East Side Connect - November

Message from the Superintendent
Dear ESUHSD Community,
We are two thirds the way through the semester and these last two months of 2023 are crucial. College application season is in full swing and many applications are due November 30th - including the University of California and Cal State applications.
Remember, the Spartan East Side Promise guarantees admission to ESUHSD students with a 2.5 GPA and above (normally a 2.75 but ESUHSD students have a local boost), as long as they meet eligibility requirements - see details on our Spartan East Side Promise Webpage (bit.ly/eastsidepromise).
I also want to take a moment to share again about our McKinney-Vento Program, which plays a crucial role in supporting students who are unhoused. There will be 900 unhoused students in our district this year, up from 300 in 2020. We recently launched a fundraiser to provide direct gifts to our students this holiday season. If you have not yet done so, I invite you to learn more and donate on the East Side Education Foundation webpage (www.eastside-fund.org/mckinney-vento/).
I am confident that, together, we can continue to make a positive impact on the lives of our students and strengthen our East Side community. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Warm regards,
Superintendent Vander Zee
East Side Union High School District
Among the business discussed during the Board Meeting on November 2, 2023, the Board of Trustees:
Received a Presentation on Charter School Renewals
Heard from Principals of Independence and Oak Grove High School on school progress
Among the business discussed during the Board Study Session on November 13, 2023, the Board of Trustees:
Received an Update from the Positive School Climate and Safety Task Force
View the Full Board Agenda for November 13, 2023
Among the business discussed during the Board Meeting on November 16, 2023, the Board of Trustees:
Heard from Principals of Piedmont Hills and Silver Creek High School on school progress
Recognized the Maintenance and Operations Team at ESUHSD
Board of Trustees receive update from Positive School Climate and Safety Task Force
The Board of Trustees held a Board Study Session to hear an update on EUHSD’s Task Force for Positive School Climate and Safety. As a result of the Task Force meetings and community survey results so far, key areas of mutual support among Task Force members include:
More Campus Security Personnel: ore trained security and more security training for campus monitors. Student responses placed this as the last priority.
Engaging in Pro Active and Preventative Approaches: Increasing intervention services to support all students who are facing significant family, social, and emotional stress.
Developing Clearer and Consistent Consequences for Disruptive Behaviors: Developing standardized systems to hold students accountable for disruptive behavior through consistent consequences.
Improving Engagement with Students: Boredom, lack of connection with faculty, poor curriculum options and limited access to mental health care were highlighted by students as key contributors to campus disruption, poor academic performance and a poor sense of belonging.
At the November 13th study session, Task Force members called for more time to develop recommended activities to the Board of Trustees beyond the initial December 14th Board Study Session. As such, a plan is being developed to accommodate these changes.
Board of Trustees recognize Maintenance and Operations Team
The Board of Trustees recognized ESUHSD’s Maintenance and Operations team for their work in keeping schools operational through challenges faced by recent broken water mains, power outages, and similar emergencies. Superintendent Vander Zee shared that ESUHSD “has over 16 different building locations, 500+ acres to maintain, as well as 2.6 million square feet of interior space.” The Maintenance and Operations team is crucial for maintaining each facility and classroom in ESUHSD. Congratulations!
Principals provide presentations on school site progress
Piedmont Hills
Principal Ginny Davis of Piedmont Hills High School provided an overview of the programs and progress on student achievement. Among the highlights, Piedmont Hills is improving student success through:
Relationship building with “Pirate Gold” and “Pirate Way” incentive awards for students
Staff training through Inclusion and Equity Conference
Assistant Principals of Tiered Support are training teachers on using the Early Warning System which highlights students who need additional support.
Silver Creek High School
Principal Kelly Daugherty of Silver Creek High School provided an overview of the programs and progress on student achievement. Among the highlights, Silver Creek is improving student success through:
Training and supporting bilingual students to be tutors of English Learner students
Creating a Parent/Teacher conference program for struggling students
Assistant Principal of Tiered Supports led a collaborative training on the Early Warning System and lead monthly meetings to support students
Independence High School
Principal Bjorn Berg of Independence High School provided an overview of the programs and progress on student achievement. Among the highlights from Independence:
Marching Band will perform in the London New Years Day Parade
Inaugural Girls Flag Football Season
Each staff member identifies 3 students and attempts 10 intentional strategies to support them
Oak Grove High School
Principal Martha Brazil of Oak Grove High School provided an overview of the programs and progress on student achievement. Among the highlights from Oak Grove:
Students received schoolwide lessons on programs like the Spartan East Side Promise, A-G Standing, and Progress towards Graduation, among others to promote college and career readiness
Students from Oak Grove earned the Power Of Change Award from the YWCA
Board of Trustees hear presentation on charter school renewals
ABC7: Day of Giving: San Jose school district launches fundraiser for unhoused students
KTVU FOX 2: Giving Tuesday: San Jose school district launches fundraiser for homeless students
San Jose Spotlight: San Jose schools to teach media literacy in misinformation fight
East Side Union High School District and East Side Education Foundation Launch Fundraising Effort for Unhoused Students
Two ESUHSD Students Win Santa Clara County DA’s 2023 “Justice for All” Art Contest
East Side Education Foundation Introduces 2023 Inductees to the Thomas P. Ryan Hall of Fame
Oak Grove and Andrew Hill High School Students attend Day of the Girl Empowerment Expo at Regional Medical Center
East Side Educators Attend Santa Clara County Superior Court 2023 Educator's Day
Looking to volunteer? Want to complete additional hours?
Luz Neighborhood Litter Pickup
Volunteers are needed for Saturday December 2, 2023 for a Litter Pickup at the Luz Neighborhood. Meet at the Regional Medical Center. Learn more at bit.ly/luzcleanup
Community Tree Planting at Sylvia Cassell Park
We’re Hiring!
Share your stories with us! Email mediarelations@esuhsd.org