Blue & White Newsletter - 4/26/24
Week of April 22, 2024

Trimmer's Garden and Raised Beds Get Prepped!
Mr. Alex Lease from H & H General Excavating donated several bags of potting soil to top off the gardens at Trimmer Elementary and to help get the seeds started. Mrs. Megan Eckbold, Mr. Glen Medice, and Mrs. Meredith Lutz's classes planted beans, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, beets, carrots, and radishes in small solo cups and grew them into seedlings.
Pictured below:
- Ashton Smith and Aryana Grendell prepare the pots and plant the seeds they harvested from last year's pepper plants.
- Daniel Houser, Hailey Dejesus, and Azylah Black are working together to fill, plant, and label each pot.
- Students and Mr. Alex with the raised garden beds.
H & H General Excavating also dumped top soil into our in-ground garden. The fifth graders had a great time, and worked hard weeding and spreading the soil out. Then, Dr. Matthew Minacci, Trimmer Elementary Principal, tilled up the garden to make the soil nice and soft for the new seedlings! Dr. Todd Davies, Superintendent of Schools, enjoyed seeing the preparations being done to the gardens and even tried out Dr. Minacci's tractor!
The top center picture below is the finished product after tilling and before planting the new crops. The cones on the right-hand side are marking the strawberries the fifth graders planted last Fall and protected with straw and plastic throughout the winter.
Also pictured below:
- Amillian Kraft, Robert Ellis, Grace Searcy, and Jose Perez took a quick break from raking to smile for a picture (top left picture).
- Raelynn Latshaw, Taylor-Ann Jones, Jasmin Laura, Elaina Steele, London David, and Laney McCloskey weeded and swept the greenhouse (second left picture).
- Chloe Freed proudly planted her green beans in the garden (third left picture).
- Dr. Davies on the tractor with the garden helpers (bottom middle picture).
- Dr. Minacci on his tractor (top right picture).
Intergenerational Connections Blossom
Students Read with Retirement Community Residents
Mrs. Michele Balanda's class at Wallace Elementary visited Country Meadows Retirement Community to read to and with the residents. The residents also presented the students with a banner that they colored as well as posters and bunnies with candy in them. At the end, one of the residents played happy birthday on the piano as the students and others sang happy 80th birthday to another resident. The residents and the children love spending time together on their visits.
2024 WYASD Prom Court
Congratulations to our 2024 Prom Court!
L-R: Sydney Oram, Brendan Kern, Paula Laracuente Ruiz, Jacob Knisley, Caitlyn McGladrie, Rylan Myers, Alivia Walters, Jared Denney, Faith Walker, Kyan Moore, Alyssa Murray, and William Baker.
Collaboration, Language Skills, and Coding Come Together!
Some of Ms. Shanda Goodwin's Gems at Trimmer Elementary expanded their coding skills to code a Sphero Bolt through a maze they created. They reviewed how to code a square, then solved some mazes on paper. Afterward, they created their own maze on paper and then with straws and tape. The final task was to code their Sphero Bolt through their maze. The groups practiced coding, but they also collaborated together to learn and grow their language while making new friends!
Harmonious Spring: 4th and 5th Grade Bands and Choruses Take the Stage!
Last week, our 4th and 5th grade bands and choruses filled Trimmer Elementary's gymnasium with their musical talents. The 4th grade Beginning Band and 4th grade chorus performed on Wednesday night and the 5th grade concert band and 5th grade chorus performed on Thursday night.
Each night's programs, each with a variety of covers, were designed by several of our Trimmer students, sharing their artistic talents! You can check them out below, along with the songs performed each night.
Congratulations to the band and chorus students, and our Trimmer music teachers, Ms. Sarah Foery, and Ms. Janine Miller, for two awesome nights of music! No surprise that West York Area School District was again recognized as a Best Communities for Music Education District
Playwriters in the Making!
