C&CC Monthly Newsletter
January 2023
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Seniors, the HSF scholarship is open from Jan 1 to March 15.
Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber Scholarship
This scholarship is due Jan. 22, 2023. Don't miss it!
The Horatio Alger Scholarship for Juniors
The Horatio Alger Association honors the achievements of outstanding individuals in our society who have succeeded in spite of adversity and who are committed to supporting young people in pursuit of increased opportunities through higher education.
Scholarships to Consider
Bezos Scholars (juniors) due Jan. 12
Alexander Hamilton Scholars (juniors) due Jan. 25
Foot Locker Student Athlete Scholarship (seniors) due Jan. 30
Sister Adele / CASA Scholarship for Oregon Farmworker Families due Jan. 31
Al Forthan Scholarship (seniors) due Feb. 6
McDonalds Hacer Scholarship (Hispanic heritage/senior) due Feb. 6
Bruin Pride Scholarship (seniors) due Feb. 10
ACPE Technology Careers Scholarship (seniors) due Feb. 20
Daniel Paul Memorial Scholarship (senior athletes)-due Feb. 23
Ford Family Foundation Scholarship (seniors)-due March 1
PCC Future Connect-(seniors) due March 1
OSAC Scholarship (seniors)-due March 1
Gresham Rotary MHCC Scholarship-(seniors) due April 7
Diversity in Leadership in Oregon Scholarship (seniors) due March 1
Horatio Alger Scholarship (juniors) due March 15
Other Horatio Alger Scholarships (trades, target major or state scholarships) due March 15
OSEA Guy Davis Scholarship (seniors) due March 1 Must. have a parent in OSEA union
https://jlvcollegecounseling.com/scholarships/ this list breaks scholarships out by date/major/age etc.
SBHS Local Scholarship List: this is being updated now. Keep checking for current due dates.
Want to learn more about the PCC Future Connect Scholarship?
2nd (room 507) or 5th period (room 505).
This is a fantastic opportunity to receive:
- a college success coach
- financial aid funds
- options to study abroad
- ability to apply for a scholarship to fully cover junior & senior years at some 4-year schools
- and so much more!
Apply here by March 1.
OSAC Scholarship-What to do:
- Create your account at www.oregonstudentaid.gov
- Provide your history and required information
- Review and select your scholarship choices (up to 40)
- Complete your activities chart
- Answer personal statement prompts in 1900 characters or less
- Make sure transcript upload from SBHS is approved
OSAC Application DUE: March 1
OSAC Personal Statements: (all parts must be answered or you lose available points)
- What are your specific educational plans and career goals and why? What motivates you to achieve them?
- What have you done for your family, school or community that you care about the most and why?
- Describe a personal accomplishment, impactful change or experience that has occurred in your life. What skills and strengths were needed to respond and what did you learn about yourself?
SAT vs ACT-How to Decide Which Test to Take
Seniors-Your To Do List
Go here for the steps.
The Oregon Promise deadline is June 1. After that, your door has closed!
Class of 2023-FAFSA Completion
Only 35% of you have.
While your decisions for the future may not be set in stone, you should complete the FAFSA or ORSAA, as well as your Oregon Promise application, to maximize your opportunities. Funding is available to help you create your future. So far, your class has a 33% completion rate. Your College & Career Center staff is here to help you get this done and expand your choices for life after Barlow.
Come in today and get assistance.
Financial Aid websites:
FSA ID (Create a secure log in for the FAFSA)
FAFSA Form (for US citizens and eligible non-citizens)
ORSAA (For non-citizens)
Oregon Promise Application (OR Community College tuition grant) due June 2.
Need a Tutor?
To learn more about how this works, find simple explanations on a special page on the Barlow Library website. The link is called All GBSD Students Have MCL Accounts and it appears on our Library homepage underneath the picture of our Library. Go to the page and see the explanations about how MCL accounts work and accessing Homework Help/Tutor.com.
Learn More About Oregon Colleges
The Beginners Guide to Financial Aid
Still Figuring Out Your Future?
Help us fund the Bruin Pride Scholarship
Contact us with your questions regarding donations of bottles and cans.
Hair, Skin, & Nails. Is this Career in Your Future?
Air National Guard Career Day Trip
Wednesday, January 18th. Load bus 2nd period (9:20) and return by 1:00 Lunch Provided.
Ground-Breaking Program Begins at Sam Barlow
Many people think that students can begin an apprenticeship quickly after graduating high school. But, that is not the case. Many apprenticeships are looking for workers that have some experience in work or in the trades. Graduates also face the problem that, due to the need for more qualified trainers and too many applicants, many apprenticeships are bottlenecked. Many trades workers are aging out, or retiring, and there is a great need for qualified workers in the near future. Our students are the future.
Students who complete the program are given the opportunity to interview with our contracted partners in the trades. While in the program, FAST Track students are taught skills, trained to use tools, and coached to finish the program work ready and prepared for their interview.
A junior can qualify for the program when they have completed 1 year in metals or woods classes and Integrated 1 math with a C grade or better. When they forecast for the 2023-2024 school year, they should request another year in metals or woods classes, along with Integrated 2 or higher math. If they have woods classes = the construction program and if they have metals classes = the metals manufacturing program. (A few students do participate in both programs and will receive two certificates.)