The J-List
Back to School 2024 Edition
Hello JES Family,
I hope you have enjoyed your summer and are ready for an amazing year. We are all re-energized from the summer break and can't wait to see our little Dragons back on campus!
We are looking forward to seeing you at our Meet the Teacher on Friday, August 9th, 8:30 - 9:30 am. Also, please make sure to stop by the First Day of School Breakfast in the cafeteria on Tuesday, August 13th after dropping your little Dragons off at their classrooms.
If your family is new to JES, I would like to invite you to join us on Wednesday, August 7th at 5:00 pm for a brief campus tour and an opportunity to meet our campus leadership. More details are included in this newsletter.
I am so excited about the year ahead! Please know how proud I am to be your Principal and the opportunity you have given me to serve this beautiful community!
See you next week and GO DRAGONS!
Patrick Holladay, Principal
Johnson Elementary School
Back to School Links
New to JES Open House - August 7th
If your family is NEW to Carroll ISD or Johnson Elementary and you haven't had a chance to see our building (for example, you did not attend Kindergarten Preview or just moved to the area this summer), please join us on Wednesday, August 7th at 5:00 pm for a brief Welcome Tour of the building and a chance to meet our campus leadership team.
Who is My Teacher?
Teacher assignments will be posted in Skyward Family Access on Thursday, August 8th at 4:00 pm. Please remember that your teacher and schedule will not be available if you have not completed the ASV (Annual Student Verification) in Skyward.
Meet The Teacher - August 9th
Join us for Meet the Teacher on Friday, August 9th from 8:30 - 9:30 am. Please bring your child's school supplies. Parents are welcome to attend. This is a come-and-go event. Please plan to enter and exit through the main entrance.
At Meet the Teacher, PTO will host a Spirit Shop and information table. There will also be a school bus so you can practice buckling and unbuckling on the school bus and meet your child's bus driver before the first day of school.
First Day of School - Tuesday, August 13
Families are welcome to walk their children to their classrooms on the first day of school. Typically parking is pretty tight, so please allow adequate time. You are also more than welcome to drop off using our car line or the walkers area if you don't plan to walk your child to class.
If you choose to walk your child to class on the first day of school, please plan to enter and exit the building through the main entrance. And, don't forget to stop by the Welcome Back Breakfast in the cafeteria after you drop your students off at class.
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Details about our Arrival & Dismissal Procedures can be found at this link. Please take a moment to read through this document as it makes arrival and dismissal so much smoother when we all work together and follow the process.
Please pay special attention to the following:
- Notifying the office about changes in transportation
- Cut-off time for early dismissal
- Tardy policy
Thank you in advance for your grace and patience as our students, families, and staff get back into the groove of our arrival and dismissal routines. It does take a while the first couple of weeks, especially at dismissal, but we promise it gets so much better as our little Dragons figure out the routine.
Car Line Open: 7:20 - 7:38 am
Students Permitted Back to Class: 7:30 am (held in gym or cafeteria prior to 7:30 am)
Car Line Closes: 7:38 am
School Start Time: 7:40 am
School Tardy Time: 7:40 am
Communication about bus times/routes will come from the transportation department.
School Lunch & Lunch Visitors
To help our students and staff adjust to the beginning of the year schedules and procedures, the campus will be closed for lunch visitors the first week of full school days (August 19-23). We look forward to having our parents visit for lunches beginning Monday, August 26.
JES 2024-2025 Lunch Schedule
- 10:30 - 11:00 Kindergarten
- 11:05 - 11:35 1st Grade
- 11:40 - 12:10 2nd Grade
- 12:15 - 12:45 3rd Grade
- 12:50 - 1:20 4th Grade
Students may bring their lunch from home or can order from the cafeteria. Menus are posted online at southlakecarroll.nutrislice.com/menu/. Please make sure your child knows their lunch plan for the first full day of school (August 19th) and that your lunch account is loaded if you plan to buy.
Cafeteria Options: (3 options daily)
- Hot Plate Lunch
- Salad Meal or Bento Box Meal (rotating)
- Deli-Bag Lunch or Yogurt Combo Lunch (rotating)
We encourage all parents/students to prepay money into their lunch accounts:
- Online Payment through My School Bucks
- Cash/Check can be deposited in the lunch line at the point of sale. If you choose to drop cash off, please include your child's name and ID number.
IMPORTANT - ASV (Annual Student Verification)
As a reminder, parents of all Carroll ISD students (including new enrollees) are required to complete the Annual Student Verification (ASV) for each of their students annually prior to the first day of school. This process is completed through the district's Skyward Family Access portal. Please log in to your Skyward Family Access account and complete the Verification process for each of your students as soon as possible.
You will have the option to pay the Course Fee for each of your students during the ASV process. This fee is used to help purchase additional supplies needed for our classrooms during the school year, including paper and other print materials that are not included in the school supply lists.
