New Albany High School
Bi-Weekly Newsletter - November 20, 2019
Will Your Child Miss School Due to Travel Over the Holidays?
Will Your Child Miss School Due to Travel Over the Holidays? Complete a Planned Absence Form!
Families MUST complete a Planned Absence Form if your student will be not be attending school due to travel or other circumstances on any day that school is in session. This includes taking extended time off over the holidays and spring break. Whether it's one day, five days, etc. your child will not be excused if the form is not completed PER HB 410 stipulations.
The completed form is required to be submitted to the building secretary of your child’s school at least one week prior to the absence.
Failure to complete and return this form prior to the absence will result in the student’s absences being documented as unexcused and counted toward attendance threshold limits established by the State of Ohio.
Students not returning to NAPLS after holiday or spring break MUST COMPLETE A WITHDRAWAL FORM. This form documents information correctly in order to comply with HB 410 and the Missing Child Act.
How can I check my child’s attendance record?
Parents can log into their PowerSchool Account and click on “Chronic Absenteeism” to view the total absence hours their student has accumulated per month and per year for the current school year.
Did You Know?
A student is chronically absent if he or she misses as few as two days of school a month.
While students sometimes get sick or have medical appointments, missing any amount of school can be harmful to their learning.
- Excessive Absence = missing 38 or more hours of school in one month OR 65 or more hours in one school year with or without an excuse
- Habitual Truancy = 30 or more consecutive hours OR 42 hours in a month OR 72 or more hours in a year without an excuse
- Chronic Absence = missing 10 percent of the school year with or without an excuse
If a pre-planned absence exceeds 38 hours in a month or combination of all absences exceeds 65 hours for the year, any absence above the 38 or 65 must be marked as unexcused. By law, a letter will be sent home notifying parents of the excessive absences and requirement of medical excuse needed for all future absences for the school year. Without a medical excuse, additional absences will be marked as unexcused.
For additional information please reference ODE: http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Chronic-Absenteeism
Mid-Term/Final Exam Schedule December 2019
· Bus transportation will be provided for the start of school each morning and for the 2:50 dismissal.
· Students must have an early dismissal permission form completed and dated by a parent in order to leave campus before 2:50 pm.
· Lunch will be available in the cafeteria from 11:00-12:05 each day.
· The Jefferson Room will not be open for lunch during exams.
Graduation Gown Donation Drive
Eastland-Fairfield Career and Technical Schools
2020 New Albany Eagle Yearbook - Order Now!
It is never too early to order the memories that will be with you for a lifetime. Although the year is new, make sure you have all of the memories that are part of the 2019-2020 school year simply by purchasing a 2020 yearbook that is currently in production. Sales are open now until May 1, 2020. To have a name stamped on the book cover, order no later than 30 April, 2020. Prices are as follows:
$70.00 until November 18
$75.00 until December 1
$80.00 after December 1 – until sales end May 1, 2020.
How to order The Eagle:
Go to www.yearbookforever.com and follow the simple instructions.
Please direct all questions concerning the yearbook to Mr. Thom Cross @ cross.1@napls.us
*** If you have not collected your yearbook from past years, please e-mail to arrange this.
Join NAPLS Food Service
School & College Counseling
- As of November 1st, counselors have processed 1,972 college applications for students. This is a November 1st record. This is an increase of 345 applications from last year at this point, even with having less senior students this year. Our staff wrote 441 letters of recommendation for students. Thanks to you all for your hard work and for helping our students.
- College representative visits are for students only.
- College visits are primarily for juniors and seniors as they begin to review their college options.
- You must be in good academic standing and obtain your teacher's permission to attend
- Pre-registration in Naviance is required to attend a college representative visit.
- Scheduled college representative visits are subject to change. Please check the calendar before a scheduled visit to confirm the session date and time.
- Click here to view current schedule.
New Albany High School PTO
Parent Teacher Conference Dinner – We are grateful to the many families that brought salads, drinks, and desserts for the dinner we served to teachers before Parent Teacher Conferences. Also, a huge thanks to New Albany Country Club for donating lasagna. Check out our Facebook page for photos.
Talent Show Auditions – Students can now sign-up for the talent show auditions. https://signup.com/go/ipwyjGQ. We are also looking for an adult back-stage manager. Email Director Melissa Gould at gould.5@napls.us if you are interested.
Marco’s Pizza Donation – Marco’s pizza donated a free pizza coupon for all of our NAHS teachers! They have also offered to host a fundraiser for us December 16, 17, and 18 so mark your calendars.
Spirit Wear Donation – A special thanks to the Doss family with Hollywood Imprints for their continued support. They have donated well over $3,000 in product and labor!! The funds we raised have benefited your student in several ways.
- Weekly donuts awarded for random lanyard checks
- Free popcorn during Peace Week
- Games (Connect 4, Uno and Jenga) purchased for “House” to encourage community
- Bablingua.com online Spanish lessons which virtually transports students to various Spanish-speaking countries
- Talk Abroad sessions which allow NAHS students to speak with native Spanish-speakers from around the world
- ChineseC3 media download from OSU which provides fun games and lessons for Mandarin
- Coffee provided for the “Astro Coffee” series which brings in astronomy speakers for those classes
- Solar energy expert sponsored to speak with Principles of Engineering students
- OSU planetarium visit offered for Astronomy students
Upcoming PTO Events:
- December 2 from 3-4pm – Talent Show Auditions for Vocal and Instrumentals – HS Choir Room
- December 3 from 3-4pm – Talent Show Auditions for Dance, Sketch, etc. – HS Mini Theater
- December 9 from 5:30-7pm – Talent Show Auditions for Opening Number – McCoy Dance Studio
- December 11 from 9-10am – Coffee and Conversation with Mr. Kraemer – Freshii
- December 16-18 – Marco’s Pizza Fundraiser – Marco’s Pizza 5310 N. Hamilton Rd.
- December 18 – Grab-n-Go Breakfast for Teachers
Upcoming Important Dates
- November 27 - No School In-Lieu of Parent Teacher Conferences
- November 28-29 - No School - Thanksgiving
- Decemeber 18, 19, 20 - Semester Exams - Schedule
- December 23 - January 3 - Winter Break
Our Purpose
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is committed to creating a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and developmental outcomes for each student.
New Albany High School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/hs
Location: 7600 Fodor Road, New Albany, OH, USA
Phone: 614-413-8300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyHS/?ref=bookmarks
Twitter: @napls_hs