SPS Weekly Newsletter

In This Edition of the SPS Weekly Newsletter...
This week's header photo features Superintendent of Schools Dr. Baeta with Mrs. Clanton's class at the Jones Early Childhood Center. Dr. Baeta spent time with Mrs. Clanton's class as a teaching assistant earlier this week.
From the Desk of the Superintendent
I attended the monthly OASIS Coalition meeting on Tuesday, which brought together a group of Stoughton leaders with the focus of creating a healthy community for our children and families. As one of our key community partners, we work closely with the OASIS Coalition, and specifically Stephanie Patton, the town’s Prevention Coordinator, on a number of different projects like the Health and Wellness Fair at Stoughton High, medication safety training for our elementary students, or the Youth Health Survey for secondary students.
We are also partnering with OASIS to offer Positive Parenting Programs, known as “Triple P”, that are designed to give parents the skills they need to raise confident and healthy children/teenagers and to build strong family relationships. There have been a series of these workshops so far this school year and more are coming up. This is a great opportunity for parents and guardians to take advantage of these free resources and get support, while learning about simple and practical strategies that can be adapted to suit your own values, beliefs, and needs. Topics for workshops have included managing challenging behaviors, healthy bedtime routines, reducing family conflict, and teen survival skills.
Here are some upcoming workshops. These programs are free, but registration is required. Translation is available with advance notice.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 from 5-7pm at the South School
Workshop for elementary families (families from all of our elementary schools are welcome)
Topic: Managing Challenging Behaviors
Light dinner and childcare provided
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 from 5-7pm at the O’Donnell Middle School
Workshop for families of teens and tweens
Topic: Teen Survival Skills
Light refreshments will be provided
Wednesday, March 5, 2025 from 5-7pm at the Hansen School
Workshop for elementary families (families from all of our elementary schools are welcome)
Topic: Healthy Bedtime Routines
Light dinner and childcare provided
Stay tuned as more workshops are being planned for parents/guardians at all levels - preschool, elementary, and secondary. OASIS also has a podcast called “Where’s My Handbook?” that offers parenting tips. The podcast has featured several SPS admin and staff as guests. You can check it out here.
Have a great weekend.
Joseph F. Baeta, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Stoughton Public Schools
New Elementary School Building Project
There was a Community Forum on Tuesday to provide the latest updates about the New Elementary School Building Project. If you missed this forum, you can watch a recording from SMAC below. The slideshow presentation is also available to view by clicking on the button below the video.
The latest Around Town show on SMAC also gives an update on the project. Check out this episode with host Dave Walsh interviewing Dr. Baeta and TJ Recupero, chair of the building committee:
There is an article on the February 3, 2025 special Town Meeting warrant that will ask Town Meeting members to approve the funding of a new consolidated elementary school building. Be sure to read next week's newsletter for another update on the project.
Stoughton High Students Take Part in Senior District Music Festival
Earlier this month, eight Stoughton High chorus and band students took part in the Southeastern MMEA Senior District Music Festival, held January 10-11 at New Bedford High School. Students from across southeastern Massachusetts auditioned back in the fall to be part of this music festival, hosted by the Massachusetts Music Educators Association. There were five groups that performed at the festival and SHS students were represented in all five. In addition to the SHS students performing, SHS performing arts teachers Alex Wang (jazz band) and Sarah Mawn (mixed choir) were managers of two of the groups at the festival.
Below is a list of participants from SHS. Five of the students that auditioned for this festival also scored high enough to receive recommendations for the All State Music Festival.
Congratulations to these talented SHS musicians!
- Julius McCann, junior - bass in the Mixed Choir (All State recommendation)
- Jacob Marques, senior - bass in the Mixed Choir (All State recommendation)
- Kevin Leao, sophomore - bass in the Mixed Choir
- Sydney Heller, freshman - soprano in the Mixed Choir
- Lila Silver, senior - soprano in the Treble Choir
- Jakob Tran, freshman - trombone in the Orchestra (All State recommendation)
- Jackson Gosule, freshman - trombone in the Band (All State recommendation)
- Andrew Carlson, senior - guitar in the Jazz Band (All State recommendation)
O'Donnell Middle School 6th Grade Winter Band Concert
Winter concert season wrapped up with the O'Donnell Middle School's 6th Grade Winter Band Concert on Wednesday. Take a look at some pictures of both 6th grade bands below.
