St Peter's Primary School
Friday 13th September 2024
O most holy Mother, Queen of Sorrows,
who followed your beloved Son through all the Way of the Cross,
and whose heart was pierced with a fresh sword of grief at all the stations
of that most sorrowful journey, obtain for us, we beseech you,
O most loving Mother,
a perpetual remembrance of our Blessed Saviour's Cross.
Message from the Principal
BULK STATIONERY ORDERS - We have recently received feedback from staff, the School Advisory Council and the wider parent community regarding the bulk stationery ordering at St Peter’s Primary School. The parent feedback survey closed on Monday 9 September 2024.
The parent community voted 77% in favour of bulk ordering, the staff were 92% in favour of continuing with bulk ordering, and the School Advisory Council were a 100% yes vote to the current bulk stationery order process.
In a school of our size, we are unable to offer an opt in or opt out consent for individual students and fami-lies. With all data now collected, I can confirm that bulk stationery ordering will continue, where stationery is added to the school fees and the school take responsibility for ordering and coordinating stationery at the commencement of each school year.
Thank you to all members of the school community who took the time to complete the survey.
Please find the total of the combined three survey results below:
TOURNAMENT OF MINDS – 2024 - On Saturday 31 August, seven amazing Year 6 students participated in the Tournament of Minds competition. The sensational seven presented their
long-term performance in front of judges, parents and teachers at Edith Cowan University in Joondalup. Their long-term performance, focusing in the area of the Arts, was created over
6 weeks, where students attended practice before school and during their lunchtimes to solve a problem that not only used their critical and creative thinking skills, but also their ability to perform in front of an audience. The group also had to take part in a spontaneous problem, where they were given a short time frame of 5 minutes in total to respond to a unique and puzzling question. The students did
St Peter’s very proud and delivered an excellent performance in both their long-term and spontaneous problem, and as a result will now spend this Saturday, 14 September, at ECU in Joondalup competing in the state finals! Such a wonderful achievement!
Congratulations to Oliver Rendall, Milla Frost, Oliver Johnson, Lucian Doyle, Isabelle How Kim Kam, Adele Toh & Adriana Morris! Thank you to Mrs O’Meara and Mrs Carbone for their incredible support!
TRAFFIC WARDENS – GRAND PROMENADE CROSSING - The Western Australian Police Force have informed the school that there will only be one warden operating at the Children’s Crossing on Grand Promenade, near Craven Street for the remainder of this school term. Can you please remind your children to be vigilant whilst crossing the road. Thank you for your support!
TERM FOUR IMPORTANT DATES - We have many sensational whole school events scheduled for Term Four. Please save the dates for the following events and make note of the student free days:
• PP-Year 6 Athletics Carnival – Thursday 10 October (Week One)
• Grandparents’ Morning Tea – Friday 18 October (Week Two)
• Student Free Day – Friday 1 November (Week 4) *Pre K still operating
• Student Free Day – Monday 4 November (Week 5)
• Kindy – Year 6 End of Year Concert – Thursday 28 November (Week 8)
• Excursion Day & Reports Sent Home – Wednesday 4 December (Week 9)
• Transition Day – Thursday 5 December (Week 9)
KINDY – YEAR 6 END OF YEAR CONCERT - Our Kindy – Year 6 End of Year Concert will be held on Thursday 28 November 2024, so please save this date in your diary! The concert will commence at 6:00pm and be held at Catherine Reserve (Rosebery St & Catherine St, Bedford). Our Pre-Kindy class will have their own end of year celebration in the Library.
All families are invited to BYO a picnic dinner from 5pm, before each year level will be called over the microphone at 5:45pm to come forward to their designated class area in front of the stage, to ensure the concert can begin at 6pm and conclude by 7pm.
The invitation to our evening concert is extended to grandparents and loved ones. As per last year, to ensure the smooth and timely running of the concert, all students will need to remain sitting with their class for the duration of the concert, and students will be released to their parents or caregiver at the conclusion of the event.
This is an alcohol-free event and families are invited to BYO one family picnic rug and/or picnic chairs. As it is a public venue, picnic rugs and chairs can be placed in the marked designated seating area only from 4pm onwards. Audience seating will be split into two sections, with picnic rugs being assigned the area in front of those on picnic chairs. A map of the venue including details for parking and seating will be communicated closer to the event.
We are looking forward to seeing all our families there to celebrate another amazing year at
St Peter’s Primary School!
PRE PRIMARY – YEAR 6 ATHLETICS CARNIVAL - On Thursday 10 October, our Pre Primary to
Year 6 classes will participate in our St Peter’s Primary School Athletics Carnival held at Dianella Open Space. We are excited to have our Pre Primary students join us again this year. Miss Hardie will communicate the specific details and timing for the day via an email. Thank you in advance to all those parents who have volunteered to assist on the day. We look forward to a day full of fun with great sportsmanship on display!
