SEL Weekly
Quote of the Week:
Self Management Lesson 2
Introduce Lesson: Say, “Today, we are going to learn about Steve and how he manages his emotions.”
Watch Video: Scenario Steve (0:58 minutes)
Reflection questions are included in the video. Be sure to pause the video at each question to allow adequate time for students to respond. Students may respond verbally in class discussion or write their thoughts on paper.
How might Steve manage his emotions?
How might Steve recognize when he is becoming upset?
Name 2-3 you do to feel better when you’re upset.
Purple UP!
Support Military Students in April #PurpleUpCCS
Worldwide, April is designated as the Month of the Military Child, and
CCS is excited about supporting more than 13,000 military-connected students across the district. As part of the Month of the Military Child, CCS has identified April 8, 2022, as “Purple Up Day.” Everyone is encouraged to wear “Cumberland Purple” attire, showing all military students that the community recognizes their tremendous service and the sacrifices they make every day.
Second Step: Every class should be completing one lesson per week (minimum).
Terrific Kids: The spreadsheet for March/April has been shared.
Character trait for March:
Fairness: To be impartial and equitable.