Please note, the ASV process must be complete prior to being able to view your child’s schedule or teacher assignment in Skyward, which will be available beginning at 4:00 pm on August 8.
Come Scan Your ID
If you can, please come scan your ID before school starts. Hours are 7:30-3:30 pm. We have to scan EVERY ID every school year (even if you scanned it last year) and coming up to scan in advance will help our front office so much. Remember that you can not use the self check in kiosk and we can not pre-print a visitor badge (helpful for large events) until you have your ID scanned.
Volunteer Application & Background Check
We depend on the dedication of the wonderful volunteers that we have in our community, and can not thank our volunteers enough for sacrificing their valuable time and efforts in support of our campus.
Every volunteer must complete an application and a background check to ensure the safety of our students. To ensure the safety of our students, volunteers must complete and submit an application each school year prior to being allowed to volunteer on campus or any campus event. Please note that this process can take up to 1 week and can not be done on the spot at the campus.
Click here to begin your application to become a Carroll ISD Volunteer.
Bus Pass Information
Information about riding the bus, including purchasing bus passes, can be found on the district transportation website.
School Supplies
The pre-sale for school supplies through Southlake Women's Club is now over, and those supplies should be delivered to your home. Please bring your school supplies to Meet the Teacher with your name on the shrink wrapping or on the consolidated bag of supplies.
Birthday Treats
We love celebrating birthdays! Families may bring in birthday treats for their students, but they must adhere to district policy and be approved by front office staff.
Treats must be store-bought with an ingredients label that says "Made in a Nut-Free Facility" and can be verified by our office staff. All treats have to be approved. Please call if you aren't sure if something will be allowed so we can avoid an issue! We do have a list of some approved treats in the office if you need a suggestion.
Elementary school parents can also request birthday ice cream through the cafeteria for birthday celebrations. The treat will be mini ice cream sandwiches at $2.00 each (must purchase enough for each child in the class). Funds will be deducted from the My School Bucks lunch account. Please fill out the Birthday Dragon form here to purchase birthday ice cream treats.
Food Allergies
Carroll ISD restricts all peanuts and tree nuts from classrooms; this includes daily snacks, birthday celebrations and class parties. All food items brought into school for classroom consumption must be coordinated by the classroom teacher, be store bought and have an ingredient label attached to the packaging. Any label that states the following is NOT permitted in the classroom:
- “May contain peanuts or tree nuts”
- “Processed on shared equipment with nuts”
- “Manufactured in a plant containing peanuts or tree nuts”
- “Contains peanuts or tree nut ingredients”
For safe food options please visit snacksafely.com. For more information, please contact the school nurse, Denise Anstiss, at 817 949-4500 or denise.anstiss@southlakecarroll.edu.
Snacks & Water Bottle
Please pack a daily healthy snack and refillable water bottle for your child. We have several water bottle refill stations on campus.
- Teacher Newsletter (for your child's class/grade)
- Principal Newsletter called "The J-List" (for the school)
This is technically our first "J-List." This will be housed on our website, which also houses other links and information.
Consider signing up for the district's Dragon eBlast to stay informed on district news.
A Few Friendly Requests
- Please try to avoid dropping off lunches on a regular basis; the occasional "forgotten lunch" or special treat is fine. This year, there will be a "drop off table" for lunches for students to check on their way to lunch.
- Please make sure your child has their own set of headphones with a STRAIGHT audio jack (not an angled one). These can go in a ziploc baggie with their name on it.
PTO Updates
PTO & Homeroom Dues
Be sure you have joined the PTO and paid your homeroom dues. If you missed the link during ASV, you can click here to complete the process.
Shop on Friday!
Spirit Shop will be set up in the cafeteria during Meet the Teacher. After you leave JES, Calakids is giving 10% back to the PTO so plan to stop by their store located next to Kroger.
Room Parent and Party Planner
Homeroom parent and party planner sign ups will be available in each classroom at Meet the Teacher. Be sure to fill it out if you’re interested in serving in one of those roles.
Welcome Breakfast
Join the PTO for coffee and breakfast in the cafeteria on the first day of school directly after drop off. It is a great time to meet people, catch up with friends, and sign up for volunteer opportunities!
Save the Date
We would love to see everyone at our first PTO meeting on Wednesday, August 28th at 9am in the cafeteria.
All adults who plan to volunteer at school or chaperone field trips this year need to fill out the CISD volunteer application. This process must be completed yearly.
Around the Corner
7 - New to JES Campus Visit, 5pm
9 - Meet the Teacher, 8:30-9:30am
13 - PTO Welcome Breakfast
13 - 1/2 Day for Students
14 - 1/2 Day for Students
15 - 1/2 Day for Students
16 - 1/2 Day for Students
27 - Curriculum Night (K-1), 5pm
28 - PTO General Meeting, 9am
29 - Curriculum Night (2-4), 5pm