Leamsi Rivera-Diaz and Keniel Ruiz-Nieves, students in Ms. Shanda Goodwin's ESL class at Trimmer Elementary, created a play. After learning about the moon by reading Midnight on the Moon by Mary Pope Osborne, the boys expressed a desire to make a Magic Tree House movie. Therefore, together with Ms. Goodwin, the boys wrote a script for their movie by creating characters, settings, and a plot that all were loosely-based on Osborne's book with their own creativity evident. This writing allowed for work in comprehension and repeated readings. They then chose music, created characters, and illustrated scenes for the play. After practicing their parts, they were ready to record their play. They culminated the project with a viewing of their play and all of their hard work coming to fruition. They developed language through their writing, understanding, reading fluency, and speaking to collaborate on this project.
Autistic Support Community Night Recap!
Students and families gathered at the District Administration Building this week for the 3rd Autistic Support Community Night of this school year. Students participated in face painting, made a stress ball, enjoyed a dance and bubble party, and visited with Sadie - the K-Pets therapy dog! A huge thank you to Mrs. Traci Stauffer, Ms. Jen Swope, Mrs. Leslie Meyer, K-Pets, and the elementary AS teachers for hosting another successful event! A bigger thank you to all of the families who came out for a fun time!
Crafting an Object that Symbolically Speaks to the Observer
Ninth grade students in Mrs. Mary Ann Sweitzer's and Ms. Madelyn Myers' classes at the High School completed an object project as part of the Speak novel unit.
The novel, Speak, is part of the 9th-grade curriculum. In the novel, the main character, Melinda, receives an object in art class that she must create all year in order to “figure out how to make [her] object say something, express an emotion, speak to every person who looks at it” (Anderson 12).
Our students were also responsible for achieving this goal in different manners. They were to create an original visual or written project that represented an object. They were allowed to use different mediums to creatively make their object ‘speak’ a certain message, bring it to life, and discover what the object symbolizes. Everyone did a great job and enjoyed viewing each other's finished projects.
Published Poets!
Eleventh grader Abigail Cook and fifth grader Lola Canty were both recognized for their well written poems in the 35th Annual Poetry Celebration at Martin Library. Abby Cook was the fourth place winner with her poem "I See Through the Glass" in the 11th-12th grade category. Lola Canty was awarded second place in the 5th-6th grade category with her poem titled "Cherry Blossoms." They received a little gift bag and a copy of the published book with all of the winning poems.
Congratulations Abby and Lola!
Good Citizenship Award - We Have AWESOME Bulldogs!
Madison Ackerman, a senior at our High School, was recognized at an awards ceremony for being a recipient of the Good Citizen Award, presented by the Daughters of the American Revolution. Congratulations Madison!
Bulldog Buddies Spring Get Together!
On April 19th, the High School and Lincolnway Elementary Bulldog Buddies got together for their last time for the 23-24 school year! They enjoyed a nature scavenger hunt, leaf etching, and a kickball game during their time together! Until next year, have a wonderful summer Bulldog Buddies!
Glowing Lessons: Students Discover the World of Germs Under Black Light!
Ms. Dawn Ness, Autistic Support Teacher's Aide at Lincolnway Elementary, read aloud “Sick Simon” to the students in Ms. Kelsey Sersen and Ms. Courtney Munyon's classes and incorporated “real” germs with a spray bottle of water. Afterwards, the students experimented with germ-lotion and a black light. They were amazed to see the germs disappear after properly washing their hands! The lesson was wrapped up with a sight word coloring page of Simon and a fill-in-the-blank story summary.
A Journey in Learning and Publishing
Students in Ms. Amanda Bentzel's kindergarten class at Wallace Elementary published a book! They went through the writing process to draft the book, added illustrations, and then finalize and decided on the title, The ABCs of Kindergarten. The students worked so hard and Ms. Bentzel is so proud of them!
Trash to Treasure!