GRANDPARENTS’ MORNING TEA - We would like to extend an invitation to all grandparents to join us for a morning at the school on Friday 18 October (Week One, Term Four) from
10:15am - 11:00am. Grandparents are a huge part of our community, and we would like to acknowledge the role our grandparents play in our students’ lives and the unconditional love they have for family. Classroom doors will be open at 10:15am for grandparents to visit the classroom and to collect their grandchild/ren for morning tea.
We do hope that many grandparents can join us for this very special morning. Please note if your child does not have a grandparent who is able to attend, we welcome families to invite a treasured caregiver to attend, this includes: Godparents, aunts, uncles, neighbours and more!
VACSWIM - The government has announced that they will provide free VacSwim lessons for Western Australian children. VacSwim enrolments are open now and will close on 16 October with more information available at www.education.wa.gov.au/vacswim
EARLY LEARNING CENTRE – NEW PLAYGROUND SPACE - I am excited to share that we are nearing the completion of the new early childhood playground space. This week, the new lawn has been laid and the builders are in the process of completing the final touches of landscaping. When students return in Term Four, they will be able to explore and have endless fun in this new play space.
Next term, we welcome Mr Justin Tuohy as the new Principal of St Peter’s Primary School. As I commence my maternity leave, I would like to thank all members of our school community for your ongoing support throughout my time at St Peter’s. Your engagement, feedback, and participation have strengthened our community, and I look forward to witnessing all the amazing achievements of St Peter’s Primary School in the future.
Thursday 19 September is the final day of term for our students. I would like to wish all our families a safe and enjoyable break! We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on
Monday 7 October in their summer uniform.
Courtney Caputi
Assistant Principal RE News
CONFIRMATION - We are overjoyed to share the wonderful news of the recent Sacrament of Confirmation celebrations held at our Parish. Both Masses were a resounding success, filled with grace, joy, and profound moments of faith.
The Confirmation Masses, held on Friday 6th September and Saturday 7th September were truly memorable occasions. The church was beautifully adorned, the music uplifted our spirits, and the atmosphere was charged with the Holy Spirit’s presence. Our confirmands, dressed in their finest and beaming with excitement, took a significant step in their spiritual journey, affirming their commitment to the Church and embracing the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Highlights of the Celebrations:
- Inspiring Liturgies: Each Mass was enriched by heartfelt prayers, meaningful homilies, and the joyful participation of our entire community. The confirmands’ responses and vows added a special touch of solemnity and excitement.
- Uplifting Music: The choir’s beautiful hymns and the congregation’s enthusiastic singing created an atmosphere of reverence and joy, perfectly complementing the significance of the sacrament.
- Community Spirit: The reception following each Mass was a delightful opportunity to gather as a community. We enjoyed celebrating with the confirmands and their families, sharing in their joy, and expressing our support and congratulations.
A Heartfelt Thank You:
We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of these celebrations. To the volunteers who helped with preparations, the choir for their inspiring music, and everyone who attended to offer their support—your efforts made these events truly special.
To our confirmands, we offer our warmest congratulations. May you continue to grow in faith, love, and wisdom as you embrace the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We are proud of you and excited to see the ways you will contribute to our parish community.
Thank you all for making these Confirmation Masses such a profound and joyous occasion. Your presence and prayers were a cherished part of this sacred celebration.
With heartfelt blessings,
Mr Nettleton
SAFEGUARDING MASS - A huge thank you to the families who attended the Safeguarding Mass on Sunday 8th September.
The Mass was part of Child Protection Week, a national campaign to highlight and educate the community that every child should be able to grow up safe. This year’s theme of Child Protection Week this year is, “Every conversation matters” and their message is “Every child in every community needs a fair go.” This theme and message reminds us that it's important to speak up - and speak together - about what needs to change for every child in every community to have a fair go.
Conversations are essential when it comes to understanding the needs of children and helping us to build solutions.
These could be conversations between:
- children and their parents or caregivers;
- children and their friends;
- children and their teachers or other trusted adults;
- families and friends or neighbours;
- families and doctors or other professionals.
Having this theme for the event equips and empowers us to have these important conversations, and to encourage communication, so that we have the best chance of recognising problems and protecting children’s safety.
We look forward to continuing our support of Father Jeronimo and the St Peter the Apostle Parish.
Person of the Week - Week 9 - 12/9/2024
ANASTASIA KOVACEVIC - TWO WHITE - In recognition for your exceptional qualities of kindness, care, and inclusivity, it is with great honour that you are awarded as the Junior Person of the Week.
Anastasia, you demonstrate a remarkable ability to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for your friends, peers and teachers.
Your exemplary acts of compassion and understanding have significantly contributed to the positive atmosphere within our 2W classroom.
You have consistently shown kindness towards others and exhibit a genuine concern for the
well-being of those around you.
