Falcon News
Upcoming Events
12/16 Field Band Concert @ Poston Jr. High Students need to arrive at 5:30 (see info below.)
- Vest day; wear a vest
12/17 Parent Teacher Conference Scheduling Forms Due
- Holiday Glow Up; Wear something Glitter or Fancy
12/19 Early Release 12:45
- Pajama Day (must be within school dress code.)
12/20-1/6 Winter Break No School
1/7 School Resumes
🦃 Pictures from Turkey Trot & Breakfast with Santa🎅
We have an amazing Field community. We would like to thank
Photos by Cookie with T-Rich Photography
for taking pictures at the Turkey Trot as well as Breakfast with Santa.
Click the links below to see pictures from each event.
TURKEY TROT: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBT55t
BREAKFAST WITH SANTA: https://www.flickr.com/gp/200275912@N07/gj16Ttz188
A December to Remember
🎷Band Concert 🎷
Field Band Concert @ Poston Jr. High
The Band will present our Winter Concert on Monday, December 16th at 6:00pm in
the Poston Auditorium!
Details for the concert:
● Band students should arrive no later than 5:30pm
○ Staying after school is not an option for students as there will be no staff to
○ Come through the auditorium doors and into the cafeteria from there, for
instrument storage.
○ Parents/guardians can find their seats in the auditorium for the concert at that
● Wear band t-shirts and pants or skirt (no holes please)
● The performance will be short and students will be expected to stay for all 4th-6th grade
performances for their group (i.e. band watches all of the band). Students are not only
learning how to be good musicians, but good audience members, too.
We will be following the CLEAR BAG POLICY!!!!