Eagle Edition

Glennwood Elementary ~ Where Learning Takes Flight
Holly Brookins, PhD, Principal ~ Summer Clayton, Assistant Principal ~ Jill Tolsma, Instructional Coach
Email: hbrookins@csdecatur.net
Location: 440 East Ponce de Leon Avenue, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404.370.4435 * Website * Facebook
Calendar of Events
August 12-23
STAR Early Literacy Testing Window
Thursday, August 15
PTA Spirit Night at Cremalosa
Friday, August 23
1st Community Circle - Ms. Jones' Class Hosting
(All Families Invited)
Saturday, August 24
PTA Romp and Read
GL Playground - 10:00-11:00 am
Wednesday, August 28
Early Release Day at 12:50 pm
Thursday, August 29
PTA General Meeting - 5:30-6:00 pm
Curriculum Night - 6:00-7:15 pm
Monday, September 2
Labor Day Holiday (No School)
Where Learning Takes Flight
August Design Principle: The Responsibility for Learning
"The price of greatness is responsibility."
~Winston Churchill
Hello Glennwood Families,
We have had a great week SOAR-ing at Glennwood! Thank you so much, parents, for your encouragement and for helping your students be prepared for school as they learn the new routines this school year.
Reminder: CSD is Moving from MAP to STAR Assessment
Next week we will begin STAR Assessments. This testing replaces MAP testing. Students will be testing on the classroom Chromebooks with their homeroom teacher. Here are more details:
All CSD Pre-K through grade 12 students will take the STAR assessment instead of the MAP for the 2024-25 school year. The STAR assessment will be administered three times per year, beginning August 12 and then again in December and May. See frequently asked questions about STAR here.
The Teaching and Learning Department will host an informational webinar to provide an overview of STAR and discuss score reports on Tuesday, September 17, 6 p.m. Join the webinar here.
Additional resources:
To learn more about STAR, click here.
STAR vs. MAP? View a research study on score correlations here.
Thank you to everyone who has completed their Annual Data Update. We are at 82% completion! If you haven't already, please take a moment and review and update your child and family's information as soon as possible so we have the most current data. Here's how:
The Annual Data Update for returning CSD families is open and update was due on July 30! The ADU is how families verify or update critical communication and health information, and do sign-offs for the handbook and code of conduct. Please visit https://www.csdecatur.net/adufor more information, or log in directly to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Help make OUR school the first to reach 100% completion! If you need assistance accessing the Parent Portal, click Login Help at https://www.csdecatur.net/adu or contact our school manager Michelle Reynolds at mreynolds@csdecatur.net.
Warmest regards,
Holly Brookins, Ph.D.
Welcome to the Glennwood Media Center
SOAR-ing eagles are READING eagles! Our mission is to build a learning community of effective users of ideas and information. This mission is accomplished by:
- Promoting reading and encouraging a lifelong appreciation of books
- Providing access to a variety of materials and technology leading the community to information literacy
- Creating authentic and diverse learning experiences through collaboration and planning that will increase student achievement goals and support the school improvement plan
Students participated in media center orientation this week, and we discussed what makes a great library patron. Please read the patron agreements below and review them with your child.
Kindergarten students will practice checking out books next week and will check out to the classroom first. After a few weeks, once they learn this responsibility well, they will begin taking library books home.
Parents may also sign up to be library patrons and check out up to five books at a time. If you are interested in becoming a patron, please email: Anne Dishman, our media clerk at adishman@csdecatur.net to sign up, and she will give you more information.
We are once again able to open the library for after-school hours. Students are welcome to visit and check out books after school when accompanied by a parent/caregiver on Tuesdays through Thursdays until 3:30 pm.
Birthday Book Fundraiser for the Media Center
In your child's folder TODAY, you will receive information about participating in the Birthday Book Program fundraiser for the media center. This is a special way to honor your child on their birthday and also help the library grow its collection of books. Forms and payment are by Friday, August 23. Thank you for supporting the Glennwood Media Center!
Help Stock the Staff Break Room
Sign up here to help our Staff Appreciation committee stock the Glennwood break room. Please deliver the donated items to Ms. Reynolds between August 19-20th. We will clean and stock the lounge on August 21st.
If you prefer to donate funds to help, the PTA is also collecting monetary donations here. Please add a note that your donation is for 'Staff Appreciation' and we'll take care of it for you. If you have any questions, please reach out to Samantha Bryan or Huichuan Hoges (staffappreciation@glennwoodespta.com). Thank you!
PTA Corporate Sponsorships
If you are a Glennwood Elementary parent, friend or relative and your place of business would like to become a corporate sponsor for our school, we would love to have your support! Funds raised through corporate sponsorships benefits students, teachers and the entire school. This is also great exposure and advertising for your business. Visit GlennwoodPTA.PTBoard.com for details.
Join the PTA Committees
We are currently looking for volunteers for the following roles:
Committees (sign up to volunteer)
Fundraising Coordinator
Events Volunteer Coordinator
Lost & Found Coordinator
Room Parent Coordinator
Room Parents (sign up to volunteer)
The GL School Leadership Team (SLT) will hold an election for one open parent position for the 2024-2025 school year.
The Glennwood Elementary School Leadership Team (SLT) is an elected committee consisting of Glennwood parents/guardians, staff members, a community member, and a district representative. The purpose of the SLT is to make decisions that support the continuous improvement of the school in accordance with the provisions of the District Charter. This year we will have ONE parent vacancy on the SLT and will have the SLT election in late August. If you are interested in filling one of the vacancies, please complete this form. If you have any questions regarding the SLT, feel free to contact Dr. Brookins at hbrookins@csdecatur.net.
