Boyden Weekly Update
December 6, 2024
Dear Boyden Families,
Saturday is the Holiday Breakfast, Shop and Raffles. It is a fun day for the students and the Boyden Community. Please see the times/schedule:
- 8:00 AM Brekfast and Raffles Open
- 8:30 AM Holiday Shop opens (cash only)
- 10:15 AM Shop and Raffle Close
- 10:30 AM Raffle Begins
Hope to see you there!
WHS Drama Club
WHS Drama's production of the hit Broadway musical Once Upon A Mattress opens this weekend! Once Upon a Mattress is a whimsical and hilarious story that turns the classic fairy tale of The Princess and the Pea upside down! Princess Winnifred, a bold and unconventional royal, sets out to win the heart of Prince Dauntless and prove she's worthy of becoming a princess. But first, she must pass a test designed by the overbearing Queen Aggravain—who has made it nearly impossible for anyone to marry her son. Filled with catchy songs, charming characters, and plenty of laughs, Once Upon a Mattress is a delightfully quirky story of love, courage, and defying expectations.Perfect for audiences of all ages, this timeless musical promises a fun-filled night of entertainment!
Performances are Friday, December 6th at 7PM, and Saturday, December 7th at 2PM and 7PM in the Walpole High School auditorium. Tickets can be purchased online at https://walpoledrama.ludus.com/ and will be sold at the door. We hope to see you there!
Student Council Warm Clothing Accessories Drive
Can you help us help others in this Season of Giving? Student Council will be running a warm clothing drive to support VA Hospital in West Roxbury.
What: New warm hats, scarves, mittens, gloves, socks, slippers or for men, women, and children
When: Monday, December 2nd through Friday, December 13th
Why: To show kindness toward those in need
Donations can be dropped off in collection boxes at the Boyden School Office. Thank you for your generosity.
Dedham Savings Bank Holiday Card Contest
For more than 25 years the Walpole Elementary Schools has partnered with Dedham Savings Bank and participated in their Holiday Card Contest. Though these past years have been a little different we would still like to offer this opportunity to our students. If students would like to participate in the contest, we are asking that this take place at home. Cards will need to be turned in to their classroom teacher no later than Friday, December 13th. Good Luck!
Here are the details:
All cards should be on 8.5 by 11 white paper
On the back of the card, please put the student's name, school, and grade.
The cards need to be returned to school by Friday, December 13th
Below are the generous prizes for each grade district wide donated by the Dedham Savings Bank:
1st Prize $100
2nd Prize $50
3rd Prize $25
What are the Students Learning in PE?
K: Kindergarteners have worked hard on games that use hand-eye coordination this month. Our classes enjoyed learning about cup stacking, which focuses on hand-eye coordination, bilateral proficiency and speed. Students also worked on a variety of stations that use balance, throw and catch, coordination and levels all while having fun!
1st: First graders also had an opportunity to work on cup stacking. Students that had
opportunities to work on larger stacks while practicing coordination and speed. It is amazing
seeing my first grade students learning the importance of hand-eye coordination through these
types of games!
2nd: Second grade started the month working on cup stacking. Students have an opportunity to
work on the cycle of cups that requires coordination and speed. After cup stacking, we changed
our focus towards pillow polo hockey, which is hockey using a foam ball and foam stick. The two
lessons tied nicely when we talked about how the hands work together in a variety ways during
the games.
3rd: Third grade also started the month off with cup stacking. My third grade students then
transition over to pillow polo hockey for the rest of the month. Students worked on passing, stick
handling and offense & defense over the course of the hockey unit.
4th: Fourth grade also worked on cup stacking as a way to focus on hand-eye coordination and
speed. We quickly transitioned to pillow polo hockey to work on skills and small game situations.
5th: Fifth grade started the month with cup stacking, which is amazing to see how well they
have learned the cycle over the years. Then fifth grade made the switch to pillo polo hockey to
work on situational drills and small game play!
November's Sports Person of the Month
The "Sportsperson of the Month" goes to a student at each grade level going above and beyond in Physical Education Class. This includes(but is not limited to) following the rules of the game, being safe, respectful of other students, taking care of the equipment, and playing fair.
K- Jordan Miller
1st-Sayre Bingel Young
2nd- Felipe Bezerra
3rd- Fiona Lydon
4th-Charles Bent
5th- Aiden Ross
Outdoor Recess
The cold winter weather is approaching and this is a friendly reminder to have all students wear the appropriate outdoor winter clothing. As long as the temperatures allow, we will continue to have students go outside for recess. It is extremely important for students to wear boots, hats, mittens/gloves, and winter coats on cold winter days.
Message from the SEPAC
Tuesday December 10th 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Walpole Public Library- Pinnacle Room
Featuring Clinical Social Worker, Jessica McCaig, MSW, LICSW
The Caregiver Connection Series is a newly organized group created by SEPAC members, offering an informal space for parents to connect, build a sense of community, and support each other.
The Connection Series will focus on enhancing caregiver quality of life by addressing the unique challenges and stresses they face. Parents of children with special needs are encouraged to participate in an open discussion to share experiences, seek advice, and explore practical strategies for self-care.
For questions contact: sepacwalpole@gmail.com
Boyden/Walpole Apparel
The Run House, located at 15 West St, Walpole, MA, is proud to be the official retailer for Boyden Elementary School, with 20% of all profits going back to the Boyden Elementary School PAC. Chcek out all the great gear!
Virtual Backpack
Check out the Walpole Virtual Packback for upcoming events around town. Just added is the Tommy Quinn Scholarship Street Hockey Tournament
2025 MCAS Schedule
Important Dates
November 26 - Picture Retake Day
November 27 - Early Release (Thanksgiving)
November 28/29 - No School (Thanksgiving)
December 7 - Holiday Breakfast and Shop
December 13 - Early Release (12:25 Dismissal)
December 20 - SPIRIT DAY: Comfy Cozi Day
December 23 to January 1 - School Closed for Vacation
January 2 - Students return
Click Here for the Walpole Public Schools School Year Calendar
About Us
Email: bdearborn@walpole.k12.ma.us
Website: http://walpolebs.ss5.sharpschool.com/
Location: 1852 Washington Street, South Walpole, MA, USA
Phone: 508-660-7216
Instagram: @BoydenBuzz