Gayman Gazette
February 4th Edition
Mark Your Calendar:
- Tuesday, February 4th @ 3:30PM: Musical Rehearsal - "We're in a Play"
- Wednesday, February 5th: Mustang Spirit Day
- Wednesday, February 5th @ 8:00AM: Student Council Meeting
- Thursday, February 6th @ 5:30-7:00PM: Gayman Science Fair
- Friday, February 7th: Super Bowl Spirit Day & Pep Rally
- Friday, February 7th: 2nd GR PEN Field Trip
- Friday, February 7th @ 6:00-8:00PM: GHSA VIP & Me Dance
- Monday, February 10th - Thursday, February 13th: Random Acts of Kindess Week
Monday, 2/10 - Kick Kindness Into Action: Wear silly socks & athletic gear
Tuesday, 2/11 - Be Kind to your Buddy: Make a valentine card for a friend
Wednesday, 2/12 - Show Love & Kindness: Wear pink, red, or hearts💞💗
Thursday, 2/13 - Cozy for Kindness: Wear comfy, cozy PJ's
- Monday, February 10th @ 3:30PM: Musical Rehearsal - "Pure Imagination", "Oh the Thinks", "Beauty & the Beast" and "Hola Lola"
- Tuesday, February 11th @ 3:30PM: Musical Rehearsal - "In Summer", "Sparkle", "I Won't Grow up", & "Maybe"
- Wednesday, February 12th: Town Hall Assembly
- Wednesday, February 12th @ 3:30PM: Musical Rehearsal - "We're in a Play", "Story of My Life", & "Freak Flag"
- Friday, February 14th: No School for Students (Teacher In-Service)
- Friday, February 14th @ 12:00-4:00PM: GHSA Blood Drive
- Monday, February 17th: CBSD Closed (Presidents Day)
Quick Links in this Gazette:
Support Student Council's "Soup"er Bowl Collection!!
Mustang Spirit Day - TOMORROW!
Super Bowl Spirit Day! 🏈
Gayman Science Fair:
Projects may be brought to school TOMORROW, February 5th, from 4:00 P.M. until 5:00 P.M.
Please enter through the doors under the Gayman Elementary School sign peak and you will be directed as to where to take your child’s project.
*If your child signed up for the Science Fair and has decided not to participate, please email Mrs. Costello at jcostello@cbsd.org so that we can plan accordingly.
Thank you!
Let's Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week!
2-Hour Delay for Snow:
As we are now into the winter season...
If there is inclement weather in our forecast, then there may be a 2-hour delay. Should that occur, please plan for the following schedule:
- Grades 1-6: 10:35AM - 3:15PM
- AM Kindergarten: 10:35AM - 12:20PM
- PM Kindergarten: 1:30PM - 3:15PM
School Closings:
Any additional inclement weather days will be Flexible Instruction Days (FID). So, now is a good time to locate the FID books that were sent home with each family at Back to School Night. There are two books inside a blue drawstring bag with your child’s name on it.
For additional information about FID Days, please click on the link below:
- General Information can be found about Flexible Instruction Days here: Flexible Instructional Day (FID) / Home
- If your child’s FID book has been misplaced, the content can be located here: CBSD FID Workbooks
Label... Label... Label...
As we are now into Winter and more of our students are wearing jackets and other outside winter gear, please consider labeling your child's things with his/her name.
Our "Lost and Found" area is adding sweatshirts, jackets, and hats, every day. Encourage your child to check for their missing items.
Save the Dates!
Important CBSD Information
February Edition of CBSD's Food Services Newsletter by Aramark:
Waffles meet pizza in the most delicious way possible! In this edition of "The Feed," a food services newsletter from Aramark, get the inside scoop on the February limited-time-only item: the sweet and savory Pizza Waffalaco!
Also read heartwarming stories from holiday events in the CB community and learn about school lunch vs. packed lunch. Read the newsletter.
Please Remember to Pay Lunch Balances:
Many students across the district currently have negative balances in their lunch accounts. We ask all parents and guardians to please check their MySchoolBucks account to view their balance and, if negative, to please make a payment. Even if you pack a lunch for your child(ren), they still may be purchasing cafeteria items.
To make a payment: Log in to MySchoolBucks and click MAKE A PAYMENT. Click CAFETERIA MEAL PAYMENT. Select or enter a payment amount. Click ADD TO BASKET. Click CHECK OUT NOW to complete the payment process.
For complete instructions on how to use your MySchoolBucks account, go to http://learnmyschoolbucks.com/Parent. You can also use MSB to monitor what your student is purchasing for breakfast and lunch and check your child(ren)'s account balance(s). If you have questions or concerns related to your child(ren)’s account(s), please call the Aramark Food Services office at 267-893-5758.
Lunch costs have increased by $.10 for the 24-25 school year.
The district is continuing to offer free breakfast!
Lunch Cost: $2.85
Create a Meal Payment Account on MySchoolBucks:
CBSD utilizes the online platform MySchoolBucks for school meal payments, making it easy to oversee a child's meal choices and maintain their account balance. It is important that an account is created for every student, regardless of whether they take part in school meals or not.
You can access MySchoolBucks to view and/or set up an account for your student(s) here.
