September Newsletter
September 3, 2024
Principal's Post
A message from the Principal
Happy September Families!
We are so excited for this upcoming month. We have a lot of great events and activities planned for both you and your children.
- Picture Day is coming up! Students are not required to wear a uniform on this day, however they must wear CE Rose appropriate clothes for pictures (please no ripped jeans, midriffs, tank tops, or spaghetti straps.
- Parent Teacher Conferences: September 18th- 20th Please make sure to schedule a conference with your child's teacher (you may reach out to them to schedule another day if the dates listed above are not available) to learn about their academic progress as well as other information that will support your child at school.
- Please join us for our book fair the week of the 16th-20th, more information to come.
- Last year we held a Literacy and Safety Night, we were able to share important information to help parents and students protect their children from online predators, drugs, and much more. We plan to hold another event from 5:00-7:00pm on Tuesday September 24th. At this important session, you can get information regarding drug prevention, online safety, literacy and more.
- Quarterly District Testing: Towards the end of the month, we will begin our quarterly benchmark testing for our students. Students will be tested on learned concepts for this quarter. With this being said, it is extremely important that students are at school and on time.
- Attendance: We have begun an attendance challenge at our school, where students will help chart daily attendance. We want our students to be at school. If they aren't at school, they aren't learning and we need to ensure they are prepared for state tests at the end of the year, which determines if they will be able to continue to the next grade level. We need your help. If students are sick, please call in their absence and make sure to bring in a doctor's note if their absence exceeds 3 days. I do plan to follow up with families regarding attendance concerns and issues.
We need your support to help our school and students succeed!
Thank you!
Mrs. Carmona-Alday
What's Happening this month
What's Happening This Month:
Sept 2nd: No School - Labor Day
Sept 3rd: Scooter Races - Best Classroom Attendance
Sept 5th: Classes with Least Tardies Celebration
Sept 6th: Ping Pong & Pizza with the Principal
Sept 6th: Leader of the Month
Sept 9th: Picture Day - No Uniform
Sept 9th: 21st Century Begins
Sept 16th-20th: Book Fair
Sept 18th-20th: Parent/Teacher Conferences
Sept 23rd: Benchmark Testing Begins (2nd - 8th Grades)
Sept 24th: Literacy - Safety Night 5:00-7:00pm
Sept 26th: Cafecito with the Principal 4:00pm
Sept 26th: PTSA 5:00pm
Birthday Celebrations
We will celebrate birthdays and special events the last Wednesday of every month. Celebrations will be between 1:00-1:30pm on Wednesdays. If your child has a birthday in that month and you would like to bring a healthy snack/treat/goodie bag. All items must be store bought. We will deliver items to the classroom.
For this month, please plan on September 25th.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences
September 18th-20th
Early Dismissal
Kinder - 6th Grade: 11:40
7th - 8th Grade: 12:40
We will be having Parent/Teacher
Conferences from Sept. 18th-20th. Please sign-up with your child’s teacher for a
conference and make sure you pick up your child on time.
Dress Down Days
Dress Down
Sept 11th & 25th
Students must arrive on time (8:25) to participate and pay $1.00
Must wear CE Rose appropriate clothing (no ripped jeans, crop tops, spaghetti straps or leggings).
All funds go to PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association), monies are used for different events at our school such as Field Days, Testing Snacks, and Teacher Appreciation and much more.
Thank you.
Other Important Information
Site Council
Our School Site Council meets once every quarter. At our first meeting this school year, this past Thursday, the Site Council voted on a few items that will support our students and staff:
1) Purchase of more walkie talkie radios for student and staff safety.
2) After school program Stories that Soar which will have an emphasis on theater and writing and will be a part of our 21st Century Program.
3) Stories that Soar In-School program, which will work with grades 3rd-5th on writing and theater during students' specials time (Counseling, Library, PE, Stories that Soar), will be offered once our proposed request is approved by the district.
All monies used are from our school tax credit monies. Tax credit monies can be used for extra-curricular programs, programs that we don't have during the regular school day, and other items that are not used for instructional purposes in the school day.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mrs. Carmona-Alday (Principal) or Ms. Faviola Dojaquez (Office Manager) for more information.
Thank you!
Volunteering is as easy as one, two, three!
New this year for Parents/Guardians:
Per TUSD HR expectation, to ensure safety of our students, ALL parent and non-parent volunteers must complete or update their application each school year.
- Please contact the CE Rose office staff to establish a volunteer opportunity prior to filling out this application.
- HR will review your submitted application and work with your selected school to authorize volunteer work to begin.
Volunteer applications may take 2-3 weeks to approve prior to volunteer work beginning. For non-legal guardians, authorization is hindered on completion of a background check. Please stay alert to your email and for questions, please contact the Human Resources team.
Leader in Me
Habit 2- Begin with the End in Mind: I have a plan!
I set goals for myself.
I have a plan for how I will accomplish my goals.
I think about what I want to be when I grow up and how I will get there.
C.E. Rose
Mrs. Carmona-Alday
Website: https://rosek8.tusd1.org/
Location: 710 West Michigan Drive, Tucson, AZ, USA
Phone: 5209084400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ceroseschool