Anastasia, your gentle nature has made a difference in the lives of many, fostering a sense of belonging for all.
Congratulations for being our Junior Person of the Week!
ZADIE SRSEN - THREE MAROON - Zadie, you have been nothing short of an exceptional example of what it means to be a true learner, leader and friend here at St Peter’s, and it is an absolute pleasure to recognise you as our Senior Person of the Week.
With a growth mindset that drives you to tackle challenges with determination, Zadie, you consistently display resilience and perseverance in your learning, always striving for excellence. Your happy and gentle spirit make you a joy to be around. Your compassion and fairness towards others show your deep sense of empathy, kindness and the way you strive to live like Jesus. Zadie, you are a kind and caring friend, always there to lend a helping hand or offer a word of encouragement. As a quiet achiever, you approach everything you do with focus and talent, making you someone we can all rely on. Zadie, your commitment to embodying the TRUE values makes you a positive role model for everyone you come into contact with. Your beautiful smile spreads sunshine, everywhere you go.
We are so proud of you, Zadie, and are so blessed to have had you in Three Maroon this year — keep shining bright like the diamond you are!
Merit Certificates - Week 9 - 12/9/2024
PPB Joy Dorney / Luke Hudson / Loren Dean
PPM Charlie Butler / Caleb Chung / Henry Horton
PPW Eliana Neilson / Jinghan Ao / Amelia Mallozzi
1B Frankie Maher / Eliza Exeter / Alexander Lapelms
1M Sebastian Nguyen / Kyra Chhabra / Blake Barrett
1W Zoey Warner / Noah Foley / Lyric Edwards
2B Zoe Huynh / Zara Ishak / Lucy Webb
2M Ariana Scida / Blake Whitehead / Layla Pangilinan
2W Edwina Peyton / Nate Bowen / Elisa Freeman / Gon Nguyen
3B Isla Bartlett / Max Bucher / Alec Tandy
3M Flynn Swords / Emmaline Tan / Emily Foley
3W Audrey Tyson / Julian Salvia / Emmy Sinclair
4B Airlie Beacon / Michael Jaekel / Cristina Friel / Nina Marevic
4M Evangeline Zekas / Digby Blair
4W Oliver Wilson / Saskia Eddy / Zara How Kim Kam
5B Riley Southern / Aidan Clinton
5M Charlie Palmer / Dion Cole / Rosheen Reardon
5WOlive Ridley / Finn Martin / Charlie Tomich
6B Aria Todd / Harry Nielsen Murray / Oliver Rendall
6M Allegra Wong / Luke Armstrong / Meisha Williamson
6W Drew Warner / Alesha Tran / Nina Tandy
Netball News
St Peter’s Netball Club celebrates ripper season in cowgirl style.
On Saturday 7 September, five teams of sporty students rounded up a fantastic winter season of netball at the Bayswater Bowling Club. It was a super fun hoedown with line dancing, dress ups, and photobooth good times. The following girls received MVP (Most Valuable Player) and Coaches Awards for their exceptional performance, positivity, and team spirit throughout the season.
• Team 1 Swifties: MVP Skylar Guardione, Coaches Award Thea Hoang
• Team 2 Super Shooters: MVP Eva Montini, Coaches Award Kiyannah Elias-Perez
• Team 3 Rainbow Rockets: MVP Madeline Smart, Coaches Award Isabel Foo
• Team 4 Fever Fives: MVP Evie Roberts, Coaches Award Amelia Suiter
• Team 5: MVP Eloise Fielding, Coaches Award Tayla Jakovich
Thanks to all of our wonderful Coaches and Team Managers for a great few months of fun and friendships at training and game days on the courts.
Special appreciation to Vice-President, Alana Roberts and outgoing President, Jannine Arena for their huge efforts in coordinating such a successful 2024 season.
New committee members are wanted for 2025, so please email netballstp@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering next year!
Good luck to all the girls continuing on for Spring!
Young Engineers After School Club
P&F News
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Community News
- TINY TOTS TENNIS - Trial lesson available in school holidays or Term 4 weekly sessions – Contact Anthony on 0400 64 33 55.
GUITARWORKS - is holding “Free School Holiday Guitar Workshops” for anyone interested in learning guitar. These 90min demonstrations cover all aspects of guitar playing and styles. Bookings essential, info & dates found here Guitar Workshop or contact Stefan Cutri guitarworks@iinet.net.au Mob: 041 444 8907
- CODE CAMP HOLIDAY PROGRAM - are now taking bookings for the upcoming Spring holidays. Book now at codecamp.com.au/flyer
- VACSWIM ENROLMENTS - are now open. For further information, details of locations and how to enrol, please visit our website.
Contact Us
Office Hours
8am - 4pm School Term Only
Follow us on:
Instagram @ Instagram
Facebook @ Facebook
Twitter @ Twitter
Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900