Marie Murphy Principal Message
October 16, 2024
Chat with the Principal!
When? Friday, October 18th from 8:15-8:45am
Where? On Google Meets
What? Connecting with our community is important to my work as your principal. This drop-in chat time is an opportunity for you to ask me questions about Marie Murphy or just drop in and say hello. If you are interested in attending this casual chat please complete this google form so that I can send you the Google Meets link before the session.
Dress Code Reminder
Recently, we have noticed some shirts and shorts worn to school with references to drugs and alcohol. Please take a moment to review the 'cannot wear' guidelines from our Dress Code Policy below and discuss them with your student.
Clothes displaying violent language or images
Clothes referencing drugs, alcohol or sexual content
Clothes displaying hate speech or profanity
Hats or headgear, including hoods (except for religious reasons or outdoor activities)
Smart Watches
D37's Screen Sanity Caregiver Community Night
We are the first generation to raise digital natives — kids who’d rather text than talk. And, let’s be honest, it’s hard! In fact, surveys reveal that technology is the number one battleground in homes today. Screens have seeped into every corner of our kids’ lives, and many of us are trying to navigate this unpaved parenthood road alone.
Mrs. Hutchison, the principal at Avoca West, and I are excited to welcome both Avoca West an Marie Murphy caregivers to our first ever Screen Sanity Caregiver Community Night. Although we will be facilitating the discussion, we will definitely be looking to learn alongside our caregivers as we share the challenge of raising our own children! We hope you can join us for practical ways to maximize the benefits of technology while minimizing the harmful side effects.
Featuring expert-led videos, discussion questions, and take-home tips, Screen Sanity Caregiver Community Night will cover today’s most pressing digital health topics. Attendees will will walk away with a vision for:
- Creating screentime boundaries,
- Introducing smartphones,
- Managing screen-related meltdowns, and
- Protecting kids from mature or unsafe content.
Screen Sanity is an international nonprofit that equips adults to be mentors and guides, so kids grow up happy and healthy in an increasingly digital world. The Screen Sanity mission is to create a world where kids are captivated by life, not screens.
Wilmette Police Department TRUNK-OR-TREAT!
The Wilmette Police Department invites you to our first Trunk-Or-Treat event on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 from 5:00-7:00pm. This event is free to attend and with the assistance of the Wilmette Fire Department and Public Works, we are excited to create a safe environment for all to enjoy the Halloween Festivities. This event will be held at the Metra South Poplar Parking Lots.
From our local library:
Coming in the mail!
Student Panorama Survey reports will be coming your way soon through the mail!
Lunch Menu
FDmealpnner is our live website that shows changes made to the menu each month and includes nutritional values and allergens. Below is the PDF of our menu, but we encourage you to click here to explore the most up-to-date menu for your student's lunch. The monthly PDF might not hold the most up-to-date information of offerings for the day.
News You Can Use - From Avoca's Parent-Teacher Council (PTC)
PTC Lunch for Staff During Conferences – Donations Needed!
Have a favorite dessert you want to share with our wonderful MM staff during conferences? Sign up (click here) to bring 12-24 servings to be dropped off on October 23rd. The PTC will provide the lunch!
Family Action Network (F.A.N.)
Avoca is an official sponsor of Family Action Network (FAN), which connects parents, educators, and professionals through a collaborative program that educates, inspires and positively impacts the broader community. FAN topics span a wide range of disciplines and issues and FAN speakers are some of the nation’s most renowned and celebrated researchers, clinicians, authors, and activists. Check out and register for events here.
Attendance Line
Upcoming Dates
Friday, October 18th - Fall Festival Dance
Tuesday, October 22nd -- Picture Retake Day (morning)
Wednesday, October 23rd -- IN PERSON Parent-Teacher Conferences - 1/2 day for students (11:00 dismissal)
Thursday, October 24th -- VIRTUAL Parent-Teacher Conferences - 1/2 day for students (11:00 dismissal)
Friday, October 25th -- Teacher Institute Day (NO SCHOOL for Students)
Monday, October 28th - Orchestra Concert 7:00pm
Friday, November 1st - Sports and Orchestra Assembly
Tuesday, November 5th -- NO SCHOOL - ELECTION DAY
November 6-8th - 8th Grade Washington DC Trip
Thursday, November 14th -- 6:30-8:00pm Screen Sanity Caregiver Connection Night (at MM) - see above to save a spot!
November 25th-November 29th -- No School - Happy Thanksgiving!
Now on Facebook
Handle: Mariemurphysch
Marie Murphy School
Location: 2921 Illinois Rd, Wilmette, IL 60091, USA
Phone: (847) 251-3617
Twitter: @MarieMurphySch