Hyatt Elementary
Hyatt Elementary SOARS
Staff and students reviewed our Hyatt Elementary Behavior Expectations upon returning full time face to face to remind students how to "Stay Safe, Offer Kindness, Act Responsibly & Remember Respect". Hyatt Parents and Guardians, as part of our Promoting Positive School Climate Initiative, we need your feedback! Please click on the survey link below, and be patient it takes a little bit to load. Also, please check out the link below to view our Hyatt Heroes SOAR video.
Hyatt Heros
Gearing up for Kindergarten 2021
NWEA Parent Reports
As part of our Return to School plan, we are sending an NWEA MAP Growth "Family Report" which is a summary of how your child's performing academically in reading and mathematics. The MAP Growth test adapts to your child's responses to measure your child's skill level.
Students Review SOAR Cafeteria Expectations
LCS 1:1 Initiative at Hyatt
Hyatt's First Grade Team
March is Reading Month
Parents, please see the attached pdf calendar below for March is Reading Month. We have worked together to come up with safe activities that our cohorted classrooms can participate in during the social distancing requirements. Please encourage your child to read 30 minutes every night. Gather books from home, school or online reading like Moby Max or RazKids. The more you read, the more you know!