Seesaw @ Conferences
How might Seesaw be used during conferences?
In this flyer, you'll find information and resources on using Seesaw at Parent/Teacher Conferences. With a Seesaw for Schools subscription, you have access to features within Seesaw that could be utilized during this time.
Private Parent/Teacher Folder
Did you know you can create private folders in Seesaw? You could create a folder for students to upload artifacts to that could become discussion points at conferences. Information shared in the folder could include some of the following:
- I think I am good at.... (Artifact and/or student video)
- I think I could get better at.... (Artifact and/or student video)
- Something I want to make sure you know is...
- Math focused item showing work
- Literacy focused item showing work
- Behavior self-reflection activity
- Thank you note/video for coming to my conference.
Other ideas can be found HERE.
HERE is a 30 minute webinar on using Seesaw during conferences.
Seesaw Going Public - Bulletin Board
So much of what goes on Seesaw doesn't "go public" and is only seen by the teacher, student, and family of said student. However, some work that students do should be praised by the masses! Below are a few ideas on how to bring Seesaw into our school by utilizing the bulletin board in the entry.
- "We are THANKFUL for Engaged Families" - QR codes that lead to videos of students commenting on how much it means to them to be able to share their work with their important adults.
- "We are THANKFUL to be BOBCATS" - QR codes that lead families to videos from students telling why they are thankful to be Bobcats or their favorite thing about being a Benton Bobcat.
- "We are PROUD Bobcats" - QR codes that lead families to videos or artifacts that students have posted of WOW work.
Encouraging Words
We know that we have to make the most out of our limited face-to-face time with parents. Below are some points to consider addressing while parents are with us.
- Encouraging note/video from parent to child
- Information on how to give feedback to child on Seesaw using comments feature.