The Mane Tail
Friday, August 2nd, 2024- Back to School Edition
Message from Mrs. Motzny
Dear Parents and/or Guardians,
Welcome (Back) to Sampson! We are very excited to be kicking off "Team Sampson" with you. We hope that this back to school edition of The Mane Tail will include all of the information that you will need to help your Sampson Stallion successfully start the school year. For those of you that are new to Sampson, you will receive an email with a link to our weekly newsletter every Friday. If you have included your email address and opted in to district communication, you will receive our emails. If for some reason you find that you are not receiving these weekly emails, please let us know. At the present time we are still working off campus due to our building renovations. You can reach us by calling 281-213-1600 or by sending an email to sampson@cfisd.net.
There are many changes that are happening this year. On the first day of school we will only be allowing kindergarten parents to escort their children back to the classrooms. With the renovation of the building, and the safety and security involved; we simply can't allow all parents access to the instructional areas. We will have volunteers available to help walk the students back to their classrooms. Kindergarten parents will receive an email with a link to pre-register to walk their child back on the first day of school. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Our building will be ready for us to move back in very soon. Please plan to join us for Meet the Teacher so that you can see how beautiful Sampson Elementary looks now.
We hope that you are as excited as our staff is to kick off another spectacular school year. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Mrs. Motzny
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, August 13th: Teachers will email student home room assignments.
Thursday, August 15th: Meet the Teacher 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Parents are welcome to drop off school supplies.
Monday, August 19th: 1st Day of School (Doors will open at 7:45 a.m.)
Tuesday, Sept. 17th: Open House for all grade levels 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Updated Dismissal Information
Car Riders
We will be utilizing 2 car rider lines this year. Both car rider lines will be a RIGHT entrance and exit only. Parents will need to select which car rider line they will utilize, and they will not be able to switch back and forth. Below is the link to the form for you to select your preference and have a car rider number assigned. No previous numbers will be used this year. Please discard any car tags you have. New tags will be available at Meet the Teacher.
Students who live in the Sampson attendance zone will have 3 options for entering and exiting the building as a walker/bike rider -
Red - Red walkers and bike riders will enter and exit the gate by the building to the playground and through door 19. For pick up, parents will need to wait at the bike rack area for students. Staff will escort them down to the bike racks to release them. Please do NOT come up to the area by the building to meet your child. Students who will turn left from the building onto Coles Crossing North should utilize this entrance/exit as a walker/bike rider.
Green - Green walkers and bike riders will enter and exit the gym/cafeteria side of the building. Students that will cross at the lap pool or go West on Coles Crossing Drive or use the trails should be a green walker/bike rider.
Blue - Blue walkers and bike riders will enter and exit the front of the school. Students who utilize the four way crosswalk should be a blue walker or bike rider.
Students are liable for bikes left on bike racks. Please encourage your student to lock the bikes each day. Bikes should be neatly arranged on the racks to provide space for all bikes.
Students who exit the building on foot or via bike should arrive at their home in the same manner. Due to an increase in traffic with our car rider lines, and for the safety of all of our students, please do NOT park on a street around the school, at the lap pool, or surrounding areas for your child to walk to and leave. This practice is unsafe.
We will have NO rainy day dismissal this year. We will ONLY change transportation on INCLEMENT weather conditions. This means that lightning or other threatening weather is in the area. Light or heavy rain will be a regular day dismissal. For INCLEMENT weather, ALL students will exit as a car rider a bus rider if eligible.
Car Riders
We will be utilizing 2 car rider lines this year. Both car rider lines will be a RIGHT entrance and exit only. Parents will need to select which car rider line they will utilize, and they will not be able to switch back and forth. Please see the link below to register for a car rider number. No previous numbers will be used this year. Please discard any car tags you have. New tags will be available at Meet the Teacher.
The front car rider lot will be a white tag. The back car rider lot will be a yellow tag.
For morning arrival, make sure your student is prepared to promptly exit the vehicle. They should be seated on the passenger side and have their belongings ready to unload. Students should open their doors and exit independently. We will have some staff available to monitor safety, but we will not be able to open and close each car door.
In the back lot, please follow staff directions to pull forward and WAIT until told to unload/load. After, please WAIT until prompted to exit the parking lot.
Please be patient as we tweak our new systems. We anticipate the first week to be a slower process, but we are confident that we will be able to become more efficient with car rider lines quickly. You can help by having your child practice their car rider number once assigned.
Sampson School Supplies
If you still need to order your child's school supplies, the link is below.
Important Resources
PTO Membership
We hope that every family will join the Sampson PTO. Families can access information and join here:
Playground Update
The PTO has been working hard to provide an inclusive playground for our students. A huge thank you to MUD #364 and #365 for their generous donations. Phase 1 construction will be starting soon!
Sampson Elementary
Email: sampson@cfisd.net
Website: https://sampson.cfisd.net/en/
Location: 16002 Coles Crossing Drive, Cypress, TX, USA
Phone: 281-213-1600
Facebook: facebook.com/SampsonElementarySchool
Twitter: @SampsonElem