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Belmont Elementary: A PAWSitive Place to Learn!
Have a BEautiful Thanksgiving Break with your FAMILY!
Executive Functioning Skills at Work
Executive Function Skill of the Week: Attention
This week we're talking about Attention, but I won't ramble on because I want to keep your attention! Ha! From the time humans are born, other humans start working to get their attention. I just got a video of my newest grandson and I was amazed at how he is locking in on his mommy's face already. Bonus, he got interested in the camera and it felt like he was looking right into my eyes for a bit. Bliss. Anyway, my point is that we start building our stamina for attention from a very early age. Pictures, faces, voices, music, nature - all provide excellent subjects for our eyes to learn to adjust, focus, and lock in our attention to something fairly stable that has been presented to us. Notice that I didn't say video games, shows, or movies. Those medias, which all have a viable place in our repertoire, don't lend themselves to sustained attention and focus in the same way. Let me explain. On the screen, there are so. many. things. happening. at. the. same. time. with. lights. and. sounds. and. level changes. and. resets. and scene changes. and. commercials. (if you're cheap like me.) You get the point. When someone says that their kid locks in to a video game for hours, what they really are saying is that their kid needs a LOT of constant stimulation with consistently changing focus points in order to hold their attention.
Simply being able to pay attention to a singular stimulus is a much harder skill, but one that can be learned! We call it building stamina. Would you like for your child to be able to just sit and read a book for 20 minutes? So would we! Your child might be able to do that and more, but if they don't yet have the stamina to do that, set a timer for how long they can read (or picture walk if they're little) and then challenge them to read longer next time. Talk about how they can block distractions, either physically or with self-talk. Take calming breaths for mindfulness before they get started on the story. Celebrate their stamina growth! Before you know it, they'll be reading champions!
On another note, you might try building stamina for one activity at a time. Get out one toy. Play with it. Put it away. Get out the next toy or activity. Play with it. Put it away. Repeat. Awwww. Toys that get their day and a tidy playroom!
You might also practice at the dinner table. Build your children's stamina for sitting in a chair, eating with utensils, and carrying on a conversation. You'll be the parents everyone is jealous of at Thanksgiving dinner! Enjoy the accolades!
Extra Bottoms??
Our Health Office is running low on sweatpants and leggings in sizes 6, 7, & 8. Do you have any drawers to clean out? We'd love to find a new home for your hand-me-overs! Please and thank you!!
Join us!
We need THREE MORE special people to join our Connections C team! We've been making the magic work by pulling people from their other jobs, but we would sure rather provide consistency for our students with the same staff every day. How about you? Are you pretty consistent? Do you love kids? Do you think it's pretty cool to work with other pretty cool people? We laugh. We cry. We hug it out. (To be clear...hugging is completely optional.) We celebrate. We learn and we grow. Come grow with us!
Your future "I didn't know how much I'd love it!" opportunity starts by clicking here.
Additionally, we have just opened a Registered Behavior Therapist position. Here's that link.
Or, if you are looking for a part-time position, we just opened a part-time para position on our Resource team. So yay! Here's where to click to apply.
USD 232 has been an important and strong participant in the Kansas Teacher of the Year Program for many years. De Soto has had fifteen state finalists and thirteen semi-finalists represented in the program since 2000.
We would like to invite you to nominate any teacher whom you consider to be an outstanding and effective educator. This person must have completed 5 years of teaching with at least 2 of them having been in USD 232. If there is a USD 232 educator whom you believe to be outstanding and deserving of special recognition, please use the link below to fill out the nomination form.
Kansas Teacher of the Year Nomination Form
Nomination deadline is noon on Wednesday, December 4, 2024.
Winter Weather- Repeat from USD 232 Admin Email
Now is a good time to review plans and be prepared this winter for when our school district cancels or delays the start of school due to inclement weather or other emergencies. Consider childcare options for your family as we head deeper into the winter months.
Information about school and inclement weather is communicated in the following ways as soon as a decision is made.
1. Sent via text message through our schoolNEWS Alert System. Sign up for text message alerts.
2. Posted on the front page of the district’s website.
3. Local television stations (ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC)
4. Social media - Follow @usd_232 on X (Twitter) or on Facebook @USD232official
The district will not announce when schools are open. If no announcement is made, schools are open.
