Heritage Elementary Newsletter
October 2024
What a Great Start!
We are 6 weeks into the school year, and we have a lot of positives to look to for such a great start! Thank you for sending your child to us ready to learn! Our students have jumped right in by engaging with new books, showing off their math skills, and experiencing new things in science and social studies! Thank you for doing your part in encouraging your child to do their best in the specific learning activities our teachers are providing. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have anything that will help us to partner for a successful experience here at Heritage.
And as always, I am available if I can be helpful to make this year a success!
If you haven't checked out our very own "Heritage Little Authors Podcast," there is a link to check it out below!
David. Sperling
Start and End Times
Our students thrive on routines. In order to make sure we are getting the most out of our time at school, please make every effort to have your student here the entire school day.
As a reminder, our school day is from 7:50 - 3:30.
Event Information
Heritage Pizza Hut Night
The Heritage Pizza Hut Fundraiser is Wednesday, October 2nd.
Help support Heritage Elementary by placing an order for Delivery or Carry Out at Pizza Hut located at 2400 Bagnell Dam Blvd., Lake Ozark, 573-365-3738. Mention Heritage Elementary upon placing or picking up your order.
Heritage will receive 20% of net sales during the fundraiser.
Wednesday, Oct 2, 2024, 11:00 AM
Pizza Hut, Bagnell Dam Boulevard, Lake Ozark, MO, USA
🏈Homecoming Week is October 7 - 11🏉
Fire Prevention Week
Fire Prevention Week is October 8-11. Our very own Lake Ozark Fire Department will be here throughout the week to teach us about fire safety. Students will also be given the opportunity to go through a fire truck, smoke house, and be taught by real fire fighters about fire safety.
Thank you to these great community helpers!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Our parent teacher conferences will be Monday, October 21st from 11:00 - 7:00. This is a great time for you to connect with your child's teachers about their strengths and communicate about how to work together.
We will have sign up instructions coming soon.
Event Information
Heritage OFP is excited to sponsor this event for our school once again this year. This will be a great opportunity for food, fun, and a silent auction for a variety of items, including class baskets of goodies!
Saturday, Oct 26, 2024, 04:00 PM
Heritage Elementary, School Road, Lake Ozark, MO, USA
Halloween Parties
We will have our Halloween parties on the afternoon of Thursday, October 31st. Please do not send your child to school in a costume, but they are encouraged to wear Halloween/fall colors. You will receive more details from your child's teacher when the time gets closer.
As a reminder, if you are providing treats, please make sure they are store bought.
David Sperling
David is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters