News and events
A Message from the Principal:
December 6, 2024
Oxbow Creek Families,
This month, we are focusing on the character trait: Empathy! Our Character Strong curriculum defines empathy as understanding and connecting to other peoples' feelings. Showing empathy is a big part of learning how to thrive in a school environment. It is also a key part of problem solving. We all experience conflict in life. Whether we are frustrated with a friend or having a conflict with a family member, we need tools to help us resolve our conflict respectfully. Having empathy for others helps us do this. We work hard to help students learn to see how their actions affect those around them and how their perspective might be different from a classmate. Adults and kids alike: How do you show empathy to those around you? Share your ideas with each other. I'm excited to see how our students practice empathy throughout this month here at school.
Mrs. Monson - Oxbow Creek Principal
Enrollment Applications for 2025 - 2026 due January 15th
Applications for in-district transfer and open enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year must be completed by January 15. In-district transfer and open enrollment applications are available to download on the district enrollment page or for pickup at school.
Winter Conferences & Report Cards
Winter conference signups will be available in January. A special newsletter will be emailed to families with a link to sign up. The dates and times for winter conferences are as follows:
Tues., February 18 7:30-8:30AM and 1:30-8:20PM
Thurs., February 20 7:30-8:30AM and 4:10-8:20PM
Families will be able to access report cards by logging into A-HConnect or viewing it on the ParentVUE mobile app. Report Cards will be available to view on Tuesday, December 10th.
If you are having difficulty logging in or do not know your login credentials, please contact 763.506.4357 or email
Calendar Reminders
Friday, December 20 - NO SCHOOL: Staff Development
Monday, December 23 - Wednesday, January 1, 2025 - NO SCHOOL: Winter Break
Friday, January 17 - NO SCHOOL: Staff Development
Monday, January 20 - NO SCHOOL: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Items To Note
- Please have your child dressed for outdoor recess all winter long! We go outside for recess every day unless the temperature drops below zero or the windchill is below -10 degrees.
- With colder weather upon us, please consider sending in a complete set of extra clothes for your student. Sometimes, the little ones don't quite make it in time when removing the extra layers as well as clothing can become wet from the snow and ice.
Accommodations for children with special medical needs can be made with the health office; written documentation from a doctor will be required. Also, it is imperative that you label your child's winter clothing with their name, so it can be returned if it is lost/misplaced.
- New phone number or email? Please log onto your AH Connect Account, go to "My Student Info" and click on "Online Registration" then "Back To School Verification." Thank you for updating your contact information. It is imperative that we have the correct information for your student.
- Parenting Education and Family Engagement: Check out this month's Parent Press for helpful information from our Pre K - Grade 3 Parent Education Team.
A message from Oxbow's Social Workers:
Winter's Here – Let’s Take a Deep Breath Together!
As if life isn’t already full of stress and uncertainty, winter has officially arrived. Add the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and the long winter months ahead, and it's easy to see why so many of us feel a little extra pressure this time of year. We are all trying our best, but the stress we feel can sometimes trickle down to our little ones. They may express those feelings through a range of emotions and behaviors, often without even realizing it. Let's remember to be gentle with ourselves and each other as we navigate the season together. We've got this!
Check out these articles from Child Mind Institute (a GREAT resource for ALL things mental health!) for reminders and ideas on how to help relieve stress for both you and your child(ren)! How To Take the Stress Out of the Holidays How To Avoid Passing Anxiety on to Your Kids Parenting Guides and Resources
Oxbow Creek has two Social Workers, feel free to reach out with questions/concerns regarding mental health and/or basic needs! All communication is confidential.
Ann Parisian (Grades K, 1, 3) 763-506-3825 or
Gina Newlander (Grades 2, 4, 5) 763-506-8384 or
This e-newsletter is published by Oxbow Creek Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.