Our kindergarten students in Ms. Kelly Lurz's class at Wallace Elementary enjoyed the Recycled Products Project as part of celebrating Earth Day. The project engaged families in making something new from everyday recycled products they had at home. The students then presented their projects to the class! Some of the projects we had were bird feeders, bird houses, a rocket, a picture frame, planters, pen holders, robots, and various containers!
Pictured below, Mrs. Lorrie Rodriguez's kindergarten class at Wallace Elementary made Earth Day projects as well with their families!
Biomedical Honors Club Inspires Young Minds with Earth Day Activities
Ms. Kirsty Houck and a group of students at the High School from the Biomedical Honors Club created different activities for Ms. Taylor Schlemmer's kindergarten class at Wallace Elementary to learn about Earth Day and the importance of saving the planet. The activities included making a sun catcher, painting a handprint leaf, creating a foldable to learn about ways to save the earth, and digging for rocks. Both the kindergarteners and high schoolers loved the time spent together! Thank you to the Biomedical Honors Club for planning a fun afternoon!
Trimmer Students Attend WYAHS Softball Youth Night!
Four of our Trimmer Elementary students, WMT players from the 10u team, enjoyed themselves while attending West York Area High School's softball youth night earlier this month.
Pictured (L-R): Addison Elder (4th grade), Kaylee Myers (5th grade), Nylah Robertson (5th grade), and Ava Durst (5th grade).
Educational Egg-citement! Hatching Has Begun!
As we shared with you last week, our second grade classes at Lincolnway Elementary are learning about chicken embryology and enjoyed a visit from Mr. Matt Smith and his many feathered farm friends. This week, the chicken eggs that have been incubating in their classrooms began to hatch! Could they be any cuter - the chicks and those smiling faces! Thank you, Mrs. Amy Versailles, for sharing this collage of your class's newly hatched chicks!
Please Join Us for the Annual District Multicultural Fair!
The Multicultural Fair is an annual District-wide event where West York families unite and raise awareness of the rich culture represented in our district through the celebration of ethnic food, music, dance, art and more.
West York Area Middle School
1700 Bannister Street
Thursday, May 2, 2024
5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
- To attend, admission is free with the donation of one or more canned goods for the Bulldog Pantry.
- To participate, bring food, cultural artifacts, photos, and displays of a country or culture. Reserve a table in advance by contacting Mrs. Gomez-Myers via email at mmmyers@wyasd.org.
We hope to see you there!
K-5 Remake Learning Night!
Wallace Elementary School
2065 High Street
Tuesday, May 7th
5:30 - 7:00 PM
Come for a night of fun and exciting hands-on activities!
Please click the image below to RSVP!
This assists us in preparing the necessary amount of supplies/materials.
April 26, 2024
9th/10th Grade:
Isabella Stevens
For stepping outside of her comfort zone and participating in the freshmen pep rally!
11th/12th Grade:
Kaelyn Davies
For always working hard in both the PLTW classes!
Ms. Amanda Austin
For being the perfect person to support or students!
How Sick is Too Sick for School?
This is a question parents often ask. We know that mornings can be challenging for adults and children alike. Sometimes we wake and might not feel our best, but once we get moving, often we find it wasn't a problem making it through the day - at work or at school.
So, here's a great reference for assisting you in determining whether to send your child to school when they have complaints of not feeling well. You can click here for a printable copy to hang on your refrigerator on family bulletin board.
Have You Reconnected with Us?
Recently, we created fresh Facebook and Instagram accounts, as shared in our March 1st newsletter. Be sure to Like/Follow us so you don't experience FOMO - Fear of Missing Out!
Click below to Like and Follow us!
2024-2025 District Calendar Now Available!
At the February 20th Board Meeting, the 2024-2025 District Calendar was approved and you can access it from our website by clicking the bar below.
Important Dates - Late April - May
- Saturday, April 27th, HS Prom (6:00 p.m.)
- Wednesday, May 1, 5th Grade Guide to Middle School (6:30 p.m.)
- Thursday, May 2, MS Cultural Fair (5:30 p.m.)
