Origami Owl Jewelry Bar Fundraiser
Progressions Dance School Dance Team
If you are interested in this jewelry, you can order online using my unique code or contact me in person to get an order form. I really appreciate you considering supporting me!
Below you can see a sampling of the affordable unique jewelry. For more of their pieces, visit http://www.thegorgs.origamiowl.com/parties/SamanthaHendrix479169.
Up to 25% of all sales will be donated to the school on my behalf*
If you would like to participate in my fundraiser, you can shop online at: http://www.thegorgs.origamiowl.com/parties/SamanthaHendrix479169. Or you can ask me for an order form! The orders can be shipped all over the country once the fundraiser closes (we’ll make sure that they reach you in time for the holidays if you are ordering holiday gifts).
*25% will be donated if fundraiser reaches $1000 in sales. 20% for sales $500-$999, 15% for sales $125-$299.
Prices do not include tax and shipping. Tax will be based upon your shipping address.
Interested in joining our mother-daughter team? This student will be able to earn even more!
Dancer Info: Samantha Hendrix
6340 Nordix Drive, Warrenton, VA 20187
phendrix@greystoneusa.com, 540-841-3001
What is Origami Owl?
Origami Owl® is a social selling jewelry company started by a 14 year old, just 4 years ago! Bella wanted to earn enough money to buy a car. The Living Locket® resonated with so many people because it allowed people a way to tell their story through jewelry. The lockets open and close and you can add new charms at any time! There is the classic magnetic hinged-locket, or the faces and bases collection, allowing you to choose what kind of face you would like on your locket. There are many chains to choose from as well.
Each locket is personalized with charms, plates, dangles and tags to create a beautiful piece of jewelry, gift, or keepsake.
We all have stories to tell and my locket keeps my story close to me. Some folks like to use the lockets as a dream locket (e.g. dreaming of going to France one day) or in memory of a lost loved one, or symbolic of being a cancer survivor.
You can contact us with any questions that you have and if you are interested in hosting your own Jewelry Bar, Nicole will earn a half-price item for each date booked!
We also offer fundraisers for your favorite charity or team. You can earn up to 25% for your favorite cause. Contact us for more details!
If you aren't able to see Samantha in person, you can order online.
Curious about what Origami Owl is and how it started? Check out the video below.
Our New Fall Collections!
Our New Lanyard Lockets!
New Leather Wrap Bracelet
Origami Owl's Core Collection
New fall charms (limited edition)!
New Dangles!
New Bridal Collection!
About Us
Megan & Emma Gorg, Independent Designer #12414385
Email: gorglockets@gmail.com
Website: thegorgs.origamiowl.com
Location: 759 Gold Cup Drive, Warrenton, VA, United States
Phone: 703-304-0246
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gorglockets
Twitter: @megangorg