Longview Elementary
News & Information for Longview Families
Jennifer L. Gonzalez, Principal
Omar Montejano, Counselor
Jennie Snegosky, Secretary
Carmen Stucky, Asst. Secretary
June 2024
I would like to take this time to thank all of our parents for the support and partnership during this school year.
To my HAWKS of Longview Elementary School!
Thank you for all your hard work throughout the school year. I am so honored and proud to be your principal. I wish you all the very best summer vacation, and I look forward to welcoming you all back, refreshed, for what will be an exciting, new academic year.
Mrs. Gonzalez
Lost and Found
If your child has lost a clothing item this year, please take a look in our Lost and Found box. The box is located next to the restrooms by the gym. Please stop by the office first to obtain a visitor's pass. We plan to donate unclaimed items to a local charity on June 12th.
Our office will be closed for the summer starting 6/17/24
Planning for the 2024 - 2025 School Year
It would help with our planning for the 2024 – 2025 school year to know if any of our families for grades kinder through fourth grade plan on moving, and will be attending a different school next year. If this applies to you, please call the office as soon as possible to let us know. Thank you.
Counselor Corner
Hello Longview families and friends! As your school counselor, let me tell you about end of the year activities:
Last month in May I taught the Child Protection Unit (CPU) lessons to all first graders. Parents had the opportunity to opt out their child. Students had a great time learning and understanding the songs about the Eight Never-Nevers and the Three Big R’s (Recognize, Refuse, and Report).
Safety Patrol will come to a close today on this last day of school. I want to make sure that all the students who participated know that they did an outstanding job keeping us safe after school at the crosswalk. If it wasn’t for their dedication and commitment we would not have been able to bring back Safety Patrol. Thank you Jack Wiley, Wyatt Niehenke, Marah Melcher, Maja Carlson, Jase Pruneda, Sophia Velazquez, Brady Weed, Tayler Gossett, Mo Fredley and Ayron Britt.
Please encourage your child to engage in being Honest, Aware, Willing, Kind, and Safe! Go HAWKS!
Our end of the year big prize Hawks Points drawing was today, the last day of school.
The Staff and Student of the Month event was today, Monday, June 10th. We celebrated all the great achievements of our students! We also recognized two classified and two certificated staff members for their contributions and dedication to our students. After our ceremony parents had the opportunity to take a picture with their child with our new Longview Hawks backdrop.
-Dr. Omar Montejano
Physical Education with Mrs. Lacelle
Hi Longview families,
In the month of May our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders participated in our bike safety unit. Students learned the importance of helmet use, riding skills, and rules of riding a bike on the road. This unit allows students the opportunity to improve their bike skills and for some the chance to learn how to ride a bike. Our Kinder, 1st, and 2nd graders participated in a variety of station activities working on their motor and movement skills.
Healthy Habits for Summer
Summer is a time for fun and outdoor activities! Children and adolescents need to be physically active for at least an hour every day. You can help your kids prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally for the upcoming school year with healthy and fun summer activities. Try going for walks, bike rides, and enjoying the many parks we have in Moses Lake. Check out the Moses Lake recreation guide for more activities for kids, visit our local aquatic center, or even check out the kids camps at Aim Gymnastics. Our community has so many amazing activities to keep kids active all summer long.
I hope everyone has an amazing summer and can’t wait to see all of your smiling faces at the beginning of next school year!
-Mrs. Lacelle
Upcoming Events
- Today, June 10th is the last day of school (9:00 am - 12:00 pm). Be safe and enjoy summer!
The Moses Lake School District #161 does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boys Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the school district’s Title IX, Affirmative Action, and Equal Opportunity officer, Michelle Musso, 1620 S Pioneer Way, Moses Lake, WA 98837, (509) 766-2650, mmusso@mlsd161.org; OR Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Samantha Burgess, 1620 S Pioneer Way, Moses Lake, WA 98837, (509) 766- 2670, sburgess@mlsd161.org