OMS 6th Grade Day A Band
OMS 6th Grade Day B Band
Stoughton High Theatre Program's Winter Production Coming Next Weekend
Here are a couple of photos from the Stoughton High Theatre program's Instagram account of a recent rehearsal for their upcoming production of The Laramie Project. Opening night is in one week!
SHS Theatre presents The Laramie Project:
- Friday, January 31 at 6pm
- Saturday, February 1 at 6pm
- Sunday, February 2 at 4pm
All performances will take place in the SHS Auditorium. Tickets are available in advance by clicking here.
*Please note that the Laramie Project is based on a true story and actual interviews from real people surrounding the murder of Matthew Shepard. The play includes strong language and mature content including descriptions of homophobia, violence, and death.
Stoughton High Showcase for Grade 8 Students & Families on Monday 1/27
Attention current 8th grade students and families: Please join the Stoughton High administration, department heads, and SHS student leaders on Monday, January 27, 2025 at 6:30 pm in the Stoughton High School Auditorium for the 8th Grade SHS Showcase.
This program is an introduction to all our 8th grade students and families of all SHS has to offer our students. You will hear all about SHS classes, requirements, opportunities, activities, clubs, sports, music, drama, and much more! In addition, you will receive important information about the course selection process which will begin for incoming 9th grade students in February.
Jones Early Childhood Center Open House for New Students on Wednesday 1/29
The Jones Early Childhood Center, located at 137 Walnut St., is holding an open house for new students on Wednesday, January 29, 2025. The program runs from 5:30-6:30pm. Parents, guardians, and children are welcome! Come take a tour of the school and meet the staff!
Portuguese and Haitian Creole translators will be in attendance.
Information to be presented:
Half-day integrated programs
Students must be at least three years old by August 31, 2025
Students who are four years old can still be considered for the half-day classrooms
Monday - Friday, morning Class: 8:30 - 11:00am or afternoon Class: 12:00 - 2:20pm
Full-day integrated programs
Students must be four years old by August 31, 2025
8:20am - 2:20pm: Monday - Thursday
Handouts will be provided regarding the following:
2025-2026 classroom options: times, days, and tuition
Frequently asked questions
How to register handout
All newly enrolled students will participate in a screening process for classroom placements at the end of May.
Dates and times will be sent to parents at the beginning of April.
Online Registration for 2025 - 2026 for new students will begin on Monday February 3, 2025.
Stoughton High Recycling Club Clothing Drive
The Stoughton High Recycling Club is holding a clothing drive next week, January 27-31, in partnership with the Epilepsy Foundation. See the flyer below for more details:
Nominations Being Accepted for SHS Hall of Fame for Extraordinary Achievement
The Stoughton Public Schools and the Stoughton Historical Society are pleased to announce that nominations for the 2025 Academic Hall of Fame for Extraordinary Achievement are being accepted. Eligible nominees are graduates of Stoughton High School who have achieved notable success in his/her chosen profession either from a singular extraordinary accomplishment, career of exceptional achievement, or significant contribution to society.
Candidates may be nominated by any former Stoughton High School student, any present or past employee of the Stoughton Public Schools, or any present or past Stoughton resident. All previous nominations will be reviewed.
All nominations must be accompanied by a resume, which includes: date of graduation, degree(s), work experience, hobbies and awards/recognitions. The nominee will be asked to submit a portfolio documenting his/her work. The deadline for applications is Friday, January 31, 2025.
Review of applications will be made by a committee composed of the Superintendent of Schools, Stoughton High School Principal, a member of the National Honor Society, and two members of the Stoughton Historical Society.
Please submit nominations to: Dr. Joseph Baeta, Superintendent of Schools, 31 Pierce Street, Stoughton, MA 02072.
School Committee Meeting on Tuesday 1/28
The Stoughton School Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 in the conference room at the SPS District Office, 31 Pierce St. The public portion of the meeting starts at 7pm. An agenda for the meeting can be found here.
Care Solace
Did you know that Stoughton Public Schools has partnered with Care Solace to support the well-being of students, staff, and their family members? Care Solace is a complimentary and confidential care coordination service that can help you quickly find mental health, social services, or substance use treatment options matched to your needs, regardless of circumstance.
- Call: 888-515-0595 (available 24/7/365 with multilingual support)
- Visit: caresolace.com/stoughtonschools to search or click “Book Appointment”.
Important Links
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For updates throughout the week, be sure to follow Stoughton Public Schools on social media: