Square Up to RTI²
Response to Instruction & Intervention: December 2024
In this issue...
Our department has created a new RTI² Canvas Course to better serve you. Use this link to join and learn about all things RTI²!
There are some valuable resources available from the state; use the link below.
State RTI² WebsiteUniversal Screening Dates:
i-Ready Pro
i-Ready Pro is designed for middle school students in building critical skills. More detailed reporting will benefit teachers in tracking usage and performance trends that will in turn enhance instruction. Click here to learn about changes to i-Ready MyPath coming Dec. 2!
We are fortunate to have PowerUp and CORE 5 available to our students. This session will provide insight about monitoring progress within these programs.
KCS Intervention Overview
RTI² Parent Brochure
Parent Brochures are available to share with parents. You may download and print or request from your facilitator.
Data Meetings
Completing a Plan Review in MTSS (Monitor Progress and Record in MTSS)
Data teams will meet to consider multiple sources of data to determine how to best meet students' needs. The Coherence Map can help identify appropriate interventions. All student plans will be housed in the TNPulse platform using the MTSS tab. When planning for data meetings, teams will use various sources of data including progress monitoring, progress within the intervention program, and whether their is evidence of application of skills in Tier I. Once plans have been created in MTSS, each time you have a data meeting a "plan review" will need to be completed. Navigate to the student plan and click on the "Plan Review" button. Here is a link to the directions.
We now have the ability to complete Fidelity Checks in MTSS as well. This powerpoint can guide you through the process.
Educator Spotlight
Scott Clark began working in KCS in 2003 at Powell Middle schools. He taught there for 15 years including teaching Math and Reading Intervention for 3 years. He moved to Powell High School for the next 4 years teaching yearlong Algebra with imbedded Math RTI² intervention. Currently he is in his 3rd year as an administrator at Karns High School. This year he has taken on the role of RTI² administrator and has had the privilege of working with Amy Davis (Reading RTI² teacher) and Stephanie Hayes (Math RTI² teacher).
Every 5-6 weeks they have data review meetings which include a grade level counselor, a general ed teacher, a SPED teacher, the intervention teachers, and an instructional coach. During the meetings they look at aimswebPlus data through 3 lenses:1. Are the students making progress toward their goals?, 2.Are the interventions showing a positive impact in the Tier 1 classes?, and 3. Is there other evidence of their progress in their intervention programming? Typically, one person has Aspen open, one has the intervention platform opened (PowerUp and Mathspace), and he has MTSS open on a Promethean Board. Scott is impressed with how each member of the diverse group highlights positives and discuss plans for each student. Information from these meetings are passed on the SLC’s with the goal of increasing student achievement and eliminating disparities. He works with a great team at Karns High School. Thank you, Scott, for your dedicated work with RTI².
GT Resources
GT Grouping
This graphic can help you think about students who might benefit from enrichment.
What we're listening to...
Sold a Story (includes new episodes Spring 2024)