Current representatives:
Dr. Holly Brookins (GL Principal)
- Summer Clayton (Assistant Principal)
- Amelia Copp (Staff)
- Susanna Shewan (Staff)
- Leslie Sessley (Parent)
- Matthew Pearl (Parent)
- Emily McDowell (Parent)
- Heather Harris (Parent) - Rolling Off
Thank you to Heather Harris for volunteering your time and serving on the SLT! We appreciate you.
Please complete the form if you are interested in running for the open parent position! Elections will be completed during the first few weeks of school. More info to come!
The Decatur Bulldog Boosters Presents the First-Ever CSD Mascot Run
Join the Decatur Bulldog Boosters at the DHS football home opener on Friday, August 9, for the first-ever CSD Mascot Run! Mascots from CSD schools will face off in a halftime competition to be the 2024 CSD Mascot Run Champion. All current and future Bulldogs are invited to come out to support their school's mascot and cheer on the Decatur Bulldogs tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at the Decatur HS stadium! Long-time Decatur Bulldog Booster sponsor Keller Knapp Realty will give away cowbells for fans. Find out during halftime which CSD school mascot has what it takes to bring home the winning hardware!
News from the CSD Transportation Department
If your address qualified for transportation for the 2024-25 school year, you received an email from the City Schools of Decatur transportation department on Monday, July 15. Route information is now available on the CSD website.
This year, the CSD transportation department is introducing two new tools to enhance services. Both tools have been tested and are ready for use during the upcoming school year.
- The Stopfinder app will replace the Here Comes the Bus app for real-time tracking of buses during pickup and drop-off. Please note the Here Comes the Bus will no longer be accessible.
- Infofinder i is a link that will replace the Can You Ride app, assisting families in locating student bus stop locations, stop times, and bus numbers.
To find your student's bus stop location, stop time, and bus number, please click theInfofinder i link. After locating this information, please confirm your choice to use the bus for transport by completing the Registration form.
How to use Infofinder i:
(Please Note: No student information is available through this site.)
1. Enter the physical address, including the house number
2. Select the student's school and grade level, or select All
3. Click on the search button
4. Click on the black plus sign to view information for your nearest bus stop location, bus stop times (morning and evening), and the bus number
If you need help finding your student's bus stop location or require further assistance determining the correct stop, contact the transportation department at 470-237-0368 ext. 7603.
How to use the Stopfinder App:
When school begins, the Stopfinder app enables the tracking of buses in real time. We invite you to activate your subscription and view details about your student's transportation using these steps:
Follow this link to activate your subscription: https://app.stopfinder.com/activation?guid=7745e4bf-a1f9-437e-abd9-921778812fb0&email=mreynolds%40csdecatur.net
Download the Stopfinder app iPhones or Androids.
Additional Reminders:
Please ensure your student is at the bus stop 10 minutes before the scheduled arrival time. During the initial weeks of school, pickup and drop-off times are approximate and may require adjustments. Timing will become more consistent as the school year progresses.
For safety reasons, the bus driver will not drop off a student below second grade at a bus stop without the presence of a parent, guardian, or older sibling.
If you need any assistance with the Stopfinder App, please reach out to us at stopfinder@csdecatur.net.
Contact us at routefinder@csdecatur.net if you have any routing concerns.
Thank you for your attention. We look forward to partnering with you to ensure efficiency and safety in CSD school bus transportation.
2024-25 Early Release Days
Reminder! City Schools of Decatur's first Early Release Day is Wednesday, August 28, 2024. Here is the schedule of release times by school level:
Pre-K: 12:15 PM
Lower Elementary: 12:50 PM
Upper Elementary: 12:15 PM
Middle School: 1:45 PM
High School: 1:35 PM
College Heights: (0-3 and the Pre-K program will remain on the normal schedule)
The remaining early release dates are listed below:
Friday, September 20, 2024
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Friday, November 22, 2024
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Wednesday, April 30, 2025
Mark Your Calendars! CSD Programs Overview Virtual Meeting
Save the date for a virtual meeting to learn more about the following support programs and services available to CSD students:
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
Gifted and Talented Services
ESOL and Federal Programs
504 and Psychological Services
Professional School Counseling
Behavior Support
School Social Work
Special Education
Click here to submit your questions about the Programs Overview before Thursday, August 29, 2024, at 4 p.m. A meeting link will be provided closer to the meeting date.
New 2024-25 Superintendent's Student Advisory Council Members Needed
Applications for the 2024-25 Student Advisory Councils opened in the Student Launchpad on Wednesday, July 31. The Superintendent's Council allows students to meet each other and discuss matters affecting their education with Superintendent Dr. Whitaker. Additionally, there will be opportunities for students to share creative ideas, concerns, or suggestions for improving our district. The application deadline is Wednesday, August 14, at 5 pm.
The application requires a Google account to enable students to upload submissions. While student CSD Google accounts are preferred, any Google account will access the form. Please contact your school's media specialist if support is needed to access the CSD Google account. Students may also access the application here using their Google account.
Elementary Orchestra Registration Open for Grades 3-5
Registration for Elementary Orchestra is now open for all 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. Click here to register your child for class. Registration closes Aug 14, 2024, or once we reach class capacity.
Rock Out with DEF at Battle of the Bands!
Join Decatur Education Foundation for a brand new community event! Head to Legacy Park on Friday, Sept. 6th, from 5-9 pm for a fun family evening of live music and community! City Schools of Decatur community circle bands will bring the tunes – you bring your school spirit! The school with the largest percentage of representation will win a music grant for their school ... along with a trophy and bragging rights, of course! We’ll have food vendors and sweet treats to supplement your picnic. Adults are $10, and KIDS ARE FREE! Get tickets here: https://decatureducationfoundation.org/def-events/battle-of-the-bands/
*If cost is an issue, please email Drew@DecaturEducationFoundation.org.