5th Gr. Newsletter - November, 2024
B.F. Butler Middle School
Dear 5th Grade Butler Bulldogs!
Fall is here and we are settled into our 5th grade school year but November is a BUSY month!
Dates to remember:
- Nov. 11- No School Veterans Day
- Nov. 13- Report Cards go home
- Nov. 14- Picture Retakes
- Nov. 14- Parent Teacher Conferences 5-7pm
- Nov. 27- Early Dismissal
- Nov. 28-29- No School Thanksgiving Break
Please remember to have our students dress for the weather and for school. Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to contact us! We value your input!
The Grade 5 Team
Join Us on REMIND
If you would like to be more involved please join our facebook page at Butler Middle School PTO Facebook page
Also, we have an amazing parent liaison, Mara Picanco! Please reach out if you would like to become more involved in our school! Her email is: mpicanco@lowell.k12.ma.us
Attendance Update:
The grade level Social Workers are responsible for ALL attendance matters. Please make sure to call to report your student absent each time they are not in school. Grades 5 & 6 should call Ms. Healy x46817 and Grades 7 & 8 Ms. Casey x46866. There are no quarantine requirements for COVID anymore. This is treated like all other illnesses now. Once the student is fever free for 24 hours and not vomiting, they should return to school. Dental appointments will not excuse a full day absence, unless it is dental surgery. Please call ahead if you are planning to take a family vacation during the school year. Also, please inform us if you are moving. We need to confirm enrollment in the new school before we remove your student from our school.
Students that have had 10% or more unexcused absences will be expected to attend our Saturday School attendance recovery program to make up the missed time on learning. Students will receive a formal letter inviting them to this program.
Holiday Gift Giving:
Community Teamwork Toys for Tots
Families who are current clients of Community Teamwork may apply for Toys for Tots through Community Teamwork. Information will be available on applying soon and should be obtained from the department that is normally responsible for providing services.
Please note that for Sun Santa Fund you can only apply through ONE agency. Only one person for each family can apply. Any family applying through more than one agency will not be eligible. Toy vouchers will be available for children through age 16. Children over age 16 are not eligible.
Community Teamwork Sun Santa Fund - apply online first week in November
Applications will be taken starting Sunday, November 1. The full name and date of birth of each child 16 & under is required. Applicants will self-certify their information. Due to COVID-19, no hard copy/upload documents will be required.
Questions? Contact Christine DeFeo: Send an email.
Salvation Army Sun Santa Fund - apply online beginning October
Applications will be taken until capacity is reached
Must have the following items to upload: birth certificates for children age 16 and younger (or guardianship papers), photo id for parent or guardian, proof of address, and a valid email address. No bikes or electronics. For families of 2 or more.
Questions? Contact Diane James 978-458-3396 or Send an email
October Students of the Month!
Jaxson Brogan, HR 125
Carter Men, HR 127
Melanie Sousa, HR 128
What are we learning this month?
English Language Arts
In ELA, students have been learning about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights while they are reading the historical fiction book, Esperanza Rising. They are learning to summarize while finding quotes to support their thinking. While reading they are also reading to understand how the book is written. They have loved learning some Spanish words as we read.
In math this month, we wrapped up Module 1: Place Value Concepts for Multiplication and Division with Whole Numbers. In our new module, Module 2: Addition and Subtraction or Fractions, we are building on our knowledge of fractions and conceptualizing fractions in real-life word problems. If possible, have students do IXL and iReady on a device at home, and complete homework when applicable.
Social Studies
Students earned 100 Do-Jo's as part of our school wide Positive Behavior Incentive System. Students who earned the the 100 Do-Jo's enjoyed time outside playing games with an extra recess!
Our next PBIS Day students will, again, be expected to earn the 100 Do-Jo's. The date will be Tuesday, November 26! Stay tuned for the fun we are planning!