August 12, 2024
Principal's Note, November 12, 2024
Happy Tuesday!
What a fabulous Veterans Day program we were able to witness yesterday! Congratulations to Mrs. Noack and all of our 4th graders on a job well done! We thank you again, Veterans, for your service to our country!
Don't forget about the Parenting University event happening on Friday! See the flyer below for more details!
Lastly, La Puerta, the Spanish lessons that were opened up this fall, will be returning in the spring! Registration is NOW open, so make sure you reserve your spot for the Spring semester by visiting: https://www.lapuertaspanishcenter.com/aledo
-Principal, Amy Sadler
Circle of Greatness Nominations
One of the ways that YOU can help us recognize our AMAZING staff is by nominating them for Circle of Greatness!
In Aledo ISD, parents, students, community members, fellow staff members - ANYONE - can nominate ANY staff member to be recognized in this way!
Take the time today to nominate someone who you've seen going above and beyond and being All in Aledo for Circle of Greatness! www.aledoisd.org/circleofgreatness or go straight to the form to nominate!
A Moment at McCall: Veterans Day Program
Mark Your Calendars!
Month of November
Native American Heritage Month
November 14
- Bilingual Family Engagement Event 12:30-2:30 at AISD Admin Building
November 15
- Parenting University- Screenagers Screening at 8:45am AHS Lecture Hall
November 22-29
- Student Holidays
Upcoming Events
Bilingual Family Engagement Event
November 14th from 12:30-2:30 at Administration Building
Next Volunteer 101 is December 5th! Last Chance!
Mrs. Noack's Music Corner
4th and 5th grade students auditioned for The Singing Bearcats! Rehearsals are on Wednesdays running through April 30th. We are excited to announce that our Singing Bearcats will perform at the Willow Park Tree Lighting on December 3rd!
Yearbook Information
Counselor's Corner
Nursey's Corner
PTO Information
Click the photo above to join PTO!
Grade Level Newsletters: November
Reporting Absences
As a reminder, we have streamlined absence reporting for all of our campuses for this school year. It is very important that we have documented reasons for absences so that we can ensure your student is given an excused absence when needed. Please take a look at our attendance website here for expanded information on school absences, attendance reporting times and more, and please utilize this form throughout the year to report absences. This form is also linked on the Attendance Matters website www.aledoisd.org/attendancematters.
The following are the times attendance will be taken each day by each Aledo ISD campus:
Aledo High School/Daniel Ninth Grade: 9:37 a.m.
Aledo Middle School: 9:35 a.m.
McAnally Middle School: 9:40 a.m.
McCall Elementary: 9:30 a.m.
Early Childhood Academy: 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
McCall FAQs
Ways to stay in the know:
- Remind App: You should have been invited to join your child's teachers Remind classroom by this point. Please keep in mind that while you may message your teacher during the day, this written communication is handled just like email when it comes to expectations for responses. The district expectation is 24 hours (1 business day) for response to emails. If emergencies arise regarding changes to dismissal plans, feel free to Remind message your teacher but please also call the front office to ensure the message has been received in time.
- Facebook: Please like and follow our McCall Elementary Facebook page to get sneak peeks in to campus and staff fun, student recognitions, and event reminders.
- McCall Webpage: Take some time to check out our district website page for McCall.
- McCall PTO Facebook: For volunteer and campus involvement opportunities, like and follow the McCall PTO Facebook page.
Amy Sadler, Principal: asadler@aledoisd.org
Karen May, Assistant Principal: kmay@aledoisd.org
Niki Heimke, Counselor: fheimke@aledoisd.org
Cathy Moore, Secretary: cmoore@aledoisd.org
Mitra Gabaldon, PEIMS Secretary/Registration: mgabaldon@aledoisd.org