Monroe County Schools
CSH and FRC October 2024 Newsletter
"Changing the seasons shows that life is giving you a chance to turn over a new leaf. Grab the opportunity with both hands. Transform into a new person." unknown
What's CSH? Here's our component module :)
6 Tips to stay healthy this fall
6 Tips for Staying Healthy this Fall
- Get your flu shot and any other vaccinations you need to stay up-to-date
- Follow updated CDC and local guidelines and take other precautions in your community
- Stay up to date with your annual wellness or annual physical exam
- Get plenty of sleep
- Eat healthy foods and stay active
- Prioritize your brain health/mental health
What is America's national soup?
In the U.S., gumbo is the top national soup, a thick spicy soup from Louisiana. Clam chowder is another. France is into soup in a major way.
BMI Screenings are "still in process" county wide!
Did you know that unrecognized or untreated health conditions can limit a child’s ability to learn? School health screenings are an effective way to promote health, detect impairments and prevent future health problems. Early identification of health conditions through school health screenings can lead to an effective treatment and can prevent health issues later that may impact learning. Healthy students are better learners. Students in grades K, 2, 4, 6, and 8 are strongly encouraged to receive vision and hearing screenings and students in grades K, 2, 4, 6, 8 and one grade of high school are encouraged to receive blood pressure (BP) and height/weight screenings. Oral health screenings are also strongly encouraged for ALL students. A caring school health professional taking the time to screen for these types of conditions can result in positive health and educational outcomes. We're happy to provide these services, in our schools at NO CHARGE. Insurances are not billed for these services, either!
Santa's Helper Information
MPS Reading Buddies 2nd grade!
We had so much fun during our Reading Buddy Adoption Day with 2nd grade!
We want to shout a huge “THANK YOU!” to Monroe County Family Resource Center and MonroeCounty Coordinated-SchoolHealth for organizing this for our 2nd grade students!
The students are so excited to read to their buddy each night! Parents, we encourage you to read with your child and their new reading buddy for 20 minutes each night!
Kindness Challenge for the month of October! Who's in?
Participation Welcomed :)
We welcome anyone to participate/share on our social media page participation, in any RAOK! Ok, maybe any except number 27, ;0! If you participate/share on our social media page or I welcome you to e-mail me participation to: . We will happily award a prize!
Pumpkin decorating contest!
CSH Welcomes participation!
It's that time of year! The School Health Office welcomes all schools, staff, or classrooms to participate, in our pumpkin decorating contest. We ask all entries to be submitted to the CSH Office by: Wednesday October 30th. We will announce the winner on: Thursday October 31st. 1st place will receive a prize!
Kindness Speech Contest!
Open to children 5 - 18 years old. What does kindness mean to you?
Write & perform a 2 minute Kindness Speech and submit by email
Judged by local educators
The top three will win a prize
Personal Hygiene Class for Pre Teens/Teens
The CSH/FRC offices are excited to partner with Monroe County Health Department/Health Educator Ms. Jackie Harris, on offering a hygiene classes to Pre/Teens. Our first classes at Monroe County Alt. School were canceled, due to in-coming weather. We're excited to have those classes rescheduled. To learn more/get on our schedule, then we welcome you to reach out.
New PE Standards- TDOE
According to state statute and policy, each district and charter must implement one model of individual growth for non-tested teachers. Scores generated by peer reviewed student growth portfolios represent 35% of participating teachers’ LOE within the state’s TEAM evaluation model in lieu of individual TVAAS scores that teachers in tested courses generate.
The physical education student growth portfolio model was designed through a collaborative partnership of teachers, district leaders, retired teachers, and university employees in 2013 and implemented in 2014.
The Physical Education working group, comprised of educators representing diverse school settings found across the state, collaborate to develop the scoring guide for the middle school model.
As educators explore and implement the contents of the following materials, it is recommended that they do so within a professional learning community (PLC) or other collaborative group that focuses on long-term and short-term planning, ongoing formative assessment, standards-based instruction, differentiated and targeted instructional practices, and student work. The art of analyzing student work when grounded in collaborative thinking, self-reflection, and differentiated instruction can have a profound impact on student academic growth.
RVES Garden
Healthy Roots at Rural Vale Elementary School
After our lesson on pumpkins at Rural Vale Elementary School, we divided into groups to separate seeds from pulp for roasting. This tangible project was embraced wholeheartedly by students as you can see