While the process we use is comprehensive, we understand that you may not agree with the district's decision to close school or keep school open. Please know if weather conditions are severe, you have the option of keeping your child at home. In this case, please contact your school's office and your child's absence will be recorded as an excused absence.
Two-hour Delayed Start In the event of a two-hour delayed start, all school start times will be delayed by two hours.
• High schools would start at 9:50 a.m.
• Middle Schools at 9:55 a.m. o Exception: Mill Creek Middle School begins at 9:50 a.m.
• Elementary schools at 10:45 a.m.
All morning bus pick-up times will be delayed by two hours. Schools will end their day at the regular time and after-school bus routes will operate on their normal schedule. Breakfast will not be served should a delayed start be used. Read more about a two-hour delayed start.
Again, this is just a reminder to be prepared this winter. Read more about inclement weather procedures.
Who Will BE the Next Principal of BE?
It has been and continues to be a great pleasure serving as principal of this place we've built together. When I move out over the summer, I'll be turning over the responsibility to someone new, but with your help, I'm confident that we'll find just the right heart to lead Belmont into the future. Please follow the link below to let the district hiring committee (which will include current Belmont staff) know what characteristics and traits you’re hoping our next principal will bring to Belmont. You’ll be asked to share what you love most about our school, and anything else you’d like to share. This is your opportunity to let your voice be heard. Click here for the BE Principal Parent Input Form
Coming Up at BE:
November 25-29 🌻 Thanksgiving Break
- No School for Students
December 11 🌻 BE Skate Party at Skate City, 6-8pm
December 16 🌻 PTO Meeting, 6:30pm, Cafeteria
December 18 🌻 BE Night at Sombrero's
December 20 🌻 12:10 Dismissal
- No Lunch Served
December 23 - January 6 🌻 Winter Break
- No School for Students
Visit the BE Online Calendar of Events (by clicking on the button below) for a more complete list of activities!
Now Accepting Reservations for BE Family Luncheon Seating
11:00-11:30 1st Grade
11:20-11:50 Kindergarten
11:40-12:10 5th Grade
12:00-12:30 4th Grade
12:20-12:50 3rd Grade
12:40-1:10 2nd Grade
Reservations are required to join your child for lunch- when we are ready, you'll be able to CLICK HERE to reserve your family table!
WatchDOGS Wednesdays!!
It's a WatchDOGS revival in the Belmont DogHouse! With at least a week's notice, we'll welcome a DAD (gotta be a significant adult guardian or relation) each Wednesday to work a day at BE. There will be a schedule provided that will include a variety of tasks including building safety, academic assistance in classrooms, and logistical support during lunch, and the reward...RECESS! We guarantee you'll have the opportunity to enjoy lunch and recess with your own child(ren) and around that, we'll put you to work in the classrooms where your extra hands will be the most helpful! Do YOU have the opportunity to take a day off to hang out with about 370 beautiful children and the adults who love learning with them?
Access the WatchDOGS Sign Up HERE.
Making A Difference Staff Recognition
We are blessed to have such an amazing team here at Belmont! Would you love an opportunity to formally show appreciation...without spending a dime? Through the generosity of the Great American Bank and the USD 232 Education Foundation, we have the opportunity to recognize staff members who go above and beyond in their daily interactions with students. All you need to do is click on the link below and fill out some general information about the deserving nominee. Thank you for helping our team know that their dedication is appreciated. I appreciate your time and gift of gratitude if you've recently nominated, or plan to nominate a Belmont team member for their service.
Sign up for Text Alerts
Receive emergency information, school closings, early dismissals and administrative reminders on your mobile device. This text and email service is free, but check with your mobile provider as text messaging and data rates may apply.
To subscribe >> Click Here
Community partner Country Club Bank is providing support to ensure this service is available in USD 232.
You'll find us at:
Email: phargrove@usd232.org
Website: be.usd232.org
Location: 5805 Belmont Drive, Shawnee, KS 66226, United States
Phone: (913)667-1810
Facebook: Belmont Elementary Bulldogs
Twitter: @BEBulldogs