Tiger News from Principal Stilwell
Reminders, updates and information for Garfield Elementary

What is Happening This Week at Garfield?
- Our blue Garfield Tiger Pride Shirts have arrived! We love to show our pride on Fridays and wear our shirts. Shirts will be distributed to our kindergarteners and all new students this week. If your student has lost or outgrown their shirt please let the teacher know and they will make sure they get a new shirt.
- Walking Club kicks off Friday September 20. Meet at the entrance gate at 8:40 am and we walk in the covered area and next to playground. It is a great way to kick of your day!.
Friday September 20
- Walking Club Kick-Off 8:40 am (Meet at the Gate - Walk in the Covered Play Area)
- Learning Improvement Friday, 2:15 pm Dismissal
Looking Ahead ...
Monday September 23
- Agape Club Meeting 3:30-4:15 pm (Room 306)
Thursday September 26
- PTA Meeting 4-5 pm (Garfield MP Room and Zoom)
- Tiger Pride Assembly 1:30-2:00 pm (Garfield GYM)
Friday October 11
- Teacher Workday, NO SCHOOL
- Picture Day
- Conferences, NO SCHOOL
- Evening conferences
- Conferences, NO SCHOOL
Thursday November 7
- Veteran's Day Assembly
Friday November 8
- Early Release, 1:00 pm Dismissal
Monday November 11
- Veteran's Day Holiday, NO SCHOOL
Garfield Elementary School
2215 Pine Street
Everett, WA 98201
Principal: Kathleen Stilwell
Email: kstilwell@everettsd.org
Phone: 425-385-4700