
Letter From Our Administration
October 3, 2024
Dear Families,
My mother saved my 6th-grade report card. At the time, I didn't realize that she saved it. Honestly, it never occurred to me it was worth saving. In fact, until I became an administrator, I believed it should have been destroyed, burned at the stake, or buried beneath the rubble of the Loma Prieta earthquake. When my mother moved to Colorado in the late 90s, she arrived with the “special treasures” of my childhood. And passed them on to me...to clutter my basement.
Before transitioning the treasures to the recycling bin, I rifled through them to see if there was anything worth keeping. I came across my 6th grade report card, and instantly, I found myself in Mr. B's class.
Not my best year.
Likely my worst experience as a student ever.
Emotions clogged my throat and filled my eyes.
I called my mom. I choked on the tears, shocked by my reaction, and asked her why on earth she saved the symbol of my childhood failures. Without hesitation, she said, "Because I knew you would need it one day."
“As what, kindling?" I retorted immediately.
She encouraged me to keep it but gave her blessing to destroy it. She would just "Be disappointed" if that was my decision.
Knife to the heart.
The fear of disappointing others is my Achilles’ Heel.
I kept it.
Literally, for years.
After a particularly discouraging day in my first year of administration at SkyView, I took seven laps around the building to think. I found myself struggling to connect with a student who was struggling emotionally and academically. I attempted and failed to establish trust. As I trudged around the halls, I remembered my report card. I returned to my office, packed up, and headed home to find it.
The next day, I brought the student to my office and acknowledged that I was struggling to find ways to support him. I asked him why he thought that was the case. He immediately said, “Because you know everything. There is no way you could ever understand me.”
I handed him my report card and said, "Look at the highlighted grades in math. What do you see?"
He opened the report card, examined the grades, and looked up in shock.
"Geez, Mrs. Worley, you were really stupid."
Realizing what he said, he looked at me in horror. He stammered to find a way to take back what he said.
I smiled and said, "I know. Can you believe they put such an idiot in charge of middle school?" I followed up with, "Seriously, though. Aren't you impressed that I earned a D AND an F?"
Having access to that report card allowed me to connect with not only that student but many more since. I use it all the time. If you ever need to see it, stop in. I'd be glad to show it to you.
In advance of conferences, I respectfully ask you to consider your position on grades. Am I asserting that I want students to earn Ds and Fs?
Absolutely not.
I am asserting, however, that I don't want grades to define our scholars. Nor do I want your scholar’s grades to define you.
I want grades to allow us to identify areas of necessary growth and improvement. If that means there are a few undesired Ds and Fs along the way, so be it. They will survive, and so will you.
As we approach Parent/Teacher conferences, please reflect on the following questions:
Why is it important to me for my student to have A’s?
What do I believe about myself as a parent if my child doesn’t have A’s?
What is my greatest fear if my child earns a D or an F?
Honored to Serve You All,
Janet Worley
Important Dates
Upcoming Dates
October 4th: PreK-8th Dress of Choice
October 4th: Picture Retakes
October 4th: Homecoming Bonfire
October 5th: Homecoming Dance
October 7th: DIG Pink Day | Wear Pink in Honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October 7th: High School Senior Meeting With Josten's
October 8th: Middle School/High School Fall Choir Concert
October 9th: High School PSAT/NMSQT
October 9th-10th: Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 10th: High School College Fair
October 11th: Teacher Comp Day | No School
October 14th-18th: Fall Break
Important Updates
Safety Drill | Friday October 4th
SkyView Academy, in partnership with DCSD Safety and Security and the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department, will be conducting a safety drill on Friday, October 4th, starting at 2:30 pm. All staff and students will be participating in the drill. Please ensure that you drop off or pick up your student by 2:15 pm on the 4th, as access to the building will be restricted during the drill, which may last until 3:15 pm.
Dig Pink Day | Support Breast Cancer Awareness
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, please join the HS Volleyball Teams, SVA Staff, and Faculty DIG PINK, on Monday, October 7, 2024. PS-12th Students are encouraged to wear pink in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. PS/ES/MS Students who opt out of this event will proceed with their SVA uniform.
PreK and Elementary Families
Field Day FUNdraiser Final Results!
Thank you to everyone for your support in this great endeavor. Every person's contribution helped us make and surpass our goal!
Thank you again for your generous, generous contributions. You are the driving force in helping us smash these goals!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ms. Harrison
Lower School Principal
Field Day was a blast for all!
Thanks to everyone who came out to watch and help! It was a great day.
Middle School Students & Families
Homecoming is this Saturday Night!
October 5th from 7:00-10:00 PM.
Drop off and pick up at the North entrance.
Buy your tickets here.
Hawks of the Month
Students are nominated each month by teachers for their demonstration of positive choices and qualities aligned with the school's mission and vision and Character Counts pillars.
Colorado College Application Days
Thank You Parents!
Shout Out to Our Parents!
Thank You's and Appreciation
Jill Gildehaus thanks Angela McDaniel for: Angela is a rock star t-shirt guru! Thanks for making such amazing t-shirts for our Specials team and for making a vinyl sign to go on my wall - thank you! I am so excited to encourage my students to be their best. "We don't do average, we do AWESOME!" Thank you Angela!
Jill Gildehaus thanks Matt and Kammy Witulski for: The Witulski family purchased flexible seating stools for the Music room. We are using them while playing drums, ukuleles, and xylophones. The students are loving the seating options. Thank you Witulski's!
Volunteering Above and Beyond
Allison Caudle says: Thank you to each and every parent that has shown up for the first month of school duties! We love to have you for lunch and recess duties. Our traffic runs smoother when you are here! Thank you and we look forward to seeing you again soon!
Allison Caudle says: Thank you to every parent who purchased items from our Wish List for the High School Back to School Dance and Homecoming! Your generosity was out of this world! We can’t wait for the students to dance the night away, all thanks to your support.
Current Needs
“Click Away” Hours: $20 = 1 Volunteer Hour
Multicultural Night - October 21st
Hearing/Vision Screening - November 12th
Hearing & Vision Screening - November 13th
Elementary Lunch
Elementary Recess
Middle School Lunch
News and Events
Submit Your Apple Award Nominations!
The Foundation for Douglas County Schools continues it's tradition of honoring exceptional educators and staff who are inspiring a love of learning in students and are trailblazing extraordinary innovation in our schools. Nominate your favorite staff member today!
Help NHS and Backpack Society Give Back at Trunk or Treat!
Participate in a reverse trick-or-treat with SVA's NHS and BackPack Society! Bring one or more items on the flyer below to the NHS station at SVA's Trunk or Treat on October 30th.
Join One of Our Exciting Clubs!
Elementary students, there are many fun and exciting clubs happening this fall, including robotics, KidStage, Chess Wizards, and Destination Imagination. Check out our Clubs page to find out more information!
High school and middle school are updating their clubs regularly. Check out this page to see the latest and greatest of what SVA is offering!
Dance Club, Fashion Club, Fiber Arts Club, Blackjack Club, FCA, Literary Magazine Club and so much more! There is something for everyone!
Shop our 50% off Sale of Pre-Owned Uniforms!
Tuesday, October 8th to Wednesday, October 9th
8:30 - 9:30 AM
2:15 - 4:00 PM
(pausing from 3:15 - 3:40 for middle and high school students)
Small selection of pre-owned spirit wear will be available but not included in the sale!
*Please bring your own shopping bag if needed!*
DCSD Diwali Event
Do you celebrate Diwali (pronounced “Dee-wall-ee”). “What’s Diwali?” The Diwali holiday is a Festival of Lights, and it’s celebrated by more than a billion people in India and around the world. DCSD is celebrating Diwali too, and you’re invited to join the fun! RSVP Required.
The Parent Connection Association Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month
The Parent Connection Association seeks to be a supportive community present in all schools in the Douglas County School District. We wish to celebrate Hispanic culture and guide families to have the confidence that their children will have the necessary tools to eliminate the barriers that could prevent them from achieving success.
Please Check the Lost and Found
SVA maintains a lost and found bin at both the east and north entrances of the school. SVA recommends that students check it periodically for lost clothing or belongings.
DCSD Bond Initiative
SkyView Academy will benefit directly if this measure passes since every charter school in the district is able to add capital priority needs to the DCSD master capital plan.
Discover A New Side of SkyView!
Meet Kelly Roach
Read about one of our Fifth Grade Teachers, Kelly Roach here!