To set up an account, you will need your child(ren)'s student identification number(s), which can be found in the Parent Portal.
Free & Reduced Lunch Information:
The application for free and reduced meal pricing for the 2024-25 school year is open. You can access the online application for Free & Reduced Meals by clicking here. The application must be submitted each year AND for each child. If your child received free or reduced lunch last year, you must re-apply for the 24-25 school year.
Learn more by visiting the full informational webpage here.
Gayman Home & School Information
6th Grade Club - February Event:
February 22nd - 6th Grade Club Event!
All 6th graders are invited to the February event at the Del-Vue Arcade Club in Lambertville on February 22nd. Del-Vue Arcade features more than 30 game machines, ping-pong, pool tables, cornhole, a photo booth and more.
For 90 minutes, 6th graders will have the place to themselves!
For details and to sign up now, click here.
VIP & Me Dance:
We can't wait to see everyone who RSVP'd for the dance THIS FRIDAY, February 7th at 6pm for a fun filled family dance.
Friendly Reminers:
- All students must be accompanied by an adult!
- Gayman students only!
- Doors will open at 6pm
- Dress to impress!
- Fun music to dance the night away.
- Photobooth to create memories.
- Light refreshments available and a candy bar for the kids!
If you signed up to donate water or candy please send in or drop off by February 5th. If you signed up to donate cookies or brownies, please send in or drop off on February 7th by 2pm.
Blood Drive:
Gayman Home and School is proud to sponsor our next blood drive with the American Red Cross on February 14th from 12:00-4:00PM. An estimated 38% of Americans are eligible to give blood or platelets, but of those less than 10% actually donate each year. If you are healthy and eligible, come out to donate.
All who come to give Jan. 27-Feb. 28, 2025, will receive a $15 e-gift card to a merchant of choice. For details, visit RedCrossBlood.org/Flurry.
To donate SIGN UP HERE! Search "Gayman" and then select a time that works for you.
Calling All 6th Graders:
Would you like to design the cover for your LAST Elementary School Yearbook? It is time for our Yearbook Cover Design Contest!
Yearbook Design Contest - February 3rd - February 19th (6TH GRADERS ONLY!)
- Yearbook Cover Design Contest for ALL 6th graders. Your design could be on the cover of the yearbook. The theme is "TAG - Teamwork, Attitude, Gratitude"!
- Guidelines: Use an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of White Paper for design, bright colors, and write your name on the back of design
- Timeline: Feb 3rd - February 19th to design and SUBMIT
- Voting: February 21st
- How to Submit: Email your high resolution JPG to TracyDDiCanto@gmail.com OR drop off to the main office at school
*See attached flyer for more details*
Order Your Yearbook:
It is time to order your GAYMAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL yearbook!
School Passcode: 10157566069198
Yearbook costs $21.60 and includes 2 CUSTOM PAGES for FREE.
These pages are printed only in your yearbook. You can add more custom pages, each additional 2 pages is $.99.
All orders must be placed by April 21st.
Bingo fun with Howdy Hudak!! 🤠
Tech Tip Tuesday:
Learn more about the organization in this video: https://www.waituntil8th.org/our-story
School reminders that will remain in all issues of the Gazette.
Attendance Information:
All absences must be entered through the Parent Portal.
Click here for more information, including directions on how to upload a student absence: Managing Student Attendance.
CBSD wishes to remind families of important information regarding attendance. Pennsylvania's school laws, like Act 138 of 2016 and the updated Act 16, outline what is required for mandatory school attendance and procedures to follow when students are absent or late. Learn more.
Early Dismissal for Appointments:
Student dismissal begins promptly at 3:15PM.
If you need to pick your child up early for an appointment, please pick them up no later then 2:45PM. After 2:45PM, your child can be dismissed with the other walkers, bus riders, and car riders in his/her classroom to ensure a safe and efficient dismissal for everyone. Thank you!
Volunteering & Clearance Information:
To volunteer at a class party or chaperone a field trip, your clearances must be up-to-date & on file with Central Bucks School District.
If your clearances are current, upload them into the App Garden - Volunteer Tracker. If your clearances have expired, or you need to begin the clearance process, click on the Required Documents for the directions. For more information, consult the Human Resources Volunteer Required Paperwork webpage.
Registration Open for 2025-26 School Year:
Families of students who will be eligible for kindergarten in CBSD in 2025-26 are now able to register online. Families of students in any grade who will be new to CBSD in the 2025-26 school year are also able to register. Learn more about registration here and start a new registration application here.
Cell Phones, Smart Watches, & Personal Devices:
At Gayman, the use of student cell phones/SMART Watches/personal devices in school is prohibited. As a reminder, these devices are to be silenced and remain in backpacks during the school day. If communication is needed, it will take place with the support of the school office during the school day.
Please be sure to share these expectations with your child as this policy will be enforced by teachers/staff in coordination with District Board policies and our student handbook.
Stay Connected:
District & Community Events
Gayman Elementary School
Shawn Ortman, Principal
Jennifer Snyder, Assistant Principal
Jennifer Costello, Office Administrative Assistant
Website: https://www.cbsd.org/gayman
Location: 4440 Point Pleasant Pike, Doylestown, PA, United States
Phone: 2678934350
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/516165478928057
Twitter: @CBGaymanES