; Jack Finerty; Arlo Fingerhut; Charles Fisher; Erick Fletcher; Matthew Gaughan; John Gorsica; Emily Grandt; Gracie Greenfield; Lucy Heikes; Diana Hernandez; Aedan Hogan; Samantha Jaffe; Mason Jerome; Lily Jones; Delaney Jung; Allison Kampa; Sreya Kannappan; Leah Kim; Addison Klein; Adam Kocian; Lia Koski; Nishita Kumar; Chloe Langford; Trevor Madden; Kevin Mann; Brandon Marano; Kanon Martinez; Shawn Mastandrea; Shruthi Menon; Stella Moon; Michaela Nelsen; Graham Ney; Mihika Odak; Sydney Olorvida; Averie Parkins; Maisy Price; Sean Sanderson; Danielle Saweh; Holly Scaramella; Karina Schwalbach; Molly Stedman; Nicholas Szalony; Adriana Trotz; Mariana Van Eycke; Trevor Wiersema; Rian Xu; and Saule Ziemelis.
Senior named National Merit Scholar Semifinalist
Mundelein High School senior Mariana Evangela Van Eycke has been named a Semifinalist in the prestigious National Merit Scholarship Program.
More than 16,000 students achieved the distinction of National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists, representing less than 1 percent of high school seniors in the U.S.
More than 1.3 million juniors in about 21,000 high schools entered the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the 2023 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, which served as an initial screen of program entrants.
Mariana will compete for the 6,870 National Merit Scholarships, worth nearly $26 million, which will be announced in spring 2025.
College Board honors 20 MHS students
Nearly two dozen MHS students earned honors from the College Board National Recognition Program for their academic achievements.
The program is a tangible way to recognize the academic achievements of high school students across the nation and open college access to more students. The recognition is a signal to colleges that want to recruit awardees and the categories represent those who are historically underrepresented on college campuses, including African American, Hispanic, Indigenous and First Generation (students whose parents do not have bachelor’s degrees).
School Board News
Board News & Notes
The District 120 Board of Education values communication and transparency. We will be publishing “District 120 News & Notes” after our regular Board of Education meetings and if/as other opportunities arise in order to keep our community informed and connected. News & Notes will focus on actions taken and highlights from administration presentations.
Lisa Yaffee Recognition
Former Board Member Lisa Yaffe was recognized for her six years of service on the School Board. Yaffe, who stepped down from the Board in August, served since 2018. Superintendent Kevin Myers described her as a servant-leader who has always done what is best for students. Board President Peter Rastrelli lauded her qualities including leadership, responsibility and humility and said her governance serves as a model for the entire board.
D120 School Board welcomes new member
The School Board approved the appointment of Jennifer Hill in October to fill a vacant Board seat through April 2025.
Hill earned her MBA in Global Specialization from the Lake Forest Graduate School of Management and is director at Gravie, an employer health benefits organization. Additionally, she is a mentor and advisor for the MHS Business Incubator Program.
Mustang Pride Award monthly winners
The award recognizes students for demonstrating one of our Profile of a Learner tenets: Agile; Self-Assured; Proactive; Information-Seeking; Resilient; and Empathetic.
Mustang Pride recipients
Mustang Pride recipients
Mustang Pride recipients
Academic Achievement Breakfast
In October, MHS hosted a special breakfast Thursday morning to celebrate the academic achievements of students who have been recognized by the College Board and by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC).
Staff News
Teacher Leads Group Supporting Educators of Color
On the back wall of her classroom, Mundelein High School teacher Georgina Aguirre has a sign that reads: Explore. Learn. Grow.
While that sign may be meant for her students, Aguirre will be living those words during the next two years as the new facilitator of an affinity group at MHS designed to support educators of color.
The Illinois State Board of Education (in partnership with Teach Plus) selected Aguirre to facilitate the group over the next two years. She is one of more than 40 facilitators across the state who will engage in a facilitator fellowship with the Illinois Affinity Group Network.
Board presents Stocker with Excellence award
MHS Wrestling Coach Craig Stocker was presented with the District 120 Award of Excellence in Education at the school’s Institute Day on Aug. 12.
The award reflects the Board’s dedication to supporting a diverse community that fosters continuous growth in both staff and students. It also represents the effort behind providing equity, growth and collaboration.
The presentation was made during an assembly of the school staff on their first day back for the 2024-25 school year.
Upcoming Dates to Note
Tuesday, Jan. 7 - School resumes
Thursday, Jan. 16 - Incoming Freshmen Night
Monday, Jan. 20 - MLK Jr. Day - No School
Friday, Jan. 24 - Late Start - Classes begin at 9:40 a.m.
Saturday, Feb. 8 - ACT Test
Friday, Feb. 14 - Teacher Institute Day - No School
Monday, Feb. 17 - President's Day - No School
Friday, March 14 - Late Start - Classes begin at 9:40 a.m.
Monday, March 24-Friday, March 28 - Spring Break
* See our website for details on these and other important dates