Dear Lord,
we thank You and praise You for the most precious gift of the Holy Eucharist.
We ask You to bless all those who are preparing to receive Your Body and Blood for the first time.
You have provided for us richly through the gift of Your Body and Blood in the Eucharist.
From The Principal
Dear Families
This weekend we are celebrating the very special sacrament of First Holy Communion with our Year 4 candidates. This sacrament is a significant event in the Catholic community, particularly marking an important step in the students' spiritual journey. This joyous occasion is also just as important for our families and parish community. Thank you to our class teacher Miss Katia Pirozzi for preparing the children so beautifully, to Father Mariusz for his spiritual guidance and input and to Mrs Rita Barone who has coordinated the after event for the families. We wish you all a wonderful day on Sunday.
Over the last two weeks, many students have been involved in a variety of experiences and events. Our school Athletics Carnival was held recently and the great sportsmanship and healthy competition across all our year groups was very evident throughout the day. Special thanks must go to Mrs Basinski who prepared the students so well and organised the carnival, it ran so smoothly and turned out to be a beautiful day. Thank you also to the teachers who assisted in the set up and set down of all the equipment and to the P&F who generously gave up their time to organise lunch for everyone. We now look forward to the Interschool Athletics Carnival on Tuesday 17th September.
Over the past couple of weeks students in Years 3-6 have been studying their spelling words intently in preparation for the very anticipated Spelling Bee Competition. This week, the field was narrowed down to two students per year group who will now represent St Paul's Primary School in the Interschool competition in a weeks time. We wish all our competitors the best of luck!
The Catholic Schools Performing Arts Festival has now come to a close. Hope, Year 4, is to be congratulated and commended on her outstanding performance in the Piano Solo. Hope was invited back to perform on the final night and won the 2024 Perpetual Shield 'Sisters of Mercy West Perth Award' she performed her piece 'Toccata' (C Chaminade) with perfection. Congratulations Hope on your amazing talent!
It was great to see so many families at the Open Classroom night! We have now officially blessed the crucifixes and the newly refurbished classrooms. The evening presented an opportunity for families from across the school to visit other classrooms and to view the amazing works from all our students. It was a lovely evening and we thank you all for the great community vibe and positive feedback to the teachers and also congratulations to our very talented students!
Class Planning 2025
To allow us plenty of time for future planning, please inform the school Administration in writing before the end of Term 3, if your child will not be returning in 2025.
Enjoy the coming fortnight and we wish you all a very happy holiday as the school term comes to an end on Friday 20th September. Classes return as normal for Term 4 on Monday 7th October. Term 4 is already proving to be a very busy term, including extra activities such as Edu Dance and Swimming lessons.
Take care everyone and enjoy the break.
Conduct Statement 4
Conduct Statement 4: You conduct yourself in accordance with laws, agreements, policies and standards relevant to your relationship with the school community.
1. Your relationship with other members of the school community is defined by whatever written or verbal agreement has given rise to that relationship. If you are a member of staff, it is your employment agreement. If you are a parent or acting in a parental capacity, it is the student’s enrolment agreement. If you are a member of the school board, it is your school board constitution. If you are a visitor, it is in accordance with the permission of the Principal to be on school grounds on condition that you act safely and competently.
2. If you witness the unlawful or unsafe conduct of any other member of the school community, or breaches of policy or this Code, whether in teaching, administration, school support services, or while engaging with students in person or via digital or other media, you have both a responsibility and an obligation to notify such conduct to the Principal or an appropriate authority and take other action as necessary to protect students.
3. Where you notify the Principal or a delegate of unsafe conduct, including breaches of this Code, and that notification fails to produce an appropriate response in the circumstances, you may take the matter to an appropriate external authority.
4. You respect both the person and property of students and their families, and of other members of the school community, and the property and finances of the school.
5. You use school property and resources responsibly and for the purposes of the school.
Staff Example of Specific Behaviours but not limited to: • Staff to follow all procedures and protocols as stated in the Staff Handbook and Policies
• Returning school property to correct location in good condition and notifying the appropriate person of any issues.
Students Example of Specific Behaviours but not limited to:
• Adhere to Bullying policy
• Students adhere to classroom and school rules.
• Respect all school property.
• Returning school property to correct location in good condition and notifying the appropriate person of any issues.
Volunteers Example of Specific Behaviours but not limited to:
• Returning school property to correct location in good condition and notifying the appropriate Safe School Framework person of any issues.
Important Dates
Grandparents are welcome to attend our special Grandparents Morning on Friday, 25th October. The morning will commence with a special Grandparents Prayer Assembly at 8.50am, followed by morning tea and an opportunity to visit classrooms. The Book Fair will also be open in the Library!
It would be greatly appreciated if families could please bring a plate (slice or cupcakes) to share. Please extend the invitation to all our St Paul's grandparents!
September Rice Appeal
In September, we are supporting Vinnies by collecting jars of pasta sauce. If you can contribute, please deliver the sauce to the office. Please ensure that the sauce has an expiration date of at least six months from now.
Thank you for your generosity!
Clubs 2024
Tennis Club
Tennis lessons will also be offered on Tuesday mornings from 7.30am - 8.30am as well as Tuesday afternoons.
Chess Club
Chess Club takes place each Monday morning from 7.30-8.30am. Students from Years 1-6 are invited to attend.
Dr Mark Castalinelli, Mr Steve Heley and Mrs Joanna Walsh.
Location: 7 Learoyd Street, Mount Lawley WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9462 6000