Board Meeting Summary
June 15th, 2022
General Information
Information regarding Old Business, New Business, and the Superintendent Report is listed below.
Old Business
The 2022-2023 handbook will be available on the website. Dr. Kashner shared that the handbook was reviewed with suggestions shared as needed. The majority of the changes were minor updates, but a significant change in the cell phone policy for 6-12 graders. Dr. Kashner highlighted the rationale for the change and feels it is an important change for students to have a release from their cell phones during the school day. The letter can be found here.
GASB 54 resolution was enacted in 2010 to ensure Governmental accounting practices. Eastland has been up to date on this annual practice each year since 2010.
New Business
The Three Circules grant is an annual salary matching grant that districts can apply to compensate FFA advisors for their time put in outside of contractual hours. To qualify for the grant, advisors must complete and document at least 400 hours in this role. Dr. Kashner complimented our FFA Advisor, Mrs. Feltmeyer for her outstanding work, and suggested that we continue to explore this grant as long as it is available.
The Board meeting dates for the 2022-2023 school year can be found here. Board meeting dates will be on the 3rd Wednesday of each month except for July 2022 and June 2023 for auditing timeline purposes.
The FY23 budget will be posted for viewing starting on July 14th, 2022. Dr. Kashner shared that preliminary reports are showing that we will have another balanced budget for the upcoming year with an estimated surplus of less than $50,000.
Superintendent Report
Personnel and Job Vacancies
The following were approved:
Britney Kieselhorst-EPC Speech Coach
Carrie Smith- EES Instructional Aide
Shawna Reynolds -EES Kitchen to EES 1 to 1 Aide (Chadwick)
Scott Gallentine- EPC Assistant Football Coach
Colleen Henze -Freshman Girls Basketball Coach
Renea Noordhoff -EES Kitchen
Claudine Guenzler -EES Kitchen
Nicole Ruter -EES Aide to EJSHS Kitchen
Community Service Coordinator
Eastland CUSD #308
Location: 601 South Chestnut Street, Shannon, IL, USA
Phone: (815) 493-6301