Smore Online Newsletters
visually appealing digital newsletter & media curation tool! is an online newsletter creation site with visually appealing templates that make building a multi-media newsletter/ presentation/ training quick and simple.
It is easy to set up an account with an email address. Free accounts come with 5 free smores and Educator accounts come with unlimited smores! The Educator accounts usually go on sale around August for about $39, and the rest of the year, they are $59.
- create a classroom, library, or principal newsletter (easy to share link through Skyward message center)
- create invitations to parents or the public to your school or classroom events
- share celebration/spotlights about student work or great teachers
- share upcoming units of study
- create a syllabus for a class
- use Smore as a way to give information on a lesson (embed links, videos, to explain concepts and include web links where students can go to for more information)
- curate research materials for students
- create a smore with instructions, tasks, videos, web links, etc. for a flipped learning assignment (either for homework or for a classroom flipped learning workstation)
- student assignments that involve marketing and advertising principles, self-expression, and targeting writing to a specific audience
web 2.0 tool