Gator Family Newsletter
October 21, 2024
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Contact Information
Marge Loucks, Assistant Principal
Melissa Bernu, Counselor
Mission: Glen Loch Elementary ensures high levels of learning for each student creating confident, independent and successful learners of the community.
Vision: At Glen Loch, we provide a safe, supportive environment that nurtures each child's potential, fosters growth, and celebrates individuality to help each Gator thrive.
Email: ContactGlenLoch@ConroeISD.net
Website: GlenLoch.ConroeISD.net
Location: 27505 Glen Loch Drive, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 281-298-4900
Facebook: facebook.com/GlenLochCISD
Twitter: @GlenLochCISD
Morning Arrival
Parents, just a reminder that the tardy bell rings at 7:55 a.m. Instructional time starts at 7:55 a.m. and all students should be in their classroom at that time. If the doors are shut to the building, please park in a parking space and accompany your child in to sign them in.
During morning arrival, please make sure they are getting out at the porch and not in the parking lot as it is a safety issue.
Happening Soon!
21st - 25th - Storybook Pumpkin Contest
21st - 25th - School Bus Safety Week
Monday, October 21st
Soccer Moms vs. BBQ Dads, Rock your best (school appropriate) mom or dad look to school!
Tuesday, October 22nd
Twin Tuesday, Dress up in a matching outfit with a friend!
Wednesday, October 23rd
Woodlands Wednesday, Wear your TWHS swag, red and/or green!
Red and Green Homecoming Parade, TWHS Parking Lot @ 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, October 24th
Throwback Thursday, Wear a vintage tee or pick a decade to dress up as!
PJ's with the Principal, Glen Loch Elementary, 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Friday, October 25th
Storybook Character Dress Up, Come dressed as your favorite storybook character!
Storybook Parade, 8:20 a.m., Parents can join us on the bus loop, beginning at 8:10 a.m.
1st through 3rd Trick or Treating, McCullough Jr. High, directly after parade
ESCE, Life Skills, Rise, PK, KG Trick or Treating, Glen Loch Elementary, directly after parade
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon, Soup and Salad
Be a voter! Early voting for the November 5th election starts Monday, October 21. View a sample ballot and early voting locations at https://elections.mctx.org/.
Join Conroe ISD for our annual Salute to Our Veterans at Woodforest Bank Stadium on Monday, November 11, at 10 AM.
Grade Level Websites
Save the Date
Dates are subject to change! Click on picture for printable PDF!
Red Ribbon Week
October 28th - November 1st
One person can make the difference! The Red Ribbon Campaign serves as a catalyst to mobilize communities, educate youth and encourage participation in drug prevention activities.
Generation Texas Week
November 18th - November 22nd
Generation Texas will be November 16- 20. This week focuses on higher education. Throughout the week, we will explore the preparation needed for a career, college, opportunities other than 2 or 4-year colleges, and ways of paying for higher education.
PE Safety
Our goal in PE is to create a safe and fun learning environment for all our students. We strive to teach and empower our students to exemplify the Glen Loch’s motto “Be safe. Be respectful. Be responsible. It’s The Gator Way”
· Safety – Think safe, “Be safe”
· Respect –“Be respectful” to others and yourself, equipment, teachers, and the facility. We do this by using kind words and showing good sportsmanship.
· Responsibility –“Be responsible” by following directions and wearing PE-appropriate shoes to class.
PE Sneakers/Shoes Policy
We ask that all parents and students refer to the following recommendations when attending PE.
Students should wear tennis/athletic shoes ONLY:
- Shoes should fit snugly and the foot and ankle are supported securely and does not move inside the shoe by laces tied tightly or Velcroed securely.
- Sneakers with some arch support is recommended so students do not have problems running or developing pain in the heels, back of the foot, or shins.
- Students should wear socks in their shoes to prevent blisters.
The following shoes will not be allowed (in order to prevent injury to the child and other students):
Crocs, flip flops, sandals, open back shoes, boots (rain, snow, hiking, etc.), fashion or any shoes that do not have laces or Velcro to hold them snugly to the ankle or foot.
- Any shoe that is so worn out on the bottom that causes the child to slip on the floor should not be worn.
- SUGGESTION: If your child prefers to wear a shoe as described above, please send an appropriate alternative to allow them to change prior to the start of their PE class.
Flu Season
As we come into the cold and flu season, remembering these simple tips to teach and share with your children can help prevent the spread of illnesses.
● Cover your cough and sneeze
● Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
● Wash your hands frequently
● Stay home when you are sick
● Get the flu vaccine
As a reminder, per CISD policy, students should be diarrhea, vomit, and fever free for 24 hours without medication before returning to school. Please contact the clinic with any questions.
Attendance Matters!
Did You Know?
- Starting in preschool and kindergarten, too many absences can cause a child to fall behind in school.
- Missing 10% or about 2 days of school each month over the course of a school year can make it harder to learn to read.
- Students can still fall behind if they miss one or two days every few weeks.
- Being late to school or leaving school early lead to poor attendance.
- Absences and tardiness can affect the whole classroom if the teacher has to slow down learning to help children catch up.
Counselor's Corner
This month, students are learning about Respect during the morning announcements, classroom morning meetings, and Counselor lessons.
Below are some ways you can help your child continue to learn about the theme of respect by reading about it, talking about it, and practicing it.
