Mustang Monthly
January 2025

Building Updates
Roof Leaks
We are aware of concerns that have been raised due to the leaks that are present in the roof at Allen and are continuously monitoring the situation. Our maintenance and grounds crews have worked diligently to mitigate the leaks that have occurred and to minimize disruption to daily schedules. Although the mitigation efforts may not be the most visually appealing, we can ensure that we have provided a safe environment for both students and staff and will continue to do so.
End of Semester 1
The second marking period is coming to an end on January 17th, and the second semester begins on January 21st. Some of our courses are semester long, so students should carefully review their schedules prior to returning to school on January 21st. Staff will be available in the hallways on the 21st to help students find any classes that may be new to them.
Weather-Related Remote Learning Days
Policy Reminders
Open Containers
We have seen an increase in the amount of students that are walking around with drinks in open containers (i.e. cans of drinks, coffees, etc.). Please remember that students are not permitted to have open containers of drinks throughout the school. Students are permitted to have water bottles or closed containers of drinks. The only exception to this is when students are at lunch, at which time they may drink from an open container.
iPad Use
Student iPads are to be used throughout the day for instructional purposes only. Students are not permitted to take photos or videos during the school day, unless they have been asked to do so by a teacher for an assignment. Please remind your students of the appropriate use of iPads during the school day and throughout the school building.
Electronics Policy
Another friendly reminder about our cellphone/technology policy...
Cellphones are to be turned off and away (in a backpack or locker) throughout the entire school day. Additionally, students are not permitted to have airpods or headphones, unless they are being instructed to use them by a teacher. Smart watches are permitted to be used by students to tell time; however, students are not permitted to use their smartwatch throughout the day for other purposes, such as texting. If a student needs to contact a parent/guardian throughout the day, they may ask to go to the office and use the phone to call. Please continue to remind your students of these expectations to help support a distraction free learning environment.
FAQ Document
Just a friendly reminder, the All About Allen document that was shared at the start of the school year has a lot of key information that may be helpful to students and their families. Here is the link to that information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x5jvNuEGC63njbbgyV6xXGB_0Jc7WhgS2sJvW02ipEg/edit?usp=sharing
Student and Staff Spotlights
Student Spotlight - Yana Semke, 8th
We would like to recognize Yana Semke, an eighth grader at Allen, who recently had her artwork featured in the district's holiday card! Below is the illustration that was featured on the inside of the card.
Staff Spotlight - Dr. Victoria Kreysar
Congratulations, Dr. Kreysar! Dr. Kreysar just recently successfully defended her doctoral dissertation and completed her Ph.D. This is a huge accomplishment, and we are all so proud of her hard work and dedication to learning!