- Friday, May 3, HS Spring Band Concert (7:00 p.m.)
- Monday, May 6, MS Academic Recognition Awards Assembly (6:30 p.m.)
- Tuesday, May 7, K-5 Remake Learning Event/Wallace Art Show (5:30 p.m.)
- Friday, May 10, Early Dismissal
- Monday, May 13, HS Awards Ceremony (6:00 p.m.)
- Tuesday, May 14, EPC Meeting (5:30 p.m.)
- Tuesday, May 14, Work Session of the Board (7:00 p.m.)
- Thursday, May 16, MS/HS Pops Concert (6:30 p.m.)
- Tuesday, May 21, Board Voting Meeting (6:30 p.m.)
- Wednesday, May 22, Bulldog Pantry Distribution (5:00 p.m.)
- Wednesday, May 22, MS Spring Band Concert (6:30 p.m.)
- Thursday, May 23, Early Dismissal
- Thursday, May 23, Commencement
- Friday, May 24, Early Dismissal
- Monday, May 27, Memorial Day - Offices and Schools Closed
The Bulldog Breakdown
Check out this week's issue of the Bulldog Breakdown, a weekly recap of the prior week's athletic accomplishments and lists the upcoming sporting events.
Don't miss important information on the PIAA postseason events, brackets, schedules, and how to purchase tickets! Simply click the Bulldog image to view the latest issue!
Kindergarten Registration is Now OPEN!
Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open. We encourage families to register early. Simply click the image to the right and click on Create A New Account. Even if you already have students in West York, you will use the Create A New Account to begin the registration process for your incoming kindergarten student. Children need to be five years of age by September 1, 2024, to be eligible for kindergarten.
If you have any questions, please contact our Registration Office at 717-792-2796 extension 1216.
Flower Bouquets for 2024 Graduation Ceremony
The Class of 2025 is holding a Commencement Bouquets fundraiser for the 2024 graduation! This is a great opportunity to have a beautiful bouquet of roses conveniently ready for you just outside the ceremony entrance! If you would like to pre-purchase a bouquet, please scan the QR Code below or click the picture to be directed to the vendor website.
Middle School Leader In Me Student Lighthouse Team Fundraiser
WYAHS Football Team Fundraiser! A Night at The Races!
Join your fellow Bulldogs at a Night at the Races, a fundraiser to benefit the West York Area High School football team!
Wyndam Gardens
Friday, May 10th
Doors Open at 5:00 PM, Dinner at 6:00 PM
Contact Jess for Tickets and Questions
$65.00/Person includes Dinner
Other gambling will be available
Kids Bowl Free Program
Check out the Kids Bowl Free Program! This program is designed by bowling centers to give back to the community. We have three bowling centers in our area that are participating:
- Colony Park Lanes
- Laser Alleys
- Suburban Bowlerama
Step 1: Go to https://www.kidsbowlfree.com/all_centers.php#PA and find a center near you.
Step 2: Create an account for your family.
Step 3: Enjoy an entire summer of bowling FUN!
Three FREE Comic Books!
Comix Connection located on White Street in the Carlisle Commerce Center will be giving out three free comic books on Saturday, May 4th! Be sure to stop by to get yours and get a head start of selecting your summer reading materials!
Free Synchro Clinic!
Community Corner
Be Sure To Check It Out Often!
The Community Corner of our website offers families many helpful links to organizations or flyers about upcoming or ongoing community activities, clubs, and events. The information on this webpage changes frequently and those changes will be highlighted here as they occur. The latest updates are pictured below.
From our Home webpage, click on Community to access links to various organizations/community events.
Newly Added: Belmont Summer Academy - Theatre Summer Camps
Here are just some examples:
- Cub Scouts (Boys & Girls ages 5-12)
- Girl Scouts
- West York Boys Club
- YMCA of York
- YWCA of York
Community Resources such as:
- United Way
- Community Progress Council
- Dream Wrights Center for Community Arts
- Belmont Summer Academy - Theatre Summer Camps