PB Weekly

The Week Ahead
This is a busy week for students and staff. Monday 9 students will be visiting from Japan as part of the KAKEHASHI exchange program to experience American culture and will be shadowing the students to their first period and then will be in 1133 pds 2- 4 to share experiences and play games with students in our Japanese program.
Students will also get to participate in the Career Fair on Tuesday during 4th period and lunch. Ms. Kelly has organized many representatives of local businesses and educational opportunities to come talk to students.
Additionally, please read about the Capital Area Food Bank, Athletics, SAT Makeup, and the play this week below.
This Friday is the last day of the quarter. Please continue to check Parentvue and encourage students to check in with teachers and stay on top of their assignments. If you need assistance with your parentvue account, you can reach out to Ms. Pierce in counseling .
There will be no school on the 31st, which is a professional day for grading and reporting.
Capital Area Food Bank 3/26
The Capital Area Food Bank will be at Paint Branch High School inside the back of the cafeteria, Wednesday, March 26th, 2025, from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm to host a food market. This is a free event, and all families are welcome to attend. Fresh produce and food items will be provided to families at no cost until supplies run out. Please be sure to join us and remember to bring bags/carts to pick up food.
Please complete the Capital Area Food Bank Distribution Report Form before you enter the Food Bank.
The remaining dates for the year are March 26th, April 23rd, May 28th, and June 11th.
Spring Musical: In The Heights
This Week in Athletics
SAT Makeup
The make up day for any student who missed the SAT Day will be on Friday, March 28, 2025. Students have been asked to complete a Google form and will receive their registration confirmation by Wednesday, March 26.
April Calendar
Click here to access our April Calendar.
March Student Post
Access the MCPS March Student Post to learn about SSL Opportunities, Athletic Updates, SMOB Finalists, and more.
PB & Best Buddies
March is Best Buddies Month. Throughout the month of March, PB & Best Buddies are kicking off the Campaign Spread the Word>> Inclusion.
Your pledge signifies a powerful stance against derogatory language targeted at individuals with disabilities, calls for change, and creates a society where everyone is valued, celebrated & free from the impact of harmful stereotypes.
Click here to read more and access the Pledge Link.
Upcoming Important Dates
3/28 & 3/29 Spring Musical In the Heights
3/28 Last day of MP 3
4/1 First Day of MP 4
4/8 Report Card Distribution & Honor Roll Party