The Weekly Update #4
July 28th, 2024
August 9, 2024
Message From the Office
Dear Families,
Here we go!
We look forward to partnering with you to make this school year memorable and successful for all our students. Your involvement and support are vital to our community's success, and we encourage you to stay engaged and communicate with us regularly.
If you have not enrolled your student yet, we ask that you do so as soon as possible. If you need assistance, please reach out to us.
We have had several questions about what supplies students need to begin school. We do not have a list. We suggest pencils, pens and paper to begin the year.
Open House will be held from noon to 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 14. We encourage you to stop by with your student(s) to meet our staff and explore the building. Additionally, we will hold optional meetings for the parents/guardians of our 7th grade students at 2:00 p.m. and again at 5:30 p.m. These meetings will provide information to help ease the transition from Jayhawk Elementary to Jayhawk-Linn Junior High.
Please see our meeting schedule below for additional opportunities to meet with coaches and our counselor. They will provide information about athletics and academics to help our student be successful.
Dr. Samuels - Principal
Mr. Beckham - Assistant Principal
Open House Meetings
2:00 - 7th Grade Parent/Guardian Meeting (one of two optional)
5:30 - 7th Grade Parent/Guardian Meeting (two of two optional)
6:00 JH Football Meeting
JH/HS Volleyball Meeting
7:00 JH/HS XC Meeting
Counselor Corner
August 14 - There will be a meeting at 6pm in JLHS cafeteria for parents of Class of 2028 and above to go over the new graduation requirements.
Reminder for any student that is taking FSCC online classes or STARS that those classes will begin 8-19-24. CNA students and Senior STAR students class time at the STARS building will run this year from 7:30am-10:30 am. Junior STAR students' class time will be 10am-12:15 pm. Please email Mr. Kramer for any questions.
Upcoming Dates
August 12 - STAFF Kickoff at JLHS
August 14 - Open House - 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
August 15 - First Day of School
August 19 - First Day of Fall Sports Practice
August 24 - V/JV Volleyball @ Iola Officials Clinic/Jamboree
August 30 - No School
August 30 - HS Football Jamboree @Neodesha/Erie
September 2 - No School - Labor Day
September 3 - V/JV Volleyball Tri @ Humbolt with Colgan
September 5 - HS/JH XC @ Anderson County
September 5 - JH Volleyball @ Marmaton Valley
September 6 - HS Varsity Football @ Central Heights
Policy Updates
We want to inform you of two policies that have been updated for the 2024-2025 academic year. We encourage you to take some time to review the policies as well as the student handbook linked below.
Make-Up Work Policy
The make-up work policy ensures students can complete missed assignments due to absences while promoting responsibility and academic success.
Reporting Absences
Students are responsible for promptly reporting their absences for school functions.
Parents/guardians should notify the school of any anticipated or unexpected absences in advance whenever possible.
Excused Absences: Include illness, medical appointments, family emergencies, and other pre-approved reasons. Students are entitled to make up for all missed work.
Unexcused Absences: Assignments missed due to unexcused absences may result in grade penalties or require completion at the teacher's discretion.
Make-Up Work Procedures
Timeframe: Students will have one day for each day they are absent to complete and submit make-up work unless otherwise specified by the teacher.
Collecting Missed Assignments: Upon returning to school, the student must collect missed assignments and notes from teachers and check Schoology.
Long-Term Absences: In the case of extended absences due to illness or other circumstances, teachers and administrators will work with students and their families to develop an appropriate plan for completing missed work.
Quality and Submission
Make-up work should be completed with the same level of effort and quality as if the student had been present in class.
Assignments should be submitted according to the teacher’s instructions, which may include specific formats or digital submissions through Schoology when applicable.
Teachers will clearly communicate expectations and deadlines for make-up work to students upon their return to school.
Students are encouraged to seek clarification or assistance from teachers as needed to successfully complete their assignments.
Assessment and Grading
Grades for make-up work will reflect the student's demonstrated understanding of the material and adherence to assignment requirements.
Teachers may adjust deadlines or provide additional support as deemed necessary to accommodate individual student needs.
Parent/Guardian Involvement
Parents/guardians are encouraged to monitor their student's progress in completing make-up work and support them in adhering to school policies and deadlines.
This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and relevance to student needs and academic expectations.
Cell Phone Policy
Cell Phone Policy Overview
Students are permitted to use cell phones in designated areas and times as outlined below:
Before School: Cell phone use is allowed.
After School: Cell phone use is allowed.
Lunch: Cell phone use is allowed.
Passing Periods: Cell phone use is allowed.
Classroom and Academic Time
When the Bell Rings:
Cell phones must be silenced, stored away, and out of sight.
During Academic Times:
Cell phones are not to be used, including if students leave the classroom for any reason.
Consequences for Policy Violations
1st Offense:
Reminder to put cell phone away.
Student may be sent to put the phone in their locker.
2nd Offense:
Teacher will confiscate the phone.
Phone will be delivered to the office by the teacher.
Phone will remain in the office until the end of the school day.
Parents/guardians will be contacted.
3rd Offense:
Teacher will confiscate the phone.
Phone will be delivered to the office by the teacher.
Phone will remain in the office until the end of the school day.
Student will serve a detention.
Parents/guardians will be contacted.
4th Offense:
Teacher will confiscate the phone.
Phone will be delivered to the office by the teacher.
Phone will remain in the office until the end of the school day.
Student will serve a half day of In-School Suspension (ISS).
Parents/guardians will be contacted.
5th Offense:
Teacher will confiscate the phone.
Phone will be delivered to the office by the teacher.
Phone will remain in the office until the end of the school day.
Student will serve a full day of In-School Suspension (ISS).
Parents/guardians will be contacted.
Subsequent Infractions:
Will be handled on a case-by-case basis by administration.
Key Points to Remember
Silencing and Storing: Students must ensure their cell phones are silenced and stored away when the tardy bell rings.
Confiscation: Teachers are authorized to confiscate phones if students violate the policy.
Communication: Parents/guardians will be contacted for repeated offenses.
Escalation of Consequences: Repeated violations result in progressively severe consequences, including detention and In-School Suspension.
By following this policy, we aim to create an environment conducive to learning while allowing reasonable cell phone use during non-instructional times.