Bulldog Bulletin

Aug. 1, 2024 - 1st day update
Welcome Back!
It's been a great first day in the DAWG House!
Our number one priority is ensuring the safety of our students!
Tons of paperwork, OH MY!
Please return all paperwork sent home from the school as quickly as possible. Emergency consent cards (yellow cards) and Nurses' Clinic cards (white cards) should be returned tomorrow. Please review the CCSS Middle School handbook and BMS expectations document with your student and return the last page signed to the school by Monday.
Phone numbers and Addresses
Please ensure that your student knows his/her phone number and address in the event that they may need it. Thank you.
Breakfast/Lunch Accounts
Go to https://www.schoolcafe.com/coweta to put money on your child's account if he/she eats at school or if you would like to complete a free/reduced lunch form. Please use your student's STUDENT NUMBER in Infinite Campus to create your account if you have not already done so.
Thank you for helping us ensure the safety of our students. We are asking that starting Monday, students who bring water bottles to school only bring clear non-metal/aluminum, etc. type bottles that close completely to ensure that they do not spill in our hallways and classrooms or damage our floor.
Ice Cream
We will begin selling ice cream Monday, Aug. 5th during lunch. The cost of ice cream is $1.50.
Please be patient with us as we dismiss today. Dismissal times will take longer than normal the first couple of days of school.
Thank you for a fantastic first day of arrival in the car lane! As a reminder, all cars should pull forward to the 3rd flag in the car lane (see below). Students should be prepared to get out of the right door of the car once the car has pulled forward and completely stopped. If you drop off in the far lane, students should go to the middle lane and walk to Coach Crosby. Coach Crosby will hold the students until all cars have stopped and then signal for the students to cross over to the front doors of the school.
Afternoon announcements begin at 3:25 each day.
Car riders will be dismissed after announcements are finished.
6th grade students will be dismissed approximately one minute before 7th and 8th grade students are dismissed at the beginning of the school year.
Students will line up at the front part of the sidewalk to look for their cars.
As students exit the building, they need to begin looking for their cars and can load up.
Students will be allowed to load between as far back as the light pole with the red banner..
Once all of the students have been given an adequate time to load or all cars have been loaded, the administrator will give a thumbs up signal to the front two teachers and the filled cars will begin to depart and empty cars will enter the loading zone.
At this point, teachers on the sidewalk will ensure that all students stay behind the seam in the sidewalk while cars are in motion.
Once all the cars are in the loading zone, the administrator will announce “load up” and students will be allowed to enter the cars in the loading zone. Students may NOT load a car until they are told to “load up”. Please reiterate to your students that it is extremely important that they are listening to the adults in the car zone.
Once all the cars are loaded, or students have been given an adequate amount of time to load, the signal will be given for full cars to depart and empty cars to enter the loading zone.
If a student does not see his or her car in an adequate amount of time during the loading period, the car will need to depart the loading zone and circle through the line another time so that the filled cars behind it can depart. Please speak with your student about the importance of facing forward and paying attention to where you are in the car line.
Please place a sign with your students name on it in your front windshield in the event that we need to call for your student to report to your car.
Students are NOT allowed to be picked up in the parking lot. All car riders must be picked up in the car loading area.
Parents may view bus changes and bus dismissal as they are dismissed from the school using the spreadsheet below. Mrs. Groover will highlight the bus number as it is dismissed. This spreadsheet will be updated by 2:30 p.m. each day. Please bookmark this link and refresh the page each day. You may also view this information from the BMS website by clicking on Afternoon Bus Status.
Thank you for your patience this morning/afternoon as our drivers learned new routes and assisted with pick-ups.
Counseling Information
Backpack Buddies
Backpack Buddies is a 501c3 non-profit organization created to supply economically disadvantaged children in the Coweta County School System with food for the weekend. If you are interested in signing up for the program scan the QR code below.
Kate's Club
Kate's Club is offering a weekly grief support group Bass Middle School. Kate's Club is a local non-profit organization that provides programs for students who are grieving the death of someone important to them. This group is open to students in any grade who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, grandparent, other family member, or friend. If you know of a student who might benefit, please click on the link below to complete the permission slip.