Principal Weekly Update to Families
April 22, 2024

August 7, 2024
Dear Disney Families,
It was so wonderful to see so many of you last night at Open House. On behalf of the Disney staff, we want to welcome new and returning families to the 2024-2025 school year. We are looking forward to a wonderful year of learning.
Tomorrow, August 8th, is the first day of school for Kindergarten through Fifth Grade and the hours are 8:30-3:30. Classroom teachers will meet their students out front at 8:10. Staff will assist families in finding their child's teacher(s). We will have photo ops, so you may want to come early. Students will start entering the building at 8:15. Parents will not be able to come into the school.
As always, we welcome any questions, concerns, or celebrations you may have.
Dr. Cindy Scharff
Disney Principal
Please take a moment to look over the following essential documents, which will serve as a good reference throughout the school year.
Breakfast & Lunch Accounts: student lunches and breakfasts are $3.15 for lunch and $1.60 for breakfast. Please refer to the guidelines below to determine if you qualify for free or reduced breakfast and lunch. It's important to note that if your family is eligible for free or reduced meals, the information will remain confidential, and school personnel will not have access to the list of eligible students. Millard Public Schools Free and Reduced Application
Medication: is only given at school when deemed necessary. An adult must bring the medication in its original container with the prescription label intact. Please refrain from sending medication to school with a student or in their backpack.
Parking Lot: The drive-through circle is meant exclusively for pick-up and drop-off purposes. When dropping off your child, please ensure they exit the vehicle from the passenger's side, along the curb, to avoid any dangers from oncoming traffic. We request that you move forward as much as possible to allow more cars to use the circle drive. If you need to step out of your car for any reason, please park in the marked stalls of the parking lot. Thank you for your cooperation.
Regular School Day HOURS: The school day runs from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays and from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. Being prompt when picking up your child at dismissal time is essential. Please refrain from dropping off your child before 8:15 a.m., as there will be no outside supervision available until then. If your child is unwell or unable to attend school, kindly inform the office before 8:30 a.m. by calling 402-715-2350. All students are required to enter the building through the front doors.
8:15 a.m. = Breakfast students
8:20 a.m. = 1st bell rings
8:30 a.m. = 2nd bell rings. Students outside the building by the 2nd bell will be counted as tardy.
MPS Assessment System 24-25: We assess students in various areas throughout the year. Within the first few weeks, K-5 students will complete the NWEA MAP Growth assessment in reading and mathematics. I have attached the 2024-2025 assessment brochure.
Disney Student Handbook - The student handbook has been designed as a resource for primary information students and parents need to know during the academic year.
Safety Letter—This letter outlines some of the significant components of Millard’s school safety and security plans. The District Safety and Security Committee, local law enforcement, and first responders spend extensive time and resources reviewing and updating our safety practices and procedures each school year.
Bully Policy: Millard Public School’s standards for Student Conduct prohibit bullying. Anyone who knows that bullying is happening must tell a staff member—Disney pledges to investigate and address each bullying report. Students who report bullying will stay anonymous to other students involved.
Walt Disney Elementary School
Principal: Dr. Cindy ScharffAdmin Intern: Mr. Tony Gentile
Secretary: Mrs. Kindalynn Mascarello
Website: https://disney.mpsomaha.org/
Address: 5717 S. 112th Street Omaha, NE. 68137
Phone: (402) 715-2350
Facebook: facebook.com/Disneydolphins
Twitter: @DisneyDolphins
Mission Statement
Walt Disney Elementary, a diverse school devoted to each child, guarantees all students a world-class education through challenging, engaging, and innovative learning experiences. We will ensure students demonstrate academic excellence and social and emotional skills necessary for personal success in a global society.
Dr. John Schwartz, Superintendent
President - Stacy Jolley
Vice President - Mike Kennedy
Secretary - Linda Poole
Treasurer - Amanda McGill Johnson
Board Member - Mike Pate
Board Member - Lisa Schoenberger