Assistance Request
Mrs. Bernu, our counselor, is here to help your family with school supplies, weekend meals, Thanksgiving, Christmas and other needs that may arise during the school year.
In order to sign up to receive assistance please click HERE.
From the District
Conroe ISD Cars & Coffee
Join us Saturday, October 26, for our Fall District-Wide Cars & Coffee from 8 to 11 a.m. at Woodforest Bank Stadium. There will also be a designated area for an Emergency Response Vehicle Touch-a-Truck! Admission, car entry, and coffee are FREE!
Roll-in for participants is from 7:30 to 8:00.
CISD PD Trunk or Treat
G & C Presentations 2024-2025
We offer a variety of presentations for students, staff, and families, typically lasting an hour but adjustable to 30 minutes or longer. Available for daytime, evening, and virtual formats, these sessions can be organized through feeder zones or district-wide. Click here for more information: Link
Fentanyl Awareness
Parents, the amount of fentanyl it takes to overdose is equivalent to a few grains of salt. Talk with your kids early and often about the dangers of fentanyl and counterfeit fentanyl-laced pills. Find resources and much more at: https://www.hhs.texas.gov/services/mental-health-substance-use/mental-health-substance-use-resources/fentanyl-one-pill-kills
October is Fentanyl Poisoning Awareness Month. We invite you to participate in our social media awareness campaign aimed at highlighting the dangers of Fentanyl. Throughout October, we will be sharing informative graphics about Fentanyl every Friday on our social media platforms. We encourage all campuses to join us in this initiative and share these important messages on their own social media channels. Click here to learn more: Fentanyl Awareness Social Media Campaign.
Fentanyl Resource Website
We created an online resource hub dedicated to Fentanyl. Schools can utilize this website to print posters and distribute information through newsletters, bulletin boards, and other communication channels. Link: Fentanyl Resource Website
Cell Phone Tips
Keeping Youth Safe Online: Talk!
- Talk with your child about internet safety and potential risks. Regular conversations can help you know what your child is doing and what apps they use.
- Talk with your child calmly, as anger may cause your child to become defensive and less likely to share information with you.
- Talk with your child about what the rules and consequences are when it comes to using devices and being online.
Mantener a los jóvenes seguros en línea: Hablar!
- Hable con su hijo sobre la seguridad en Internet y los riesgos potenciales. Las conversaciones periódicas pueden ayudarle a saber qué está haciendo su hijo y qué aplicaciones utiliza.
- Hable con su hijo con calma, ya que el enojo puede hacer que se ponga a la defensiva y sea menos probable que comparta información con usted.
- Hable con su hijo sobre cuáles son las reglas y consecuencias cuando se trata de usar dispositivos y estar en línea.
We LOVE Our Volunteers!
We truly appreciate the spirit and dedication of our volunteers! Your willingness to contribute your time and skills creates a positive impact that resonates throughout our entire school community. Volunteering offers a unique opportunity to make a difference, connect with like-minded individuals, and gain new experiences in a supportive environment. Whether you're looking to lend a hand in organizing events, support our classrooms and teachers, or share your expertise in a specific area, your contribution will be invaluable.
If you're inspired to contribute and be a part of our school community on another level, we would love to have you on board! The first step to volunteer is to go through the CISD volunteer check by clicking here. This check is good for one school year and must be done in July for the upcoming school year. You can keep an eye out for volunteer opportunities in the Fall! Let's work together to create a positive impact and strengthen our school community.
Just a Note From PTO
- Please CLICK HERE to sign up for the PTO newsletter
- Keep up to date with the most up to date information on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/GlenLochElementaryPTO
- Also, if you shop on AMAZON, Glen Loch PTO can get a kickback if you sign into your normal Amazon account at smile.amazon.com and search for Glen Loch Parent-Teacher Organization, then activate on your app through Settings – amazon smile or shop at smile.amazon.com
Community Events
🚀🤖 Get ready to laugh and support a great cause! TWHS Robotics Stand-Up Comedy Fundraiser is happening on November 9th at 7 PM! 🎤😂 🕕 Doors open at 6 PM – come early to enjoy robotics/science demonstrations, grab some refreshments, and participate in our silent auction for a chance to win exciting prizes! 🎟️🍹 🎫 Tickets are just $26 per person and can be purchased at the door or online via the link or QR code below. All proceeds go towards purchasing parts for our robot builds and supporting our STEM community outreach programs. Mark your calendars and join us for a night of fun and fundraising for our future engineers! See you there! https://twhsroboticsboosterclub.godaddysites.com/shop/ols/products
It’s that time of year again for The Woodlands High School Theater’s Annual Improv Camp! Such a great time for students in the community to come laugh and learn with our award-winning Improv Troupe.
Lunch Visitors
Lunch times are as follows: 10:55 - 3rd/4th Grades, 11:30 - 1st/2nd Grades, 12:05 - PK/KG
Stay Connected!
Parent Portal
Please click Parent/Portal Directions for instructions or o to Conroe ISD's Website, then Parents/Students to access the link to the Parent Portal. To access the Parent Portal, navigate to http://parents.conroeisd.net.
We hope that you enjoy this transition to a new and convenient platform!
Plan Ahead for 2025 - 2026 School Year!
The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner.
For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.