Everything you need to know about Dual Credit

What is Dual Credit?
Benefits of Dual Credit
Dual Credit VS AP
What you need to know about Dual Credit…
Grades in dual credit classes become a permanent part of your college record.
Courses are taught at AHHS during the regular school day. Students do not need to travel to the college.
Maintain a college grade of “C” or better to remain in the program.
Withdrawal from a dual credit course requires notification of your high school and completion of the necessary paperwork. The college calendar has drop dates that are essential for dropping a course without a grade and dropping with a “W”. A drop slip to be sent to St. Philip's College is required.
Credit Transfer- Courses may not transfer to all universities. Please verify if courses will transfer to the college of choice.
Attendance- Excessive absences may jeopardize earning college credit
Dual Credit Courses Offered at AHHS
- English Department
- ENGL 1301/1302 (Freshman Composition)-Taken in conjunction with English III DC (6 hours of college credit)
- ENGL 2322/2323 (British Literature)-Taken in conjunction with English IV DC for students that completed English 1301/1302 (6 hours of college credit)
CTE Department & PTECH
- EDUC 1301 Instructional Practices (3 hours of college credit) Taken in conjunction with Instructional Practices DC
- EDUC 2301 Special Populations (3 hours of college credit) Taken in conjunction with Instructional Practices DC
World Languages
- SPAN 1411 Elementary Spanish I (4 hours of college credit) Taken in conjunction with Spanish IV DC
- SPAN 1412 Elementary Spanish II (4 hours of college credit) Taken in conjunction with Spanish IV DC
- SPAN 2311 Intermediate Spanish I (3 hours of college credit) Taken in conjunction with Spanish V DC
- SPAN 2312 Intermediate Spanish II (3 hours of college credit) Taken in conjunction with Spanish V DC
Early College HS/ PTECH Courses
- EDUC 1300 Learning Frameworks (College Transition ) (3 hours of college credit)Taken in conjunction with College Transition DC
- SPCH 1311 Intro to Speech Communications (3 hours of college credit) Taken in conjunction with Speech DC
- MATH 1414 College Algebra (3 hours of college credit) Taken in conjunction with College Algebra DC
- ARTS 1301 Art Appreciation (3 hours of college credit) Taken in conjunction with Fundamentals of Visual Arts DC
What is the TSI?
TSIA2 Registration for 8th-12th graders through MY SCHOOL BUCKS
Important Deadlines
3. PSAT/SAT/ACT scores for qualifying TSI exemptions or TSIA2 Exam Registration & Payment due by registration deadline listed MySchoolbucks.
4. Dual Credit Checklist and consent forms due by March 28th
*All paperwork is to be turned into the counseling office
TX Six Drop Course Policy
Texas Senate Bill no. 1231 mandates that a student who enrolls in a Texas public institution as a first-time freshman in fall 2007 or later, not be allowed to withdraw from more than six courses over his or her entire undergraduate career including all courses taken at any Texas public institution of higher education.
Seniors needing Dual Credit transcripts
AHHS Counseling Department
Email: hscounseling@ahisd.net
Website: http://ahhs.ahisd.net/departments/counseling___guidance
Phone: 210-832-5775